Climate Change and the Arctic
S - Arctic Adaptation Planning
S - Arctic Impacts
S - Permafrost Impacts
N - Arctic Impacts
N - Glacier Impacts
N - Permafrost Impacts
Arctic Impacts
How well have the models dealt with arctic ice?
2014 Francis_Rapid Arctic Warming and Wacky Weather
2014 Thomas_Linkages between arctic warming and mid-latitude weather patterns
2015 Wilhite_Implications of a changing Arctic on water resources and agriculture in the Central U.S.
2017 Cvijanovic_Future loss of Arctic sea-ice cover could drive a substantial decrease in California's rainfall
2018 Stroeve_Changing state of Arctic sea ice across all seasons
2016/3 Arctic Sea Ice Extent Threatening to Set Record Low
2016/5 Even for the fast-melting Arctic, 2016 is in ‘uncharted territory’
2016/6 Arctic Could Be "Free" Of Sea Ice This Year Or Next
2016/6 Low ice, low snow, both poles
2016/6 Record Greenland Melting Caused by Surprising Feedback Loop
2019 GIF Arctic sea ice minimum extent
Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis
Climate Change Indicators: Antarctic Sea Ice
Climate Change Indicators: Arctic Sea Ice
Climate Change Indicators: Arctic Sea Ice
2016/7 Is it time to freak out about the Arctic?
2015 Age of March Sea Ice in the Arctic 1987-2014
2015 Arctic Report Card 2015
2015 Wadhams_The Arctic sea ice is going!
Arctic Report Card 2016
Arctic Sea Ice Death Spiral 2018 update
2016 Arctic sea ice hit "lowest maximum extent" in 2015
2021 September Arctic sea ice under 5 scenarios
Arctic sea ice
Arctic Sea Ice
Arctic temperature change
Greenland Ice Melt
Loss of arctic ice
Antarctica is gaining ice
Its happening faster than the IPCC anticipated