Headings - Topical Sources
S - Maritime Sector Emissions
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
Maritime and Climate Change
R&I Position_Climate Change position paper 2010 tcm4-434416[1]
2005 D'Arcy - CC and Marine Transport on the St. Lawrence River
2008 Corbett_Ship Emissions Impacts
2008 EDF_Floating Smokestacks A Call for Action to Clean Up Marine Shipping Pollution
2009 CE Delft_GHG Emissions from Port Congestion
2009 DNV_GHG Emissions from Port Congestion
2009 Preston_The role of international transportation sectors in climate stabilization
2009 UNCTAD_ Maritime Transport and CC - Report of the Meeting
2009 UNCTAD_Maritime Transport and CC - Summary of Proceedings
2010 DNV Shipping across the Arctic Ocean
2010 Eyring_Transport impacts on atmosphere and climate - Shipping
2010 Howitt_Carbon emissions from international cruise ship passengers - New Zealand
2011 ICS_World Shipping and the Reduction of CO2
2011 IMO_Reduction of emissions of black carbon from shipping in the Arctic
2011 Korea_Consideration of climate change in the Arctic by black carbon emission from shipping
2011 Ostreng_Maritime Transport in the Arctic PPT
2011 Walnum_Enegy use and CO2 emissions from cruise ships
2012 Corbett_Panama Canal expansion: emission changes from possible US west coast modal shift
2012 DNV_Future Shipping Emissions Modelling Using a Probabilistic Approach
2012 DNV_Lifecycle Assessment of GHG Emissions of Alternative Fuels for Maritime Applications
2013 Smith_New Trans-Arctic shipping routes navigable by midcentury
2014 Miller_Arctic shipping and marine invaders
2017 Lloyds Register_Low Carbon Pathways 2050
2017 Olmer_Greenhouse gas emissions from global shipping 2013-2015
2017 Yumashev_Toward a balanced view of Arctic shipping - estimating economic impacts of emissions from increased traffic on the Northern Sea Route
2019 IRENA_Solutions to Decarbonise Shipping
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