Headings - Extracted Materials
E - Carbon Pricing Required for Emissions Targets
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Carbon Pricing 101
2008 Carbon markets and technology scenarios
2009 CO2 Prices under reference technology and advanced all technology
2009 Integrated implementation scenarios 2010 - 2030
2013 Carbon price required to achieve EU targets varies widely
2013 Carbon price required to limit change to 2.5 degrees
2015 Other ways to get to same objective, e.g. $30/ton carbon tax
2015 Other ways to get to same objective, e.g. $30/ton carbon tax
2015 Potential of carbon pricing to keep temperatures below 2oC depends on three things
2015 Solar and wind costs translated into $/ton CO2
2017 Carbon price ranges for scenarios - years 2030, 2050, 2100
2017 Carbon price trajectories -- scenarios for different models
2017 Carbon price trajectories -- scenarios limiting warming in 21st century to below 2oC
2017 Carbon Price scenario analysis to meet 2 degree target
2017 Carbon prices in 2050 consistent with 2oC scenario with different baseline scenarios
2017 Carbon pricing corridor compared to other pathways to a 2oC scenario
2017 Carbon pricing scenarios for switching to coal with CCS or Nuclear
2017 CO2 emission pathways for the power sector for a 2oC scenario
2017 Comparison of carbon price ranges with IPCC AR5 scenario database values
2017 Estimated marginal abatement costs under the IEA 2oC scenario
2017 Expected cost of carbon
2017 IAM generated carbon pricing to achieve the 2oC target
2017 Illustrations of alternative global CO2 emissions pathways
2017 Illustrative 2020 and 2100 SCC values for baseline and 2oC policy pathways
2017 Internal carbon prices of utilities publicly disclosed to CDP compared to Paris-compatible carbon prices for 2020
2017 Making wind competitive against coal requires very different regional carbon pricing
2017 Models (IAMs) involved in the development of SSPs quantifications
2017 Necessary carbon prices also depend on the presence of other policies
2017 Summary of shared policy assumptions assumed for climate mitigation in different shared socioeconomic pathways
2017 The five shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs)
2017 The likelihood of the needed carbon price materializing
2018 CO2 emission pathways for the chemical and petrochemical sector
2018 CO2 emission pathways for the power sector by region in a 2oC scenario
2018 Likelihood of the needed carbon price materializing in the market for the chemical sector
2018 Likelihood of the needed carbon price materialzing in the market for the power sector
2018 Projected prices to meet 2025 INDC target tax level in 2025
2018 Shell carbon price forecast based on rapid adoption, future harmonization
2020 Comparison of carbon pricing strategies and sustainability transition policy
2021 CO2 reductions for 2030 pledges from pricing
2021 Emissions reductions under alternative carbon prices, 2030
2021 Impacts of a $50 carbon price on energy prices in 2030
2021 Rising carbon prices over time 2019-2021
Global CO2 prices need to rise dramatically to achieve Paris Agreement targets
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