Headings - News and Opinion
N - Psychology of Climate Change
News Stories | Blogs
Deep Adaptation and Climate Fatalism
Overcoming the Psychology of Climate Change
Why So Little Progress on Climate Change
N - Decisionmaking Cognitive Biases
N - Deep Adaptation
N - Greenwishing - Climate
N - Willful Blindness
2012/3 Getting Real About It: Meeting The Psychological And Social Demands Of A World In Distress
2001/9 The psychology of denial - our failure to act on climate change
2008/6 The myth of apathy
2009/10 Psychology - the missing link in the climate change debate
2018 Climate Conversations S3:E1The Psychology of Learning to Change
2011/3 Silence and Denial in Everyday Life
2011/4 The Psychology of Environmentalism: How the Mind Can Save the Planet
2011/5 Coming out of the closet: My climate trauma (and yours?)
2011/10 Your brain won't allow you to believe the apocalypse could actually happen
2011/11 What it Means to be Green
2012/2 The psychology of overwhelm Why understandingit is the first step
2012/3 Cultural Cognition - Interview with Dan Kahan
2012/4 Conservative Politics, 'Low-Effort' Thinking Linked In New Study
2012/7 We’re All Climate-Change Idiots
2012/8 Climate Change Idiots
2013/4 Emotional resilience: compassionate approaches to loss
2013/6 Psychological Thresholds for Climate Change
2013/8 The Battle Over Global Warming is all in Your Head
2013/9 The real reason we haven't taken action on climate change? We're wired not to
2013/9 To Fight Climate Change, We Need to Curb Our Anxiety
2014/2 Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, sadism.
2014/5 Why we couldn't care less about the natural world
2014/6 The Hot New Frontier of Energy Research Is Human Behavior
2014/7 10 reasons to be hopeful that we will overcome climate change
2014/9 After Sustainability, by John Foster
2014/11 Your brain on climate change: why the threat produces apathy, not action
2015/1 Can Psychotherapy Help Stop Climate Change?
2015/1 How to Con Your Future Self into Following Through on New Year's Resolutions
2015/2 Mapping the Shadow of Extreme Weather Experience
2015/2 Religious Leaders Confronting Climate Change
2015/4 Swinging Between Optimism and Pessimism on Climate Change
2015/4 The 5 psychological barriers to climate action
2015/4 The 5 psychological barriers to climate action
2015/5 The Great Grief: How To Cope with Losing Our World
2015/7 The rise of nudge – the unit helping politicians to fathom human behaviour
2015/9 Climate change becomes a matter of mental health
2015/9 This Is Your Brain On Climate Change
2015/11 In Climate Change, Psychology Often Gets Lost in Translation
2015/11 Psychology’s Role In Addressing Environmental Problems
2016/1 Doing business in a post-Paris world
2016/1 The “Other Side” Is Not Dumb. – Sean Blanda – Medium
2016/1 Why Psychology Should Be A Part Of The Fight Against Climate Change
2016/2 A talking cure for climate-based depression? It worked for Renee Lertzman
2016/3 Ways of not knowing: The forms of denial
2016/4 How Infographics Reveal Your Brain’s Blind Spots
2016/4 Why we fear spiders more than climate change
2016/6 Battling evolution to think long term about climate change, autonomous cars, sharing economy
2016/6 The world has the right climate goals — but the wrong ambition levels to achieve them
2016/7 The Climate Anxiety Doctor Is “In”
2016/8 Is it useful to think of climate change as a “world war”?
2016/9 How do we get off fossil fuels when we’ve always feared change?
2016/9 Risk is Worse When You Can't See It
2016/10 Future - How liars create the ‘illusion of truth’
2016/10 Trust Issues in the Climate Change Debate (And How Culture Can Help)
2016/11 Climate change support group launches
2016/11 How to stay sane in the face of climate change – ThinkProgress
2016/11 Using psychological insights in politics: can we do it without calling our opponents mental, hysterical, or stupid?
2016/12 How to Convince Someone When Facts Fail
2016/12 It's time to get personal about climate change
2017/2 Climate Change Is Giving Us 'Pre-Traumatic Stress'
2017/3 20 Things You Can Do to Get Your Mind Around Climate Change
2017/3 Why We Believe Obvious Untruth
2017/4 Your Hunch was Wrong Intuition Ins't Inborn After All
2017/5 You probably have eco anxiety. You just don’t know it
2017/6 In Climate Change, Psychology Often Gets Lost in Translation
2017/7 An Ecopsychological Understanding of Depression
2017/7 Our Aversion to Doom and Gloom Is Dooming Us
2017/7 Our Minds Have Been Hijacked by Our Phones. Tristan Harris Wants to Rescue Them
2017/7 Why are we ignoring the climate risk alarm bells?
2017/7 Why Are Americans So Afraid?
2017/8 Hyperbolic Discounting Why you make terrible life choices
2017/8 Why We Are Naively Optimistic About Climate Change
2017/9 Climate anxiety doesn’t have to ruin your life. Here’s how to manage it.
