Headings - Topical Sources
S - Business Use of Offsets
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
S - Offsets as Aviation Mitigation Strategy
2016 Zelljadt_Offsetting in the aviation sector Evaluating voluntary offset programs of major airlines
2017 Becken_What role for offsetting aviation greenhouse gas emissions in a deep-cut carbon world?
2003 EPRI_Incorporating Offset Projects Into Corporate GHG Strategies
2007 Coulter_Carbon reductions and offsets - making activities effectively carbon neutral PPT
2008 IETA_Offsets Position Paper
2008 Stuart_Why Bother with CDM and Project Mechanisms
2010 Climakind_Voluntary Carbon Offsetting Branding your business as environmentally concerned PPT
2010 Mair_Exploring air traveler voluntary carbon-offsetting behaviour
2011 DHL Go_Green Program_
2011 Googles Carbon Offsets
2011 Jacobsen_The Al Gore effect: An Inconvenient Truth and voluntary carbon offsets
2011 Satoh_A Scheme for Carbon Offsetting Products and Services
2012 Carbon Trust_Making the business case for a carbon reduction project
2012 Dodds_Industry perspectives on carbon offset programs in Canada and the U.S.
2013 Chen_The intention and determining factors for airline passengers' participation in carbon offset schemes
2013 Chen_The intention and determining factors for airline passengers’ participation in carbon offset schemes
2014 McLennan_Voluntary carbon offsetting: Who does it?
2016 Bailis_Supply and sustainability of carbon offsets and alternative fuels for international aviation
2016 Goldstein_Buying In: Taking Stock of the Role of Offsets
2017 ICROA_Business Leadership on Climate Action Drivers and Benefits of Offsetting
2020 NCI_Climate Responsibility Report 2020
2021 CC_Climate Insurance Your guide to carbon credits and investing in the net zero generation
2021 IPIECA_The Role of Carbon Offsets in GHG Mitigation and Enhanced Ambition
2021 McKinsey_Putting Carbon Markets to Work on the Path to Net Zero
2021 NCI_Climate Responsibility Report 2021
2021 Rosales_Voluntary Carbon Markets in ASEAN Challenges and Opportunities for Scaling Up - Copy
2022 EPRI_Exploring the Role of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Offsets to Achieve Corporate Decarbonization Goals
2022 EY_Essential expensive and evolving: The outlook for carbon credits and offsets
2022 Roemer_Offset or reduce How should firms implement carbon footprint initiatives
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