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Carbon Pricing TOC
I - BusinessCarbonPricingAdvocacy
I - CapandTrade
I - CarbonOffsetPrices
I - CarbonOffsetsandCarbonPricing
I - CarbonPriceCorridor
I - CarbonPriceForecasting
I - CarbonPricingandEmissionsReductions
I - CarbonPricingandTechnologyInnovation
I - CarbonPricingHistoryandTrends
I - CarbonPricingImpacts
I - CarbonPricinginScenarioPlanning
I - CarbonPricingPoliticalFeasibility
I - CarbonPricingviaCarbonMarkets
I - CarbonPricingwithComplementaryPolicies
I - CarbonTaxation
I - ClimateExactions
I - ConsumptionBasedCarbonPricing
I - CurrentDamagesasCarbonPrice
I - EvaluatingBCsCarbonTax
I - EvaluatingCarbonPricing
I - GlobalCarbonPricing
I - ImplicitCarbonPricing
I - InternalCarbonPricing
I - PolicyasCarbonPricing
I - RCCRiskCostofCarbonasCarbonPrice
I - SCCasCarbonPrice
I - SVMASocialValueofMitigationAction
I - TargetBasedCarbonPricing
I - UseofCarbonRevenues
S - Carbon Markets
S - Carbon Price Forecasts
S - Carbon Pricing Futures
S - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
S - Carbon Pricing in the Electricity Sector
S - Carbon Pricing Policy as Business Risk
S - Carbon Pricing Sources
S - Carbon Pricing System Design
S - Evaluating Carbon Pricing
S - Impacts of Pricing Carbon
S - Internal Corporate Carbon Pricing
S - National and Global Carbon Pricing
S - SCC Social Cost of Carbon
S - State and Local Carbon Pricing
S - Taxing Carbon
S - Why and How of Pricing Carbon
N - Carbon Price Forecasting
N - Carbon Pricing Advocacy
N - Carbon Pricing Impacts
N - Carbon Pricing News - Topical
N - Carbon Pricing Trends
N - Evaluating Carbon Pricing
N - Internal Carbon Pricing - Business and Other
N - SCC Social Cost of Carbon News
N - State Carbon Pricing
N - Taxing Carbon
T - Carbon Pricing Individuals
T - Carbon Pricing Networks
V - Carbon Pricing
E - Business Carbon Pricing Advocacy
E - Cap and Trade Performance
E - Carbon Price Design
E - Carbon pricing politics
E - Carbon Pricing Coverage
E - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
E - Carbon Pricing Impacts
E - Carbon Pricing Required for Emissions Targets
E - Carbon Taxation
E - Case for Carbon Pricing
E - Company-Specific Carbon Pricing
E - Evaluating Carbon Pricing
E - Implicit Carbon Price of Policies and Measures
E - Internal Business Carbon Pricing
E - Negotiating a Global Carbon Price
Market Mechanisms TOC
I - AdaptationMarkets
I - AlternativestoCarbonPricing
I - BoundingCarbonMarketOutcomes
I - BoundingCarbonPrices
I - BritishColumbiaCarbonTax
I - BusinessandCarbonPricing
I - CapandTrade
I - CarbonMarkets
I - CarbonMarketsandAgriculture
I - CarbonOffsetCritiques
I - CarbonOffsets (Deep Dive)
I - CarbonOffsetsasGreenwishing
I - CarbonOffsetsinCarbonTaxation
I - CarbonPriceForecasting
I - CarbonPricing (Deep Dive)
I - CarbonPricingApproaches/Strategies
I - CarbonPricingChallenges
I - CarbonPricingHistoryandTrends
I - CarbonPricingImpacts
I - CarbonPricingPoliticalFeasibility
I - CarbonPricingviaCarbonMarkets
I - CarbonTaxation
I - CarbonTaxImpacts
I - ComplianceOffsetMarkets
I - EmissionsTrading
I - EvaluatingCarbonMarkets
I - EvaluatingCarbonOffsets
I - EvaluatingCarbonPricing
I - EvaluatingCarbonTaxes
I - EvaluatingMarketMechanisms
I - FossilFuelSubsidies
I - GreenBonds
I - ImplicitCarbonPricing
I - InternalCarbonPricing
I - LinkingCarbonMarkets
I - MarketMechanismsandTechnologyInnovation
I - MarketMechanismsinAviation
I - MarketSolutions
I - OffsetMarkets
I - PersonalCarbonTrading
I - RECsRenewableEnergyCertificates
I - RevenueNeutralCarbonTax
I - SCCasCarbonPrice
I - TargetBasedCarbonPricing
I - VoluntaryOffsetMarkets
S - Carbon Offset Sources (General)
S - Carbon Markets
S - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
S - Carbon Pricing Sources
S - CDM Clean Development Mechanism
S - Compliance Offset Markets
S - Evaluating Market Mechanisms
S - Market Mechanisms
S - Markets and Innovation
S - Offsets as Aviation Mitigation Strategy
S - Taxing Carbon
S - Voluntary Carbon Offset Markets
