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C - Cognitive Decisionmaking Cartoons
2013 History of the climate change debate
Acting now vs. later
Always look on the bright side
Because ignorance is bliss
Because we haven't evolved to worry about climate change
Because we're addicted to the status quo
Business as usual it is!
Can't trust forecasts
Climate change challenges the economic status quo - C
Cognitive dissonance
Cognitive dissonance
Cognitive dissonance and climate events
Cognitive Dissonance
Corporate whining
Dead ends don't exist (for fossil fuels) - C
Doing good
Don't get out of the way
Economic suicide leap
Embrace economic outcomes - C
Energy sector cognitive dissonance
Financial self-interest
Financial self-interest cartoon
Focus on the big picture!
Focusing on what's most important
Fox News
How constructive discussion works in your head, but . . - C
I'll do what it takes
Ignorance is bliss!
In one ear . .
It's a trick!
It's in my backyard!
It's us!
No human evidence
Optimism bias - overestimating our chances of success
Other people's CO2 emissions
Outrage overload
Ozone hole
Profits are all the matter
Quick, talk yourself out of it!
sea level rise
teach the right thing
The action gap
The Climate March
The importance of core beliefs
The stages of inaction
The working of "confirmation bias"
The workings of "optimism bias"
There are cognitive barriers
There are so many self-interests - C
Thinking about future risk
To the victor go the spoils of history
U.S. vs. China
We expect win-wins! - C
We're doomed, but it will be profitable
We’re the boiling frog
What we really care about
What we really care about
Who wants change?
Willful blindness
Willful blindness!
Yes, climate change is an opportunity!
2013 System 1 and system 2 thinking
C - Communications
A confederacy of dunces
As we sow, so shall we reap
Blaming climate change for everything
Buy a snorkel
Carbon footprints lemming footprints
Challenges of flu decision making
Choices at the pump
Climate contrarian risk management
Climate evidence vs. the bible
Climate MadMen
Climate response tipping points
Climate risk is very hard to communicate - C
Debating global warming
Deciding how to respond
Deniers logic
don't look down
Everyone else is wrong, what's to argue about
Give me gossip, not information!
Go back we fucked everything up
Gore hypnosis
Groundhog day for guns
How constructive discussion works in your head, but . . - C
I'll do what it takes
Information overload firehose
IPCC Messaging
It's a trick!
It's cold today - global warming is a hoax
Key components of the climate change denial machine
Key disagreements through history
Lack of media coverage
Media bias
Media coverage
Never change your mind
Politicians mischaracterizing science
Repent your carbon sins
Setting up a balanced climate discussion - C
Teaching alternatives to evolution
Teaching evolution
the importance of perspective
the scientific method
The facts are not enough
The hopelessness of scientific literacy
The Media
The problem of big data dashboards
The truth must be in the middle
There is much work to do
tidal waves start small
We both know we're right
What a balanced debate would look like - C
What America cares about!
What arguments generally come down to
What if we solve climate change and it was a hoax?
You told me it wasn't real!
2021 Only 0.17 Percent of Peer-Reviewed Papers Question Global Warming
SLR and fires cartoon
C - Doubting Climate Change
A boiling frog
Because we haven't evolved to worry about climate change
book burning
Can't question the truth
Carbon markets crashing
Cartoon- it's the scientists
Catastrophic global warming predictions
Climate change challenges core political beliefs
Climate doubt cartoon
Climate models - C
Climategate won't go away
Dead ends don't exist (for fossil fuels) - C
Dilbert cartoon - climate denier
Economic suicide leap
Financial self-interest (the skeptics view)
Forecast climate but not the weather? (cartoon)
Fox News
Frightening the public
Gore hypnosis
Gore Kool-Aid
Groundhog day (cartoon)
gw 7
Has it occurred to you you might be wrong?
Heartland billboard
IPCC decision-making
ISIS vs. climate change
It snowed in Boston!
It's a trick!
