Social Cost of Carbon 101
I:EconomicsofClimateChange (Deep Dive)
I:SCCSocialCostofCarbon (Deep Dive)
S - Economic Discounting
S - Evaluating SCC Estimates
S - SCC in Litigation
S - SCC in Policy
S - SCC Social Cost of Carbon
S - SCC Uncertainties
N - Economic Discounting
N - SCC Critiques
N - SCC in Litigation
N - SCC Social Cost of Carbon News
T - SCC Networks
E - SCC Social Cost of Carbon
How have SCC estimates been used in decision making
What has to go into calculating the SCC?
What was the process used to update the 2013 SCC estimates?
2011 Greenspan Bell_Social Cost of Carbon in US Climate Policy
2012 Ackerman_Climate Risks and Carbon Prices: Revising Social Cost of Carbon
2014 Hahn_Does the Social Cost of Carbon Matter Evidence from U.S. Policy
2014 Rose_Understanding the Social Cost of Carbon A Technical Assessment Executive Summary
2015 Dayaratna_An Analysis of the Obama Administration’s Social Cost of Carbon
2015 Shoaff_Incorporating the SCC into NEPA Reviews for Federal Coal Leasing Decisions
2016 Nordhaus_Revisiting the social cost of carbon
2018 Raduazo_The CO2 Monetization Gap Integrating the Social cost of Carbon into NEPA
2018 Ricke_Country-level social cost of carbon $$
2019 Trisolini_Efficiency Gatekeepers The Social cost of Carbon and Post-Trump Climate Change Regulation
2017/2 Why a climate economist is giving carbon's 'social cost' a second look
2017/3 Why the Social Cost of Carbon Is Critical for America to Make Sound Policies
2017/5 Whither the Social Cost of Carbon?
2017/10 Unpacking the Administration’s Revised Social Cost of Carbon
2017/11 Carbon’s economic damage costlier than thought based on current science
2018/9 Social cost of carbon: why climate change is a global injustice
E3 Energy and Environmental Economics
EPA Social Cost of Carbon Webpage
RFF Initiative -- Updating and Improving the Social Cost of Carbon
The Cost of Carbon Pollution
2014 Michaels_Discussing the Social Cost of Carbon
2015 Heritage_Social Cost of Carbon: A Controversial Tool for Misguided Policy
2016 Musical Scalpel_The Social Cost of Carbon
2016 Pindyck_Taxes, Targets, and the Social Cost of Carbon
2016 The Social Cost of Carbon
2010 Final analysis - SCC values at alternative discounts, and 95% percentile
2016 Range of federal SCC estimates
Revised 2013 Social Cost of CO2, 2010-2050 ($2007)
The benefit cost ratio for CO2 is huge
The social cost of carbon emissions
Ackerman, Frank - Economist (Late)
Stanton, Elizabeth
Tol, Richard
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