N - Carbon Offsets News and Opinion
N - Carbon Markets
N - Carbon Pricing News - Topical
N - Carbon Pricing Trends
N - Market Mechanisms
N - Taxing Carbon
T - Carbon Neutrality
T - Carbon Pricing Networks
T - Carbon Taxes
T - Market Mechanisms
T - Offset Protocols
V - Carbon Pricing
V - Market mechanisms
E - Carbon Markets Performance
E - Carbon Pricing Coverage
E - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
E - Carbon Pricing Required for Emissions Targets
E - Carbon Taxation
E - Implicit Carbon Price of Policies and Measures
E - Market Mechanisms
E - 2 Degree 450 PPM Pathway
2014 CISL_IPCC AR5 - Carbon crossroads and the pathway to two degrees - Infographic
E - Carbon Pricing Required for Emissions Targets
1.5oC - 2oC Comparing the implications
2007 Stabilizing concentrations requires at least 30 GTs of reductions
2009 And requires total decarbonization by 2035-45
2009 Annex 1 and non Annex 1 pathways for 2 degrees
2009 Chance of exceeding 2 degrees high even with extreme assumptions
2009 Forestry emissions to 2100
2009 Non-CO2 emissions to 2100
2010 Emissions abatement pathways and economics
2011 Emissions trajectories compatible (50% ) with 2 degree limit
2011 Energy sector employment under 2% investment initiatve
2011 Giving developing countries until 2030 to peak suggests zero industrialized emissions
2011 Overview of the pathways considered for meeting a 2 degree target
2011 The emissions gap to 2020 for a 2 degree target
2011 The renewable energy challenge is tougher than it looks
2011 There's no way that energy efficiency gets us there
2011 Very good chance we're already committed to >2 degrees C
2011 What it means for energy is 90%+ by 2030!
2011 What would the supply curve look like to get to 450 ppm
2012 Optimal energy mix for 2 degree target from the IAM
2012 To stay below 2oC we'd have to throw in the kitchen sink
2013 By 2030 Non-Annex 1 emissions will by themselves exceed the 2oC pathway
2013 The 2oC carbon budget
2013 The 2oC carbon budget broken down by generation
2013 We can only burn 30% of proven reserves on 2oC pathway - massive stranded investments
2014 BSR will apply stabilization wedge work across 8 business sectors
2014 Forecasted Paris targets delay exhaustion of the target by some years5
2014 Nuclear only energy land area 2050
2014 Renewables only energy land area 2050
2014 The current pathway to two degrees
2014 The emissions gap
2014 What would it take in terms of reduced intensity to meet the 2 degree target in E7 countries
2014 What would it take in terms of reduced intensity to meet the 2 degree target in G7 countries
2015 Cumulative emissions vs. the 2 degree budget
2015 The climate security pyramid
2015 The scale of the needed capital shift
2016 2oC scenarios in AR5 with and without CCS
2016 Alternative 2 Degree pathways
2016 Alternative pathways of physical vs. transitions risks
2016 Alternative warming paths
2016 Carbon Tracker carbon budget to 2050
2016 Emissions limits required to achieve temperature targets
2016 Estimated emissions under various post-COP21 scenarios
2016 Probability of stabilizing temperatures vs. net zero timeline
2017 2oC Pathway scenarios
2017 Enacted policies vs. target emissions
2017 Having emissions peak in 2020 is a necessity for keeping temperatures "well below 2 degrees"
2017 Making the Paris goals a reality
2017 Negative emissions required for 2oC scenario
2017 NET requirements as part of 2oC scenario
2017 To do that we need massive CCS, and the existing carbon sinks
2017 To do that we need to be at net zero by 2050
2017 To do that we need to peak emissions by 2020
2017 Various levels of BCCS required under different IAMs for 2 degree target
2017 We need a "carbon law" like Moore's law - to reduce emissions by 50% per decade
2017 We're seeing some indication of the shift towards avoiding global risks, and seizing opportunities
2017 Where we are vs. where we need to be on emissions
2018 Oil demand under benchmark and 2oC Scenarios
Comparing the Paris commitments
Is there "safe" global warming?