It's all global warming
It's all Global Warming's Fault
It's always climate change
It's cold
It's snowing
Just Tax It
Leonardo diCaprio
marriage of climate and science
Measuring the right timeframe
Mounting evidence against climate science
Obe Wan Kenobe on climate change
Offsets as Toilet Paper
Predicting the future
science education
Sea Level Rise
Skeptical freethinkers just want to have a debate
the communicating power of snow
The action gap
The book of Al Gore
The climate record through a skeptic's lense
The global threat of our time
The global warming did it
The ice age is back
The importance of core beliefs
The irony of sea ice
The Limits of Good Intentions
The problem of denial
The problem with wind energy
The real threat
The risks of pipelines
The scientific method
The worst hurricane you remember
We can handle the skeptics
what a fraud!
What interests climate skeptics?
What's happening in Antarctica
Willful blindness
You can always find a dissenting voice - C
Climate models are warmer than reality
Climate models wrong again
Freeman Dyson on climate change
E - Adaptation Top Level
2018/2 Funding the Fight Against Climate Change
2019/3 Infographic: Climate Finance in 2018
Infographic - CCORAL - Caribbean Climate Online Risk and Adaptation tool
Infographic - Climate Vulnerability Monitor
Infographic - prepare to adapt - White House
Infographic - Protecting Our Receding Coral Reefs
Infographic - The Point of No Return - How the World is Adapting to Climate Change
E - Adaptation - Other
E - Adaptation Barriers
E - Adaptation Beliefs
E - Adaptation by Geography
E - Adaptation by Sector
E - Adaptation Definitions
E - Adaptation in Cities
E - Adaptation Limits
E - Adaptation Markets
E - Adaptation Planning
E - Adaptation Policy
E - Adaptation Scenarios
E - Adaptation Through Insurance
E - Adaptation to Sea Level Rise
E - Business Resilience/Adaptation
E - Climate Engineering Extracts
E - Communicating Adaptation
E - Evaluating Adaptation
E - Federal Adaptation Planning
E - Mitigation Adaptation Interactions
E - Resilience
E - Vulnerability Assessments and Action Plans
Adapt to What? The Weather? Which Scenario? Assumptions? When? Level of Risk?
It's a trick!
5. “Risk Disk” graphic depicts three pathways by which risks posed by climate change can affect business
6. Future vs. current vulnerability, and where adaptation fits
200X What Are Adaptive Responses?
2007 The playoff of adaptation and mitigation for decisionmakers
2008 Areas for business action on adaptation
2009 An agriculture based example of how adaptation policies and measures filter down from national to farm
2010 AU Survey results - adaptation activities reported by respondents
2010 AU Survey results - is adaptation a cost or a benefit?
2010 AU Survey results - motivation for adaptation activitiy
2010 Countries are leasing land abroad for food production purposes
2010 The business case for business adaptation effort?
2011 The Navy's climate change risk assessment process
2012 Adaptation in Health
2012 Adaptation in Natural Ecosystems, Agriculture, and Coastal Zone
2012 Adaptation in Water Resources, Infrastructure
2012 How does the private sector fit into adaptation solutions?
2012 Private sector actions across the three spheres
2012 Swiss Re roadmap and business case for adaptation funding
2014 Adaptive capacity wedges
2014 Adaptive capacity wedges for ag sector
2015 Top Donors and Recipients of Adaptation Funding
2016 Estimated cost of natural disasters of 2012 in U.S.
Adaptation from individual to global scale
Adaptation Is a Nested Process
Adaptation limits
Adaptation may or may not work for crops
Adaptation under uncertainty is certainly doable
Adaptive management from flood risk
Adopting a risk-based approach
An integrated approach to coastal resiliency
Attractive adaptation options can mitigate risk increases
AU Survey - organization types mapped by prevalence of vulnerability and adaptation planning
AU Survey result - why vulnerability or adaptation needs not addressed
AU Survey results - Adaptation priority areas
AU Survey results - how convinced are you about CC?
AU Survey results - how important is CC to your organization?
