Headings - Topical Sources
S - Mitigation Economics
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
Gordian Knot
Under or Over-Estimating Climate Change Mitigation Costs
Selected Headings/Index Entries
S - MACC Curves
200X Weyant_EMF 21: Multi-Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Climate Policy
Ackerman Stanton et al Economics_of_350 - Benefits & Costs
ClimateWorks Costs of Delay1
1992 Nordhaus_An Optimal Transition Path for Controlling GHGs
1997 Repetto_The Costs of Climate Protection A Guide for the Perplexed
1998 TAA_Projecting the Economic Impacts of Climate Change Policy A Review
1999 Halsnaes_Economics of Greenhouse Gas Limitations
2006 Stern_The economics of climate change
2006 Weyant_Overview of EMF-21: Multigas Mitigation and Climate Policy
2007 McKinsey_A Cost Curve for GHG Reduction
2007 Parry_Are the costs of reducing GHGs from passenger vehicles negative
2008 Clement_The Failure of Climate Change Economics
2008 Neuhoff_Tackling carbon: how to price carbon for climate policy
2008 Schaeffer_Near linear cost increase to reduce CC risk
2008 Stoft_Carbonomics How to fix the climate and charge it to OPEC
2009 Holladay_The Other Side of the Coin - The Economic Benefits of Climate Legislation
2009 ICF_Modeling GHG Emissions Reduction Policies
2009 McKinsey_Pathways to a Low Carbon Economy Summary
2009 NCEP_Managing Economic Risks - forging the climate consensus
2009 Smith_Updating the “Burning Embers”: Insight into DAI - Assessing the Benefits of Avoided Climate Change - PPT
2009 van Vuuren_Comparison of top-down and bottom-up estimates of sectoral and regional GHG emission reduction potentials
2010 Bredin_Microstructure analysis of the carbon finance market
2010 E3_ Economic Feasibility of Zero Net Carbon Emissions
2010 Hochrainer_Costs and Benefits of Reducing Risk from Natural Hazards to Residential
2010 Hoogwijk_Assessment of bottom up sectoral and regional mitigation potentials
2010 Kupers_Climate Change Policy Positive or Negative Economic Impact
2010 McKinsey_Impact of the financial crisis on carbon economics
2010 National Academies Press_Hidden Costs of Energy
2010 Nemet_Cost containment in climate policy, and incentives for tech development
2010 Tavoni_Risk of underestimating the costs of stringent climate policy
2011 Harvey_The Costs of Delay
2011 Scrieciu_Pushing boundaries of climate economics - issues to consider in climate policy analysis
2012 Busch_Climate Change and the Cost of Conserving Species in Madagascar
2012 Landis_Transfer payments in global climate policy
2012 Levasseur_Valuing temporary carbon storage
2012 Schmidt_Assessing the costs of photovoltaic and wind power
2013 Barker_Are estimated costs of stringent mitigation biased?
2013 CCC_Climate change and Carbon Markets An International Framework
2013 Kiuila_The cost of reducing CO 2 emissions: Integrating abatement technologies into economic modeling
2013 Luderer_Economic mitigation challenges how further delay closes the door for achieving climate targets
2013 Meng_Estimating Cost of Climate Policy using Prediction Markets and Lobbying Records
2013 Pfund_Ask Saint Onofrio Finding What Has Been Lost in A Tale of Two Energy Solutions
2013 Rogelj_Probabilistic cost estimates for climate change mitigation $$
2013 Rosen_The economics of mitigating climate change What can we know
2013 Sathaye_Methods and Models for Costing Carbon Mitigation
2014 Blanford_Trade-offs between mitigation costs and temperature change
2014 Glotter_A simple carbon cycle representation for economic analysis
2014 Lazard_Lazard's Levelized Cost of Energy - Version 8.0
2014 Rosen_The economics of mitigating climate change: What can we know? $$
2014 Rosen_The Economics of Mitigating Climate Change?
2014 van Renssen_Climate policy confronts competitiveness
2014 van Vliet_The impact of technology availability on the timing and costs of emission reductions for achieving long-term climate targets
2015 Bauer_CO 2 emission mitigation and fossil fuel markets: Dynamic and international aspects of climate policies
2015 Bianco_Seeing is Believing Creating a New Climate Economy in the United States
2015 Bibas_Energy efficiency policies and the timing of action: An assessment of climate mitigation costs $$
2015 Bivens_A Comprehensive Analysis of the Employment Impacts of the CPP
2015 CCC_Climate change and Carbon Markets: An International Framework
2015 Cullen_Inferring Carbon Abatement Costs in Electricity Markets A Revealed Preference Approach Using the Shale Revolution
2015 Lemoine_A top down approach to projecting market impacts of climate change
2015 Rahman_Costs of GHG emissions abatement under the CDM
2015 Rosen_Is the IPCCs 5th Assessment a Denier of Possible Macroeconomic Benefits from Mitigating Climate Change
2016 Mallya_Oil and Gas Methane Emissions Mitigation Opportunities and Costs in North America
2016 Sheridan_The impact of shale gas on the cost and feasibility of meeting climate targets
2017 Bael_Using the Social Cost of Carbon to Value Climate Damages in Minnesota
2017 Rahman_The price of climate deregulation
2018 Green_Cutting with both arms of the scissors - the economic and political case for restrictive supply-side climate policies
2019 Babacan_The role of energy cost in assessing the feasibility of carbon dioxide mitigation options
2019 Fiekowsky_Climate Restoration - Solutions to the Greatest Threat Facing Humanity
2021 Howard_Gauging Economic Consensus on Climate Change
2021 Swiss Re_The economics of climate change No action not an option
2004 Weyant_EMF-19 Introduction and Overview
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