Temperature forecast of 2.3 degrees by 2100 assumes net zero CO2 before or by end of century
E - Carbon Pricing Extracts
Infographic - Carbon Pricing in Canada
E - Business Carbon Pricing Advocacy
E - Cap and Dividend
E - Cap and Trade Performance
E - Carbon Markets Performance
E - Carbon Price Design
E - Carbon pricing politics
E - Carbon Pricing Coverage
E - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
E - Carbon Pricing Impacts
E - Carbon Pricing in Practice
E - Carbon Pricing Required for Emissions Targets
E - Carbon Pricing Revenues and Use
E - Carbon Taxation
E - Case for Carbon Pricing
E - Company-Specific Carbon Pricing
E - Efficient Optimal Carbon Pricing
E - Evaluating Carbon Pricing
E - Implicit Carbon Price of Policies and Measures
E - Internal Business Carbon Pricing
E - Negotiating a Global Carbon Price
E - Revenue Neutral Carbon Tax
E - SCC as Carbon Price
E - Sectoral Carbon Pricing and Pathways
E - Shadow Pricing
2012 The study concluded that policy and technology change in risk, but impacts almost irrelevant
2015 The 2oC Framework
2015 The 2oC portfolio approach
2015 Translating a 2oC scenario into a 2oC benchmark - 12
2016 Carbon price impact stress-testing approach
2016 Comparison of relevant signposts within physical climate scenarios
2016 Horizontal vs. vertical perspective on carbon pricing
2016 Horizontal vs. vertical perspective on carbon pricing
2016 Impact of policy distortions on apparent abatement cost
2016 Impact of policy distortions on apparent abatement cost
2016 Impact of WAIS collapse by 2200 modest in terms of suggested SCC
2016 Impact of WAIS collapse by 2200 modest in terms of suggested SCC
2016 Linking real assets to financial portfolios (9)
2016 Low carbon impact smart beta portfolio
2016 Mapping GHG productivity along value chains
2016 Mapping GHG productivity along value chains
2016 Objectives of the report
2016 Oil production costs vary widely
2016 Oil production costs vary widely
2016 Overview of carbon pricing by the numbers
2016 Overview of carbon pricing by the numbers
2016 Position of companies on introducing carbon pricing
2016 Position of companies on introducing carbon pricing
2016 Potential price impact of global carbon price after revenue recycling
2016 Prices in existing carbon pricing initiatives
2016 Relative sector impact on PBT by 2020
2016 Risks are long-term, investment focus short-term
2016 Testing 2D alignment for real assets
2016 Testing the alignment of real assets with a 2D target (4)
2016 There is no demand for long-term analysis (19)
2016 Transition scenarios - IEA outlook to 2040
2016 Voluntary vs. mandatory ways to respond to scenario challenges
2017 10 year and 35 year results
2017 35 year sensitivity
2017 Carbon price corridor for the power sector
2017 Carbon pricing could cover costs of universal access to basic services
2017 Carbon revenue recycling can benefit poor
2017 Carbon revenues could significantly expand social assistance
2017 Equity holds of financial actors, top 15 funds, and top 15 banks
2017 First and second round bank equity losses
2017 Heat maps - sensitivity of asset classes to climate risk factors
2017 OPTrust TRIP Expsoures
2017 Portfolio impacts at 10 years
2017 Portfolio impacts at 10 years
2017 Portfolio impacts at 10 years
2017 Reclassified NACE sectors to climate-policy-relevant sectors
2017 Risk factors illustrated relatively by scenario
2017 Sensitivity to TRIP risk factors by OPTrust greatest over short term
2018 Recent trends in carbon pricing
2018 The carbon pricing gap for OECD and G20 Countries
2021 Calculated components of the price of carbon facing Norwegian motorists as of 2019
2021 IPR carbon price policy forecast
2021 Voluntary carbon credit prices and demand 2019 by project type
2021 Voluntary carbon credit prices and demand 2019 by vintage
Australian Carbon Prices and Food Prices
Calculated "marginal" benefit cost ratio for 2011
Carbon Pricing by Country
Carbon Pricing Coverage by Country
Cheap energy is important for less poverty and better health
Coal keeps electricity prices down
Forward looking benefit cost ratios
GDP will continue to rise rapidly
Impact of Carbon Pricing
One can project the "CO2 Yield for Crops in the Future
Revised 2013 Social Cost of CO2, 2010-2050 ($2007)
Subtracting out benefits of energy from non-fossil fuel sources
The benefit cost ratio for CO2 is huge
The social cost of carbon emissions
As governments take real action, carbon prices could rise
Average voluntary market prices should rise to $20-50/tCO2e by 2030
Talk of carbon pricing evokes the bitter memory of shock therapy in eastern Europe and the developing world. BlackRock’s backstop idea is the logic of the 2008 bank bailouts expanded to the global level – socialise the risks, privatise the profits.