AU Survey results - what variables are associated with vulnerability assessment?
b. Trends in Google Searches: Climate Change Adaptation
Based on private sector market assessment
Business Adapt Tool Sector Module - Food, Beverage, Agriculture
c. The significance of this shift depends on the "why" underlying the shift
Challenges of defining and achieving adaptation success
Climate change vs. maximum speed species can travel
Climate proofing the planet
Coping Capacity, World Risk Index global charts
E - Adaptation Economics
Economically attractive adaptation measures
Floating buildings
G - Adaptation Economics
Geographic diversity of adaptive capacity within Australia
How much climate change damage can be averted by adaptation 2030
How to talk about adaptation
Hydro Quebec modeling shows that adaptation planning can increase output
Is adaptation incorporated into organizational policies?
McKinsey Gulf Coast adaptation curve
Natural Infrastructure at a glance
New flood barriers
New seawalls in the Maldives
Nonstructural and floodproofing measures at a glance
Other adaptation measures looked at qualitatively
Possible resilience and adaptation action, many no-regrets
Resource Need vs. availability to protect ports
Risk vs. sustainability
San Francisco has been thinking ahead re SLR scenarios
Sebastian model roughly models protection requirements
SPM.1. Approaches to adaptation and vulnerability/exposure reduction
Storm surge barriers
Structural measures at a glance
Summary of energy-relevant impacts, challenges, opportunities
The adaptation process
The Analytics for Adaptation are Increasingly Available
The business value chain encompasses risks and opportunities
The concept of landscape scale non-structural adaptation
The economic case for preparedness - NYC wastewater
The IPCC scenarios used in the TAR and FAR
The notion of climate compatible development, and the difficulty of characterizing what's what
The timelines of weather and climate forecasting
Top-down vs. bottom-up approaches to adaptation
Topographic maps are a lot less accurate than LIDAR maps
Very good series of graphics of how the Netherlands is adapting to SLR and river flooding risks
With more understanding we can prepare
Without studying risk, what are we adapting to?
Wrap-Up Thoughts
1. There's a lot of activity on adaptation
1. What is Adaptation?
2. Companies are adapting to the weather, not climate change
3. Are we placing a big bet on the "predict then act" approach to adaptation planning?
4. Will adaptation be "mainstreamed" in such a way as to "disrupt" an adaptation market?
Adaptation has very different cognitive characteristics, and therefore faces different barriers
Adaptation is agnostic
Adaptation is autonomous
Adaptation is effective
Adaptation is local
Adaptation is proportional
Adaptation will certainly be important, but it can't be "the" answer
Are we running away from mitigation, as opposed to embracing adaptation?
Mitigation vs. adaptation
Why adaptation will be our primary response
E - Challenges of Climate Decisionmaking
E - Decisionmaking Barriers
E - Wicked Problems
Climate risk is very hard to communicate - C
It's a trick!
There are cognitive barriers
There are so many self-interests - C
We expect win-wins! - C
2013 System 1 and system 2 thinking
The problem of timing, with much of the benefit coming after 2050.
There are the economic externalities
Willful Blindness - We're happy to not see
Our search for patterns undercuts risk management efforts
The commonly cited reasons
2013 History of the climate change debate
Acting now vs. later
Always look on the bright side
Because we're addicted to the status quo
Choices at the pump
Climate change challenges the economic status quo - C
Climate change is a hoax
Climate evidence vs. the bible
Climate summit 2035
Debating global warming
Doing good
Don't get out of the way
Don't worry be happy
Don't worry, be happy
Easter Planet
Energy sector cognitive dissonance
Financial self-interest
If we're wrong, we'll apologize.
Ignorance is bliss!
In case of global warming
It used to be cold
It's a trick!
Key disagreements through history
Offsets as Toilet Paper
Planetary suicide
Quick, talk yourself out of it!
Rubes - The titanic as climate adaptation
Telling kids the truth about climate change
the Titanic and climate change
The beauty of markets
The beauty of shareholder value
The importance of core beliefs
The working of "confirmation bias"
There has to be a better way!
We’re the boiling frog!
What do I eat now?
Willful blindness
Willful blindness
Debating causation vs. correlation
Science isn't the decision-making driver it once was
Individual Cartoons
It's a trick!
