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Electric Sector
I - ElectricPlanes
I - ElectricSectorInnovation
I - ElectricSectorMitigation/Adaptation
I - ElectricSectorResponses
I - ElectricSectorRisks
I - ElectricSectorTechnologies
I - ElectricSectorVulnerability
I - Electroencephalographic
I - EVElectricCarsLightTrucks
I - EVsandAutonomousVehicles
I - FossilFuelSectorRisks
I - RailroadElectrification
I - RenewableEnergyImpacts
S - BECCS Biomass w CCS
S - Carbon Pricing Futures
S - CCS Futures
S - CO2 Utilization
S - Coal Futures
S - Coal Sector
S - Electric Sector Adaptation/Resilience
S - Electric Sector Best Climate Practice
S - Electric Sector Business Response
S - Electric Sector Climate Risk Assessment
S - Electric Sector Climate Risk Management
S - Electric Sector Futures
S - Electric Sector Mitigation
S - Electric Sector Operations
S - Electric Sector Regulation and Policy
S - Electricity Transmission
S - EPA Regulation of Carbon Under the CAA
S - Impacts - Electric Sector
S - Impacts - Renewable Energy
S - Innovation and Disruption in the Electric Sector
S - Low Carbon Transitions in the Electric Sector
S - Natural Gas and Climate Change
S - Natural Gas Mitigation
S - Natural Gas Sector
S - Negative Emissions
S - Oil and Gas Adapt
N - CAA and CPP Litigation
N - CCS Carbon Capture and Storage
N - CCUS CO2 Utilization
N - Distributed generation
N - Electric Adaptation
N - Electric Futures
N - Electric Impacts
N - Electric Innovation
N - Electric Sector Emissions Reductions
N - Electric Sector Responses
N - Energy Efficiency
N - EPA Regulation of Carbon
N - Storage
N - Technology Disruption
T - Electric Sector
T - Energy Efficiency
V - EPA Regulation of Carbon
E - Cryptocurrencies and Climate Change
E - Electric Sector Business Risk
E - Electric Sector Investor Expectations
E - Electric Sector Responses
E - Electric Sector Risk Assessment
E - Electric Sector Vulnerabilities/Impacts
E - EPA Regulation of Carbon
E - Low Carbon Transition Policy
E - Technology Disruption
E - Technology Innovation
Solutions - Energy TOC
S - Low Carbon Transition Barriers
S - 100% Renewable Energy Transition
S - Biofuels
S - Biomass Energy
S - Electric Cars and Light Trucks
S - Electricity Storage
S - Energy Efficiency
S - Energy Storage Futures
S - Evaluating Transition Pathways and Progress
S - Financing Clean Tech
S - Green Growth Investment Barriers
S - Hydrogen
S - Innovation and Disruption in the Electric Sector
S - Land Transport Solutions
S - Low Carbon Transitions in the Electric Sector
S - Mitigation Barriers
S - Nuclear Energy
S - Renewable Energy
S - Renewable Energy Futures
S - Renewables Integration
S - Smart Grids and Related
S - Solar Energy
S - Technology Futures
S - Wind Energy
N - Evaluating Low Carbon Transition Progress
N - 100% Renewable Future
N - Barriers to Low Carbon Transition
N - Biomass Energy
N - Bounding Energy Outcomes
N - Distributed generation
N - Electric Futures
N - Electric Innovation
N - EVs Electric Vehicles
N - Hydrogen Energy
N - Low Carbon Transition - Topical
N - Low Carbon Transition Underway
N - Nuclear Energy
N - Renewable Economics
N - Renewable Energy
N - Renewables Policy
N - Storage
N - Wind Energy
T - Alternative Fuels
T - Climate Solutions
T - Energy Efficiency
T - Renewables
T - Tech Innovation
V - Energy Videos
V - Low Carbon Transition
E - Electric Vehicles
E - Energy Storage
E - Nuclear Energy
E - Renewable Energy
N - Electric Sector News - Topical
2024 Emissions per Capita of the Top 30 U.S. Investor-Owned Utilities
2024 Emissions per Capita of the Top 30 U.S. Investor-Owned Utilities
N - CCS Carbon Capture and Storage
N - CCUS CO2 Utilization
N - Distributed generation
N - Electric Adaptation
N - Electric Futures
N - Electric Impacts
N - Electric Innovation
N - Electric Sector Emissions Reductions
N - Electric Sector Responses
N - Energy Efficiency
N - EPA Regulation of Carbon
N - HVDC Supergrid
N - Storage
N - Technology Disruption
2005/6 Bottom-Up Action On Climate Risks
2012/11 The presidential debates - will we stumble on utility of the future
2013/4 Bushfire class action sparks power giant's cash grab
2014/3 Government Report: Climate Change Threatens Energy Infrastructure
2014/3 SolarCity and Tesla: A Utility’s Worst Nightmare?