Taylor: 90% of people advocate a modest tax with a strict escalator
Taylor: If liberals are right that mitigation is cheap, then emissions reductions from a carbon tax should be huge
Taylor: Ironically, conservatives have the best answer to climate change - the power of markets and the invisible hand
Taylor: There is NOTHING that will get the job done besides a real price on carbon - regulation can't get there
The US and the EU seem less preoccupied with grand schemes of carbon pricing and blended finance, than with pushing a case-by-case approach
Works out ~$300/ton in 2050
Works out to ~$80/ton in 2030
Carbon Pricing for Paris Agreement
Carbon Pricing in Brief
Carbon Pricing Intro
Carbon Pricing Rules of Thumb
Implicit Carbon Pricing
Scoping Out the Topic of Carbon Pricing
Summing Up the Options for Carbon Pricing
E - Carbon Pricing Scenarios and Forecasts
E - Carbon Price Forecasts
E - Carbon Pricing Required for Emissions Targets
E - Electric Sector Carbon Price Forecasts
E - Sensitivity of Emissions to Carbon Prices
2014 Using a realistic payment probability shows the significant different between expected carbon price and expected carbon payment
2015 Implications of a $100/ton carbon price
2015 Policy domains for carbon pricing: MAC shows different opportunities at inexpensive, medium, and high-cost
2015 Pricing success trajectory: sailing to the new low carbon world
2015 What are CEOs and Boards most interested in
2016 Carbon futures price under EU ETS 2008-14
2016 Carbon price scenarios for 2020 and 2025
2016 Comparing Synapse's 2016 and 2015 price forecasts
2016 EIA pessimistic forecast of CO2 emissions reductions from a carbon price
2016 Estimates of CPP CO2 costs in 2030 - various studies
2021 EU emissions reduction targets and EU ETS cap
2021 Revenue potential from carbon price reform
Carbon price curves to 2095
How the Corridors can be used
Prices Based on Atmospheric Stabilization
Prices Based on Political Reality
Prices Based on Stalemate
Taskforce on Scaling the Voluntary Carbon Markets: The value of the VCM market is now more than $1 billion and forecast to increase fifteen-fold by 2030.
The existence of multiple uncertain tipping points doubles the optimal carbon tax
I - CarbonPricingfor2oC
Headings - Extracted Materials
E - Carbon Pricing Required for Emissions Targets
Extracted Graphics | Extracted Ideas
Carbon Pricing 101
2008 Carbon markets and technology scenarios
2009 CO2 Prices under reference technology and advanced all technology
2009 Integrated implementation scenarios 2010 - 2030
2013 Carbon price required to achieve EU targets varies widely
2013 Carbon price required to limit change to 2.5 degrees
2015 Other ways to get to same objective, e.g. $30/ton carbon tax
2015 Other ways to get to same objective, e.g. $30/ton carbon tax
2015 Potential of carbon pricing to keep temperatures below 2oC depends on three things
2015 Solar and wind costs translated into $/ton CO2
2017 Carbon price ranges for scenarios - years 2030, 2050, 2100
2017 Carbon price trajectories -- scenarios for different models
2017 Carbon price trajectories -- scenarios limiting warming in 21st century to below 2oC
2017 Carbon Price scenario analysis to meet 2 degree target
2017 Carbon prices in 2050 consistent with 2oC scenario with different baseline scenarios
2017 Carbon pricing corridor compared to other pathways to a 2oC scenario
2017 Carbon pricing scenarios for switching to coal with CCS or Nuclear
2017 CO2 emission pathways for the power sector for a 2oC scenario
2017 Comparison of carbon price ranges with IPCC AR5 scenario database values
2017 Estimated marginal abatement costs under the IEA 2oC scenario
2017 Expected cost of carbon
2017 IAM generated carbon pricing to achieve the 2oC target
2017 Illustrations of alternative global CO2 emissions pathways
2017 Illustrative 2020 and 2100 SCC values for baseline and 2oC policy pathways
2017 Internal carbon prices of utilities publicly disclosed to CDP compared to Paris-compatible carbon prices for 2020
2017 Making wind competitive against coal requires very different regional carbon pricing
2017 Models (IAMs) involved in the development of SSPs quantifications
2017 Necessary carbon prices also depend on the presence of other policies
2017 Summary of shared policy assumptions assumed for climate mitigation in different shared socioeconomic pathways
2017 The five shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs)
2017 The likelihood of the needed carbon price materializing