C - Cognitive Decisionmaking Cartoons
2013 History of the climate change debate
Acting now vs. later
Always look on the bright side
Because ignorance is bliss
Because we haven't evolved to worry about climate change
Because we're addicted to the status quo
Business as usual it is!
Can't trust forecasts
Climate change challenges the economic status quo - C
Cognitive dissonance
Cognitive dissonance
Cognitive dissonance and climate events
Cognitive Dissonance
Corporate whining
Dead ends don't exist (for fossil fuels) - C
Doing good
Don't get out of the way
Economic suicide leap
Embrace economic outcomes - C
Energy sector cognitive dissonance
Financial self-interest
Financial self-interest cartoon
Focus on the big picture!
Focusing on what's most important
Fox News
How constructive discussion works in your head, but . . - C
I'll do what it takes
Ignorance is bliss!
In one ear . .
It's a trick!
It's in my backyard!
It's us!
No human evidence
Optimism bias - overestimating our chances of success
Other people's CO2 emissions
Outrage overload
Ozone hole
Profits are all the matter
Quick, talk yourself out of it!
sea level rise
teach the right thing
The action gap
The Climate March
The importance of core beliefs
The stages of inaction
The working of "confirmation bias"
The workings of "optimism bias"
There are cognitive barriers
There are so many self-interests - C
Thinking about future risk
To the victor go the spoils of history
U.S. vs. China
We expect win-wins! - C
We're doomed, but it will be profitable
We’re the boiling frog
What we really care about
What we really care about
Who wants change?
Willful blindness
Willful blindness!
Yes, climate change is an opportunity!
2013 System 1 and system 2 thinking
C - Communications
A confederacy of dunces
As we sow, so shall we reap
Blaming climate change for everything
Buy a snorkel
Carbon footprints lemming footprints
Challenges of flu decision making
Choices at the pump
Climate contrarian risk management
Climate evidence vs. the bible
Climate MadMen
Climate response tipping points
Climate risk is very hard to communicate - C
Debating global warming
Deciding how to respond
Deniers logic
don't look down
Everyone else is wrong, what's to argue about
Give me gossip, not information!
Go back we fucked everything up
Gore hypnosis
Groundhog day for guns
How constructive discussion works in your head, but . . - C
I'll do what it takes
Information overload firehose
IPCC Messaging
It's a trick!
It's cold today - global warming is a hoax
Key components of the climate change denial machine
Key disagreements through history
Lack of media coverage
Media bias
Media coverage
Never change your mind
Politicians mischaracterizing science
Repent your carbon sins
Setting up a balanced climate discussion - C
Teaching alternatives to evolution
Teaching evolution
the importance of perspective
the scientific method
The facts are not enough
The hopelessness of scientific literacy
The Media
The problem of big data dashboards
The truth must be in the middle
There is much work to do
tidal waves start small
We both know we're right
What a balanced debate would look like - C
What America cares about!
What arguments generally come down to
What if we solve climate change and it was a hoax?
You told me it wasn't real!
2021 Only 0.17 Percent of Peer-Reviewed Papers Question Global Warming
SLR and fires cartoon
C - Doubting Climate Change
A boiling frog
Because we haven't evolved to worry about climate change
book burning
Can't question the truth
Carbon markets crashing
Cartoon- it's the scientists
Catastrophic global warming predictions
Climate change challenges core political beliefs
Climate doubt cartoon
Climate models - C
Climategate won't go away
Dead ends don't exist (for fossil fuels) - C
Dilbert cartoon - climate denier
Economic suicide leap
Financial self-interest (the skeptics view)
Forecast climate but not the weather? (cartoon)
Fox News
Frightening the public
Gore hypnosis
Gore Kool-Aid
Groundhog day (cartoon)
gw 7
Has it occurred to you you might be wrong?
Heartland billboard
IPCC decision-making
ISIS vs. climate change
It snowed in Boston!
It's a trick!
