Headings - Extracted Materials
E - Carbon Pricing Coverage
Extracted Graphics | Extracted Ideas
2011 Infographic - Carbon price - key figures (Australia)
Visualizing Carbon Pricing GIF to 2017
2009 The progression of carbon pricing
2013 Existing, Emerging and Potential emissions trading programs
2015 Global coverage is increasing quickly
2015 Overview of existing and emerging carbon pricing instruments
2016 4 carbon pricing scenarios for 2030
2016 4 Carbon pricing scenarios for 2020
2016 Carbon price and emissions coverage across the board
2016 Carbon pricing initiatives, with sectoral and GHG coverage
2016 Chronology of compliance carbon instruments
2016 Compliance based carbon pricing instruments
2016 Growth in number of carbon pricing initiatives
2016 Summary of carbon pricing initiatives
2017 Carbon price and emissions coverage of implemented initiatives
2017 Carbon price, share of emissions covered, and revenues of implemented initiatives
2017 Carbon pricing - use of revenues
2017 Carbon pricing by country and percentage of global emissions
2017 Carbon pricing implementation timeline
2017 Carbon pricing in numbers: international carbon pricing initiatives
2017 Carbon pricing initiatives implemented or scheduled for implementation with sectoral coverage and GHG emissions covered
2017 Features of carbon prices in 2017
2017 Map of explicit carbon prices around world in 2017
2017 Number of countries including price mechanisms in their INDC submissions and ratification status
2017 Regional, national, and subnational carbon pricing initiatives: share of global emissions covered
2017 Share of global emissions under a carbon price
2017 Snapshot of the status of carbon pricing
2017 Summary map of regional, national, and subnational carbon pricing initiatives implemented, scheduled, and under consideration
2019 Carbon price, share of emissions covered, and carbon pricing revenues of implemented initiatives
2019 Regional, national, and subnational carbon pricing initiatives: share of global emissions covered
2019 Sectoral coverage and GHG emissions covered by carbon pricing initiatives implemented or scheduled
2019 Summary map of key carbon pricing initiatives in Canada
2019 Summary map of regional, national, and subnational carbon pricing initiatives implemented, scheduled, and under consideration
2020 Annual number of issuances by crediting mechanism for 2015-2019
2020 Annual number of projects and issuances of covered crediting mechanisms for 2002-2019
2020 Carbon price and emissions coverage of implemented carbon pricing initiatives
2020 Carbon price, share of emissions covered, and carbon pricing revenues of implemented initiatives
2020 Carbon pricing initiatives implemented or scheduled for implementation, with sectoral coverage and GHG emissions covered
2020 Carbon pricing initiatives implemented, scheduled for implementation, and under consideration as of 2020
2020 Issuance volumes in ktonCO2e by sector and type of mechanism for 2015-2019
2020 Objectives for implementing an internal carbon price
2020 Prices in implemented carbon pricing initiatives as of April 2020
2020 Share of global emissions covered by carbon pricing initiatives
2020 Status of net zero CO2 emissions targets by country
2020 Status of regional, national, and subnational crediting mechanisms
2021 Pilot countries - status market-based instruments
2021 Portion of global emissions covered by carbon pricing schemes
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