2018 CO2 emission pathways for the chemical and petrochemical sector
2018 CO2 emission pathways for the power sector by region in a 2oC scenario
2018 Likelihood of the needed carbon price materializing in the market for the chemical sector
2018 Likelihood of the needed carbon price materialzing in the market for the power sector
2018 Projected prices to meet 2025 INDC target tax level in 2025
2018 Shell carbon price forecast based on rapid adoption, future harmonization
2020 Comparison of carbon pricing strategies and sustainability transition policy
2021 CO2 reductions for 2030 pledges from pricing
2021 Emissions reductions under alternative carbon prices, 2030
2021 Impacts of a $50 carbon price on energy prices in 2030
2021 Rising carbon prices over time 2019-2021
Global CO2 prices need to rise dramatically to achieve Paris Agreement targets
Carbon Pricing TOC
I - BusinessCarbonPricingAdvocacy
I - CapandTrade
I - CarbonOffsetPrices
I - CarbonOffsetsandCarbonPricing
I - CarbonPriceCorridor
I - CarbonPriceForecasting
I - CarbonPricingandEmissionsReductions
I - CarbonPricingandTechnologyInnovation
I - CarbonPricingHistoryandTrends
I - CarbonPricingImpacts
I - CarbonPricinginScenarioPlanning
I - CarbonPricingPoliticalFeasibility
I - CarbonPricingviaCarbonMarkets
I - CarbonPricingwithComplementaryPolicies
I - CarbonTaxation
I - ClimateExactions
I - ConsumptionBasedCarbonPricing
I - CurrentDamagesasCarbonPrice
I - EvaluatingBCsCarbonTax
I - EvaluatingCarbonPricing
I - GlobalCarbonPricing
I - ImplicitCarbonPricing
I - InternalCarbonPricing
I - PolicyasCarbonPricing
I - RCCRiskCostofCarbonasCarbonPrice
I - SCCasCarbonPrice
I - SVMASocialValueofMitigationAction
I - TargetBasedCarbonPricing
I - UseofCarbonRevenues
S - Carbon Markets
S - Carbon Price Forecasts
S - Carbon Pricing Futures
S - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
S - Carbon Pricing in the Electricity Sector
S - Carbon Pricing Policy as Business Risk
S - Carbon Pricing Sources
S - Carbon Pricing System Design
S - Evaluating Carbon Pricing
S - Impacts of Pricing Carbon
S - Internal Corporate Carbon Pricing
S - National and Global Carbon Pricing
S - SCC Social Cost of Carbon
S - State and Local Carbon Pricing
S - Taxing Carbon
S - Why and How of Pricing Carbon
N - Carbon Price Forecasting
N - Carbon Pricing Advocacy
N - Carbon Pricing Impacts
N - Carbon Pricing News - Topical
N - Carbon Pricing Trends
N - Evaluating Carbon Pricing
N - Internal Carbon Pricing - Business and Other
N - SCC Social Cost of Carbon News
N - State Carbon Pricing
N - Taxing Carbon
T - Carbon Pricing Individuals
T - Carbon Pricing Networks
V - Carbon Pricing
E - Business Carbon Pricing Advocacy
E - Cap and Trade Performance
E - Carbon Price Design
E - Carbon pricing politics
E - Carbon Pricing Coverage
E - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
E - Carbon Pricing Impacts
E - Carbon Pricing Required for Emissions Targets
E - Carbon Taxation
E - Case for Carbon Pricing
E - Company-Specific Carbon Pricing
E - Evaluating Carbon Pricing
E - Implicit Carbon Price of Policies and Measures
E - Internal Business Carbon Pricing
E - Negotiating a Global Carbon Price
Market Mechanisms TOC
I - AdaptationMarkets
I - AlternativestoCarbonPricing
I - BoundingCarbonMarketOutcomes
I - BoundingCarbonPrices
I - BritishColumbiaCarbonTax
I - BusinessandCarbonPricing
I - CapandTrade
I - CarbonMarkets
I - CarbonMarketsandAgriculture
I - CarbonOffsetCritiques
I - CarbonOffsets (Deep Dive)
I - CarbonOffsetsasGreenwishing
I - CarbonOffsetsinCarbonTaxation
I - CarbonPriceForecasting
I - CarbonPricing (Deep Dive)
I - CarbonPricingApproaches/Strategies
I - CarbonPricingChallenges
I - CarbonPricingHistoryandTrends
I - CarbonPricingImpacts
I - CarbonPricingPoliticalFeasibility
I - CarbonPricingviaCarbonMarkets
I - CarbonTaxation
I - CarbonTaxImpacts
I - ComplianceOffsetMarkets
I - EmissionsTrading
I - EvaluatingCarbonMarkets
I - EvaluatingCarbonOffsets
I - EvaluatingCarbonPricing
I - EvaluatingCarbonTaxes
I - EvaluatingMarketMechanisms
I - FossilFuelSubsidies
I - GreenBonds
I - ImplicitCarbonPricing
I - InternalCarbonPricing
I - LinkingCarbonMarkets
I - MarketMechanismsandTechnologyInnovation
I - MarketMechanismsinAviation
I - MarketSolutions
I - OffsetMarkets
I - PersonalCarbonTrading
I - RECsRenewableEnergyCertificates
I - RevenueNeutralCarbonTax
I - SCCasCarbonPrice
I - TargetBasedCarbonPricing
I - VoluntaryOffsetMarkets
S - Carbon Offset Sources (General)