It's all global warming
It's all Global Warming's Fault
It's always climate change
It's cold
It's snowing
Just Tax It
Leonardo diCaprio
marriage of climate and science
Measuring the right timeframe
Mounting evidence against climate science
Obe Wan Kenobe on climate change
Offsets as Toilet Paper
Predicting the future
science education
Sea Level Rise
Skeptical freethinkers just want to have a debate
the communicating power of snow
The action gap
The book of Al Gore
The climate record through a skeptic's lense
The global threat of our time
The global warming did it
The ice age is back
The importance of core beliefs
The irony of sea ice
The Limits of Good Intentions
The problem of denial
The problem with wind energy
The real threat
The risks of pipelines
The scientific method
The worst hurricane you remember
We can handle the skeptics
what a fraud!
What interests climate skeptics?
What's happening in Antarctica
Willful blindness
You can always find a dissenting voice - C
Climate models are warmer than reality
Climate models wrong again
Freeman Dyson on climate change
E - Adaptation Top Level
2018/2 Funding the Fight Against Climate Change
2019/3 Infographic: Climate Finance in 2018
Infographic - CCORAL - Caribbean Climate Online Risk and Adaptation tool
Infographic - Climate Vulnerability Monitor
Infographic - prepare to adapt - White House
Infographic - Protecting Our Receding Coral Reefs
Infographic - The Point of No Return - How the World is Adapting to Climate Change
E - Adaptation - Other
E - Adaptation Barriers
E - Adaptation Beliefs
E - Adaptation by Geography
E - Adaptation by Sector
E - Adaptation Definitions
E - Adaptation in Cities
E - Adaptation Limits
E - Adaptation Markets
E - Adaptation Planning
E - Adaptation Policy
E - Adaptation Scenarios
E - Adaptation Through Insurance
E - Adaptation to Sea Level Rise
E - Business Resilience/Adaptation
E - Climate Engineering Extracts
E - Communicating Adaptation
E - Evaluating Adaptation
E - Federal Adaptation Planning
E - Mitigation Adaptation Interactions
E - Resilience
E - Vulnerability Assessments and Action Plans
Adapt to What? The Weather? Which Scenario? Assumptions? When? Level of Risk?
It's a trick!
5. “Risk Disk” graphic depicts three pathways by which risks posed by climate change can affect business
6. Future vs. current vulnerability, and where adaptation fits
200X What Are Adaptive Responses?
2007 The playoff of adaptation and mitigation for decisionmakers
2008 Areas for business action on adaptation
2009 An agriculture based example of how adaptation policies and measures filter down from national to farm
2010 AU Survey results - adaptation activities reported by respondents
2010 AU Survey results - is adaptation a cost or a benefit?
2010 AU Survey results - motivation for adaptation activitiy
2010 Countries are leasing land abroad for food production purposes
2010 The business case for business adaptation effort?
2011 The Navy's climate change risk assessment process
2012 Adaptation in Health
2012 Adaptation in Natural Ecosystems, Agriculture, and Coastal Zone
2012 Adaptation in Water Resources, Infrastructure
2012 How does the private sector fit into adaptation solutions?
2012 Private sector actions across the three spheres
2012 Swiss Re roadmap and business case for adaptation funding
2014 Adaptive capacity wedges
2014 Adaptive capacity wedges for ag sector
2015 Top Donors and Recipients of Adaptation Funding
2016 Estimated cost of natural disasters of 2012 in U.S.
Adaptation from individual to global scale
Adaptation Is a Nested Process
Adaptation limits
Adaptation may or may not work for crops
Adaptation under uncertainty is certainly doable
Adaptive management from flood risk
Adopting a risk-based approach
An integrated approach to coastal resiliency
Attractive adaptation options can mitigate risk increases
AU Survey - organization types mapped by prevalence of vulnerability and adaptation planning
AU Survey result - why vulnerability or adaptation needs not addressed
AU Survey results - Adaptation priority areas
AU Survey results - how convinced are you about CC?
AU Survey results - how important is CC to your organization?