2017/9 Is climate change driving you to despair?
2017/9 Simulating The Bodily Pain Of Future Climate Change
2017/9 Why the wiring of our brains makes it hard to stop climate change
2017/10 Climate Change and the Human Mind: A Noted Psychiatrist Weighs In
2017/11 What, Me Worry? Humans Are Blind to Imminent Environmental Collapse
2018/2 Four Lessons Psychology Teaches Us about Inspiring Climate Action
2018/2 Psychology Lessons On How To Inspire Climate Action
2018/2 Why We're Hard Wired for Denial When It Comes To Climate Change
2018/3 About half of Americans don’t think climate change will affect them
2018/3 We Need Courage Not Hope to Face Climate Change
2018/4 Why it’s as hard to escape an echo chamber as it is to flee a cult
2018/6 Experts are starting to tackle dealing with climate change anxiety
2018/6 How our brains process scary climate change news
2018/8 The Best Medicine for My Climate Grief
2018/8 The Problem With The New York Times' Big Climate Story
2018/8 What Wildfires Do to Our Minds
2018/9 Scientists on emotional responses to climate risks » Yale Climate Connections
2018/10 A Philosopher invented a word for the psychic pain of climate change
2018/10 Climate Change A Tale of Two Narratives
2018/10 Don't despair: the climate fight is only over if you think it is
2018/10 Growing 'ecological grief' is the mental health cost of climate change
2018/10 How to reject 'climate porn' and reach 'climate acceptance'
2018/10 If you’re suffering from climate grief, you’re not alone
2018/10 Why It's Hard To Change Minds About Climate Change
2018/10 Why People Aren’t Motivated to Address Climate Change
2018/11 Mind Over Chatter: Exploring Climate Psychology
2018/11 The science of self-care: How climate researchers are coping with the U.N. report
2018/12 Here are 24 cognitive biases that are warping your perception of reality
2019/1 Everything is not going to be okay How to live with constant reminders that the Earth is in trouble
2019/1 In despair over climate change? Try ‘active hope’
2019/1 It's Time to Talk About Ecological Grief
2019/1 Need help coping with climate change? Try knitting
2019/2 Hope Changes Nothing
2019/2 Should Therapists Treat Climate Change Denial As A Psychological Disorder?
2019/2 Why We Stink at Tackling Climate Change
2019/3 Good News! No Need to Have a Mental Breakdown Over 'Climate Collapse' - Hit & Run
2019/3 Sleepwalking into a crisis!
2019/3 Solve for Y, When X Is Too Tough?
2019/3 The Psychology of Climate Change: Why Feelings Matter
2019/6 A Solution to Climate Change Part 1
2019/6 Climate Change and Storytelling - Narratives and Cultural Meaning in Environmental Communication
2019/6 Experts are starting to tackle dealing with climate change anxiety
2019/6 Facing the Climate Emergency: Grieving The Future You Thought You Had
2019/6 Is climate change causing us to experience ecological grief?
2019/7 'Climate Despair' Is Making People Give Up on Life
2019/7 Beyond Denial and Despair – Why Speculative Futures is Key to Climate Action
2019/7 Despairing about the Climate Crisis? Read This.
2019/7 Discussing global warming leads to greater acceptance of climate science
2019/7 It’s the End of the World as They Know It
2019/7 What shapes your beliefs about the climate crisis? It’s not just left vs. right.
2019/7 You need to stop feeling guilty about climate change
2019/8 How to cope if you have eco-anxiety due to climate change
2019/8 Our brain needs a critical upgrade on climate change
2019/8 The Case for Climate Rage
2019/8 The end times are here, and I am at Target
2019/8 Why Your Brain Can’t Process Climate Change
2019/9 'I'm having a hard time coping with scary climate news. What should I do?'
2019/9 Hard-wired to ignore the climate crisis?
2019/10 Environmental Scientists Want Help Coping With Their Grief
2019/10 Stressed about climate change? Eight tips for managing eco-anxiety
2019/10 The harm from worrying about climate change
2019/10 Three Bad Things Regarding a Climate Change Timeline and Its Effects on Humanity
2019/11 Apocalypse Got You Down?
2019/11 Psychologists from 40 countries pledged to use their jobs to address climate change
2020/1 How scientists are coping with ‘ecological grief’
2020/2 Opinion: Psychologists important role in the face of climate change
2020/3 How Kids Are Coming of Age in the Era of Eco-Anxiety
2021/2 Climatologist Michael E Mann: 'Good people fall victim to doomism. I do too sometimes'
2021/2 Got Climate Anxiety? These People Are Doing Something About It
2021/3 Occam’s Razor for the Planet
2021/8 How to stop climate change despair, according to one expert
2021/8 Why we shouldn’t give in to climate despair
2021/11 Got Climate Doom? Here’s What You Can Do to Actually Make a Difference
2021/11 How sharing and learning from failures can transform conservation (commentary)
2021/11 Top climate scientists are sceptical that nations will rein in global warming
2014 Why society is failing to stop global warming, in one 90-second video