S - Carbon Markets
S - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
S - Carbon Pricing Sources
S - CDM Clean Development Mechanism
S - Compliance Offset Markets
S - Evaluating Market Mechanisms
S - Market Mechanisms
S - Markets and Innovation
S - Offsets as Aviation Mitigation Strategy
S - Taxing Carbon
S - Voluntary Carbon Offset Markets
N - Carbon Offsets News and Opinion
N - Carbon Markets
N - Carbon Pricing News - Topical
N - Carbon Pricing Trends
N - Market Mechanisms
N - Taxing Carbon
T - Carbon Neutrality
T - Carbon Pricing Networks
T - Carbon Taxes
T - Market Mechanisms
T - Offset Protocols
V - Carbon Pricing
V - Market mechanisms
E - Carbon Markets Performance
E - Carbon Pricing Coverage
E - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
E - Carbon Pricing Required for Emissions Targets
E - Carbon Taxation
E - Implicit Carbon Price of Policies and Measures
E - Market Mechanisms
E - 2 Degree 450 PPM Pathway
2014 CISL_IPCC AR5 - Carbon crossroads and the pathway to two degrees - Infographic
E - Carbon Pricing Required for Emissions Targets
1.5oC - 2oC Comparing the implications
2007 Stabilizing concentrations requires at least 30 GTs of reductions
2009 And requires total decarbonization by 2035-45
2009 Annex 1 and non Annex 1 pathways for 2 degrees
2009 Chance of exceeding 2 degrees high even with extreme assumptions
2009 Forestry emissions to 2100
2009 Non-CO2 emissions to 2100
2010 Emissions abatement pathways and economics
2011 Emissions trajectories compatible (50% ) with 2 degree limit
2011 Energy sector employment under 2% investment initiatve
2011 Giving developing countries until 2030 to peak suggests zero industrialized emissions
2011 Overview of the pathways considered for meeting a 2 degree target
2011 The emissions gap to 2020 for a 2 degree target
2011 The renewable energy challenge is tougher than it looks
2011 There's no way that energy efficiency gets us there
2011 Very good chance we're already committed to >2 degrees C
2011 What it means for energy is 90%+ by 2030!
2011 What would the supply curve look like to get to 450 ppm
2012 Optimal energy mix for 2 degree target from the IAM
2012 To stay below 2oC we'd have to throw in the kitchen sink
2013 By 2030 Non-Annex 1 emissions will by themselves exceed the 2oC pathway
2013 The 2oC carbon budget
2013 The 2oC carbon budget broken down by generation
2013 We can only burn 30% of proven reserves on 2oC pathway - massive stranded investments
2014 BSR will apply stabilization wedge work across 8 business sectors
2014 Forecasted Paris targets delay exhaustion of the target by some years5
2014 Nuclear only energy land area 2050
2014 Renewables only energy land area 2050
2014 The current pathway to two degrees
2014 The emissions gap
2014 What would it take in terms of reduced intensity to meet the 2 degree target in E7 countries
2014 What would it take in terms of reduced intensity to meet the 2 degree target in G7 countries
2015 Cumulative emissions vs. the 2 degree budget
2015 The climate security pyramid
2015 The scale of the needed capital shift
2016 2oC scenarios in AR5 with and without CCS
2016 Alternative 2 Degree pathways
2016 Alternative pathways of physical vs. transitions risks
2016 Alternative warming paths
2016 Carbon Tracker carbon budget to 2050
2016 Emissions limits required to achieve temperature targets
2016 Estimated emissions under various post-COP21 scenarios
2016 Probability of stabilizing temperatures vs. net zero timeline
2017 2oC Pathway scenarios
2017 Enacted policies vs. target emissions
2017 Having emissions peak in 2020 is a necessity for keeping temperatures "well below 2 degrees"
2017 Making the Paris goals a reality
2017 Negative emissions required for 2oC scenario
2017 NET requirements as part of 2oC scenario