AU Survey results - what variables are associated with vulnerability assessment?
b. Trends in Google Searches: Climate Change Adaptation
Based on private sector market assessment
Business Adapt Tool Sector Module - Food, Beverage, Agriculture
c. The significance of this shift depends on the "why" underlying the shift
Challenges of defining and achieving adaptation success
Climate change vs. maximum speed species can travel
Climate proofing the planet
Coping Capacity, World Risk Index global charts
E - Adaptation Economics
Economically attractive adaptation measures
Floating buildings
G - Adaptation Economics
Geographic diversity of adaptive capacity within Australia
How much climate change damage can be averted by adaptation 2030
How to talk about adaptation
Hydro Quebec modeling shows that adaptation planning can increase output
Is adaptation incorporated into organizational policies?
McKinsey Gulf Coast adaptation curve
Natural Infrastructure at a glance
New flood barriers
New seawalls in the Maldives
Nonstructural and floodproofing measures at a glance
Other adaptation measures looked at qualitatively
Possible resilience and adaptation action, many no-regrets
Resource Need vs. availability to protect ports
Risk vs. sustainability
San Francisco has been thinking ahead re SLR scenarios
Sebastian model roughly models protection requirements
SPM.1. Approaches to adaptation and vulnerability/exposure reduction
Storm surge barriers
Structural measures at a glance
Summary of energy-relevant impacts, challenges, opportunities
The adaptation process
The Analytics for Adaptation are Increasingly Available
The business value chain encompasses risks and opportunities
The concept of landscape scale non-structural adaptation
The economic case for preparedness - NYC wastewater
The IPCC scenarios used in the TAR and FAR
The notion of climate compatible development, and the difficulty of characterizing what's what
The timelines of weather and climate forecasting
Top-down vs. bottom-up approaches to adaptation
Topographic maps are a lot less accurate than LIDAR maps
Very good series of graphics of how the Netherlands is adapting to SLR and river flooding risks
With more understanding we can prepare
Without studying risk, what are we adapting to?
Wrap-Up Thoughts
1. There's a lot of activity on adaptation
1. What is Adaptation?
2. Companies are adapting to the weather, not climate change
3. Are we placing a big bet on the "predict then act" approach to adaptation planning?
4. Will adaptation be "mainstreamed" in such a way as to "disrupt" an adaptation market?
Adaptation has very different cognitive characteristics, and therefore faces different barriers
Adaptation is agnostic
Adaptation is autonomous
Adaptation is effective
Adaptation is local
Adaptation is proportional
Adaptation will certainly be important, but it can't be "the" answer
Are we running away from mitigation, as opposed to embracing adaptation?
Mitigation vs. adaptation
Why adaptation will be our primary response
E - Challenges of Climate Decisionmaking
E - Decisionmaking Barriers
E - Wicked Problems
Climate risk is very hard to communicate - C
It's a trick!
There are cognitive barriers
There are so many self-interests - C
We expect win-wins! - C
2013 System 1 and system 2 thinking
The problem of timing, with much of the benefit coming after 2050.
There are the economic externalities
Willful Blindness - We're happy to not see
Our search for patterns undercuts risk management efforts
The commonly cited reasons
2013 History of the climate change debate
Acting now vs. later
Always look on the bright side
Because we're addicted to the status quo
Choices at the pump
Climate change challenges the economic status quo - C
Climate change is a hoax
Climate evidence vs. the bible
Climate summit 2035
Debating global warming
Doing good
Don't get out of the way
Don't worry be happy
Don't worry, be happy
Easter Planet
Energy sector cognitive dissonance
Financial self-interest
If we're wrong, we'll apologize.
Ignorance is bliss!
In case of global warming
It used to be cold
It's a trick!
Key disagreements through history
Offsets as Toilet Paper
Planetary suicide
Quick, talk yourself out of it!
Rubes - The titanic as climate adaptation
Telling kids the truth about climate change
the Titanic and climate change
The beauty of markets
The beauty of shareholder value
The importance of core beliefs
The working of "confirmation bias"
There has to be a better way!
We’re the boiling frog!
What do I eat now?
Willful blindness
Willful blindness
Debating causation vs. correlation
Science isn't the decision-making driver it once was