2014/3 This Is What the Utility Death Spiral Looks Like
2014/4 EPRI Reveals Its Worldview on the Integrated Electrical Grid
2014/4 Inside the Ring: U.S. power grid defenseless from attacks
2014/5 5 Climate Charts That Should Deeply Worry the Electricity Sector
2014/5 Lights out: The dark future of electric power
2014/5 Wall Street Firms Step Up Warnings About Distributed Energy’s Threat to Utilities
2014/5 What Are the Hottest Sectors for Next-Generation Energy Services?
2014/8 One Electric Utility is Carbon Neutral, Today
2014/8 Unscaling The Trillion-Dollar Power Industry
2015/1 Utilities Fight For Revenue Lost To Solar Power
2015/2 Why Tesla's battery for your home should terrify utilities
2015/4 Environmental Outlook: Rooftop Solar And The Future Of The Electric Grid
2015/5 How to Keep Green Policies from Crashing the Electricity Grid
2015/9 The top 10 trends transforming the electric power sector
2015/10 Climate Change Could Knock the Internet Offline
2015/11 High stakes of the low carbon transition
2016/1 Can utilities learn to love distributed solar like central station arrays?
2016/1 New Report Reveals Electric Utility Industry's Influence at Universities
2016/3 Report: US generators face $2B in lost revenues from rooftop solar
2016/3 US agency reaches 'holy grail' of battery storage sought by Elon Musk and Gates
2016/3 Why Some Electricity Markets Will Struggle With Decarbonization
2016/3 Will utilities become Uber for DERs?
2016/4 Are utility companies adapting to meet the business risks of climate change?
2016/4 Global Investors Set Out Threats Facing Utilities & Expected Adaptation Pathways
2016/4 Utility Companies Could Fail a "Climate Stress Test"
2016/5 DOE says solar growth demands a different kind of grid
2016/5 Low carbon opportunities for the global electricity sector
2016/5 Virginia governor orders cap-and-trade regulation for power plants
2016/6 Power plants are no longer America’s biggest climate problem. Transportation is.
2016/6 The simple reason most power utilities suck
2016/7 A Major Shift In The Solar-Utility Relationship
2016/9 'Eyes wide open': Despite climate risks, utilities bet big on natural gas
2016/10 Utility Companies Urge Action to Reverse 'Unsustainable Trends'
2016/11 NARUC after Trump: Utility regulators see a 'whole new world' for fossil fuels
2016/12 How utilities can deal with the threat of community energy
2016/12 Modernizing the Electricity System in Minnesota
2016/12 Natural Gas and Wind are the Lowest-Cost Generation Technologies for Much of the U.S., New UT Austin Research Shows
2016/12 Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser on Energy
2017/1 Beneficial Electrification: Opportunity Knocks for Utilities
2017/2 Microgrids on the March: Utilities Are Building Out New Business Models to Make Islanding Work
2017/4 Coal-heavy utilities are changing courses s the new energy economy unfolds
2017/4 Cost constrained versus EROI constrained electricity generation
2017/4 Could EVs Put the Brakes on the Utility "Death Spiral"?
2017/4 Is the Duck Sinking? |
2017/4 Stunning drops in solar and wind costs turn global power market upside down
2017/4 Why can't utility execs stand up for the climate?
2017/5 Colorado regulators seize the climate fight in landmark ruling on carbon costs
2017/5 Colorado Utilities Commission Requires Consideration of Social Cost of Carbon
2017/5 Costs of electricity compared beware of simple metrics
2017/5 Inconvenient energy fact: It takes 79 solar workers to produce same amount of electric power as one coal worker • AEI
2017/5 Iowa’s biggest utility aims to produce all its energy from renewable sources
2017/5 New England Electricity Demand: How Low Can You Go?
2017/5 Would a North Korean space nuke really lay waste to the US?
2017/6 Building a low-carbon economy through cleaner power
2017/6 The Grid Needs a Symphony, Not a Shouting Match
2017/6 The utility sector's business case for deep decarbonization
2017/7 Do Utilities Like Heat Waves? – Energy Institute Blog
2017/7 Documenting Electric Utilities’ Early Knowledge and Ongoing Deception on Climate Change
2017/7 Growth-Starved Utilities Have Found a New Way to Make Money
2017/7 Like Exxon, Utilities Knew about Climate Change Risks Decades Ago
2017/10 IEEFA Report: Winners and Losers Among Big Utilities as Renewables Disrupt Markets Across Asia, Europe, the U.S., and Africa - Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis
2017/10 The Investment Fund Helping Utilities Buy In to Cleantech
2018/2 Electrification and the role of the utility: A new front line in the U.S. energy transition
2018/2 How New Technologies Are Changing The Electricity Sector [Infographic]
2018/2 IEEFA Update: A Brave New World Is Taking Hold in the Grid Integration of Renewables - Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis
2018/7 Electricity sector won't bear brunt of Paris emissions reduction, energy analyst warns
2018/8 Automated Emissions Reduction Technology Shapes The Future Of Electricity Consumption
2018/8 EPA Proposes Affordable Clean Energy Rule
2018/8 How electric vehicles could change the load curve
2018/10 Study Shows Natural Gas, Wind & Solar to be Cheapest Technologies for Generating Electricity
2018/10 World-first climate risk case launched over major coal plant in Poland
2018/12 How Does Your State Make Electricity?