2017 To do that we need massive CCS, and the existing carbon sinks
2017 To do that we need to be at net zero by 2050
2017 To do that we need to peak emissions by 2020
2017 Various levels of BCCS required under different IAMs for 2 degree target
2017 We need a "carbon law" like Moore's law - to reduce emissions by 50% per decade
2017 We're seeing some indication of the shift towards avoiding global risks, and seizing opportunities
2017 Where we are vs. where we need to be on emissions
2018 Oil demand under benchmark and 2oC Scenarios
Comparing the Paris commitments
Is there "safe" global warming?
Temperature forecast of 2.3 degrees by 2100 assumes net zero CO2 before or by end of century
E - Carbon Pricing Extracts
Infographic - Carbon Pricing in Canada
E - Business Carbon Pricing Advocacy
E - Cap and Dividend
E - Cap and Trade Performance
E - Carbon Markets Performance
E - Carbon Price Design
E - Carbon pricing politics
E - Carbon Pricing Coverage
E - Carbon Pricing History and Trends
E - Carbon Pricing Impacts
E - Carbon Pricing in Practice
E - Carbon Pricing Required for Emissions Targets
E - Carbon Pricing Revenues and Use
E - Carbon Taxation
E - Case for Carbon Pricing
E - Company-Specific Carbon Pricing
E - Efficient Optimal Carbon Pricing
E - Evaluating Carbon Pricing
E - Implicit Carbon Price of Policies and Measures
E - Internal Business Carbon Pricing
E - Negotiating a Global Carbon Price
E - Revenue Neutral Carbon Tax
E - SCC as Carbon Price
E - Sectoral Carbon Pricing and Pathways
E - Shadow Pricing
2012 The study concluded that policy and technology change in risk, but impacts almost irrelevant
2015 The 2oC Framework
2015 The 2oC portfolio approach
2015 Translating a 2oC scenario into a 2oC benchmark - 12
2016 Carbon price impact stress-testing approach
2016 Comparison of relevant signposts within physical climate scenarios
2016 Horizontal vs. vertical perspective on carbon pricing
2016 Horizontal vs. vertical perspective on carbon pricing
2016 Impact of policy distortions on apparent abatement cost
2016 Impact of policy distortions on apparent abatement cost
2016 Impact of WAIS collapse by 2200 modest in terms of suggested SCC
2016 Impact of WAIS collapse by 2200 modest in terms of suggested SCC
2016 Linking real assets to financial portfolios (9)
2016 Low carbon impact smart beta portfolio
2016 Mapping GHG productivity along value chains
2016 Mapping GHG productivity along value chains
2016 Objectives of the report
2016 Oil production costs vary widely
2016 Oil production costs vary widely
2016 Overview of carbon pricing by the numbers
2016 Overview of carbon pricing by the numbers
2016 Position of companies on introducing carbon pricing
2016 Position of companies on introducing carbon pricing
2016 Potential price impact of global carbon price after revenue recycling
2016 Prices in existing carbon pricing initiatives
2016 Relative sector impact on PBT by 2020
2016 Risks are long-term, investment focus short-term
2016 Testing 2D alignment for real assets
2016 Testing the alignment of real assets with a 2D target (4)
2016 There is no demand for long-term analysis (19)
2016 Transition scenarios - IEA outlook to 2040
2016 Voluntary vs. mandatory ways to respond to scenario challenges
2017 10 year and 35 year results
2017 35 year sensitivity
2017 Carbon price corridor for the power sector
2017 Carbon pricing could cover costs of universal access to basic services
2017 Carbon revenue recycling can benefit poor
2017 Carbon revenues could significantly expand social assistance
2017 Equity holds of financial actors, top 15 funds, and top 15 banks
2017 First and second round bank equity losses
2017 Heat maps - sensitivity of asset classes to climate risk factors
2017 OPTrust TRIP Expsoures
2017 Portfolio impacts at 10 years
2017 Portfolio impacts at 10 years
