Evaluating Individuals as Climate Change Solution
Infographic - what you can do about climate change
Infographic Reducing your water footprint
I - WhatCanIDoIndividually?
I - IndividualBehaviorChange
I - IndividualResponsibilityforClimateChange
S - Personal Decisionmaking
N - Personal Decisionmaking
2017 Vandenbergh_The Role of Individual and Household Behavior in Decarbonization $$
2017 Wu_136 Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
General Search Terms
2005 Wapner_The irony of environmentalism The ecological futuility but political necessary of lifestyle change
2009 Jensen_Forget Shorter Showers
2009 Kent_Individualized responsibility and climate change If climate protection becomes everyone's responsibility
2011 Hiller_Climate change and individual responsibility $$
2011 Sandberg_My Emissions Make No Difference Climate Change and the argument for Inconsequentialism $$
2016 Sivak_What Individual Americans Can Do to Assist in Meeting the Paris Agreement
2017 Werfel_Household behavior crowds out support for climate change policy when sufficient progress is perceived $$
2018 Stevenson_Framing climate change communication to prompt individual and collective action among adolescents from agricultural communities $$
2013/4 individual responsibility and climate action
2013/12 Is demonizing “big carbon” a strategy or a copout? |
2015/12 Why Behavior Change Won’t Stop Climate Change
2016/5 Why even the people who worry the most about climate change often take little action
2017/7 Neoliberalism has conned us into fighting climate change as individuals
2018/10 The big lie we're told about climate change is that its our own fault
2019/1 An apology from an environmentalist
2019/1 Don't focus on how individuals can stop climate change
2019/1 Focusing on how individuals can stop climate change is very convenient for corporations
2019/2 Bernie Sanders’s Private Plane Rides Don’t Matter
2019/4 Can Your Personal Choices Curb Climate Change? Not Even Scientists Agree.
2019/5 Climate change: I work in the environmental movement. I don’t care if you recycle.
2019/9 Individual Choices Won't Be Enough to Save the Planet
2019/12 Climate change: focusing on how individuals can help is very convenient for corporations
2020/1 Cut Back on Email If You Want to Fight Global Warming
Citizen Engagement Lab
Hundred Givers - Caring for each other and the planet
Pledge to Travel Green
We need to talk about consumption…
2016 If you care about climate change, why aren’t you voting?
2017 Hayhoe_I'm just one person, what can I do?
2018 I'm only a kid, I can't do anything about climate change.... right?
2007 Mindmap - Strategies for taking action
Since there is no silver bullet, personal change will be necessary
Course: Act on Climate - Steps to Individual, Community, and Political Action