2017 Portfolio impacts at 10 years
2017 Reclassified NACE sectors to climate-policy-relevant sectors
2017 Risk factors illustrated relatively by scenario
2017 Sensitivity to TRIP risk factors by OPTrust greatest over short term
2018 Recent trends in carbon pricing
2018 The carbon pricing gap for OECD and G20 Countries
2021 Calculated components of the price of carbon facing Norwegian motorists as of 2019
2021 IPR carbon price policy forecast
2021 Voluntary carbon credit prices and demand 2019 by project type
2021 Voluntary carbon credit prices and demand 2019 by vintage
Australian Carbon Prices and Food Prices
Calculated "marginal" benefit cost ratio for 2011
Carbon Pricing by Country
Carbon Pricing Coverage by Country
Cheap energy is important for less poverty and better health
Coal keeps electricity prices down
Forward looking benefit cost ratios
GDP will continue to rise rapidly
Impact of Carbon Pricing
One can project the "CO2 Yield for Crops in the Future
Revised 2013 Social Cost of CO2, 2010-2050 ($2007)
Subtracting out benefits of energy from non-fossil fuel sources
The benefit cost ratio for CO2 is huge
The social cost of carbon emissions
As governments take real action, carbon prices could rise
Average voluntary market prices should rise to $20-50/tCO2e by 2030
Talk of carbon pricing evokes the bitter memory of shock therapy in eastern Europe and the developing world. BlackRock’s backstop idea is the logic of the 2008 bank bailouts expanded to the global level – socialise the risks, privatise the profits.
Taylor: 90% of people advocate a modest tax with a strict escalator
Taylor: If liberals are right that mitigation is cheap, then emissions reductions from a carbon tax should be huge
Taylor: Ironically, conservatives have the best answer to climate change - the power of markets and the invisible hand
Taylor: There is NOTHING that will get the job done besides a real price on carbon - regulation can't get there
The US and the EU seem less preoccupied with grand schemes of carbon pricing and blended finance, than with pushing a case-by-case approach
Works out ~$300/ton in 2050
Works out to ~$80/ton in 2030
Carbon Pricing for Paris Agreement
Carbon Pricing in Brief
Carbon Pricing Intro
Carbon Pricing Rules of Thumb
Implicit Carbon Pricing
Scoping Out the Topic of Carbon Pricing
Summing Up the Options for Carbon Pricing
E - Carbon Pricing Scenarios and Forecasts
E - Carbon Price Forecasts
E - Carbon Pricing Required for Emissions Targets
E - Electric Sector Carbon Price Forecasts
E - Sensitivity of Emissions to Carbon Prices
2014 Using a realistic payment probability shows the significant different between expected carbon price and expected carbon payment
2015 Implications of a $100/ton carbon price
2015 Policy domains for carbon pricing: MAC shows different opportunities at inexpensive, medium, and high-cost
2015 Pricing success trajectory: sailing to the new low carbon world
2015 What are CEOs and Boards most interested in
2016 Carbon futures price under EU ETS 2008-14
2016 Carbon price scenarios for 2020 and 2025
2016 Comparing Synapse's 2016 and 2015 price forecasts
2016 EIA pessimistic forecast of CO2 emissions reductions from a carbon price
2016 Estimates of CPP CO2 costs in 2030 - various studies
2021 EU emissions reduction targets and EU ETS cap
2021 Revenue potential from carbon price reform
Carbon price curves to 2095
How the Corridors can be used
Prices Based on Atmospheric Stabilization
Prices Based on Political Reality
Prices Based on Stalemate
Taskforce on Scaling the Voluntary Carbon Markets: The value of the VCM market is now more than $1 billion and forecast to increase fifteen-fold by 2030.
The existence of multiple uncertain tipping points doubles the optimal carbon tax
I - CarbonPricingfor2oC