2019/2 To make sure its utilities survive climate change, California needs liability law reform
2019/3 Droughts Could Hit Aging Power Plants Hard
2019/3 Xcel Energy has an aggressive clean energy goal. How will it get there?
2019/5 How electric vehicles help to tackle climate change
2019/5 New guide to help hydropower build resilience to climate change
2019/5 US Utility Commissioners: A Key Factor In Assessing Regulatory Risk
2019/7 As Politicians Posture, This Power Utility Plans For Zero-Carbon Electricity
2019/8 Climate Strategy Assessments for the U.S. Electric Power Industry: 2019 Update
2019/9 Utility heads say zero-carbon electricity possible before 2050, but questions remain
2019/10 3 state commissions upending the way utilities do business
2019/11 Above-ground power lines grow in risk as climate changes
2020/6 Towards an equitable microgrid policy
2020/8 How Trump Appointees Short-Circuited Grid Modernization
2020/12 Why Electric Utilities Must Engage in Climate Resilience Planning
2021/1 Almost All New US Power Plants Built in 2021 Will Be Carbon-Free
2021/2 'California and Texas are warnings': Blackouts show US deeply unprepared for the climate crisis
2021/2 Opinion: Texas is making the case for the Green New Deal
2021/3 A Glimpse of America’s Future: Climate Change Means Trouble for Power Grids
2021/3 Electric Cars Are Coming, and Fast. Is the Nation’s Grid Up to It?
2021/4 Comparing the actual US grid to the one predicted 15 years ago
2021/5 Power Failures During Heat Waves
2021/5 Reshaping the two biggest carbon-emitting sectors to meet new US climate targets
2021/6 China is facing its worst power shortage in a decade. That's a problem for the whole world
2021/7 “A Heating, Ventilation And Air Conditioning (HVAC) Adaptation Solution At A Time Of Record-Breaking Temperatures”
2021/7 Climate Crisis Catches Power Companies Unprepared
2021/8 After a Clash Over Costs and Carbon, a Minnesota Utility Wants to Step Back from Its Main Electricity Supplier
2021/8 The $1 trillion infrastructure bill is a baby step toward the US grid we need
2021/11 Will The EV Revolution Trigger Global Economic Crisis?
2021/12 The futuristic plan to fix America’s power grid
I - ElectricSectorFutures
Headings - News and Opinion
N - Electric Futures
News Stories | Blogs
Electrification as Climate Solution
Progress (or Not) on Electrifying Everything
2011/1 The world can be powered by alternative energy in 20-40 years, Stanford researcher says
2012/5 Utility of the Future: The Upside of Disruption « Breaking Energy
2013/12 Power Play: Are Utility Bonds Still for the Long Haul
2014/1 60 Minutes' 'Cleantech Crash' Segment Misses The Point, Critics Charge (VIDEO)
2014/1 What 60 Minutes got right and wrong in its story on the “cleantech crash” — Tech News and Analysis
2014/2 The Nuclear Power Imperative
2014/5 World’s first superconducting power line paves the way for billions of dollars in savings, more nuclear power stations
2014/9 September:- How solar energy could be the largest source of electricity by mid-century
2015/3 Survey: global electricity system could be 70% renewable by 2050
2015/4 By 2050, Most Energy Will Come From Renewables
2015/11 Managing corporate grid defection: An interview with Hervé Touati of RMI
2015/11 The New Atomic Age We Need
2015/12 What the Paris Climate Talks Mean for Utility Companies
2017/11 7 Reasons The Future Is Electric
2018/9 Future of electricity transmission is HVDC
2019/7 A Key Aspect of New Climate Policies
2019/10 A Hotspot For Uneconomic Fossil Power, Already Costs Consumers Millions
2019/11 Electrification? We Are Already On The Way
2020/5 Scientists Create Jet Engine Powered by Only Electricity
2020/12 Market Design for the Clean Energy Transition Advancing Long-Term approaches
2021/2 Electric Grid of the Future Should Prioritize Sustainability, Resiliency, Equity, Reliability, and Security, Says New Report
2021/4 The US needs a macrogrid to move electricity from one coast to the other
2021/8 The Supply-Side Economics of Residential Electrification
Electric Sector
I - ElectricPlanes
I - ElectricSectorInnovation
I - ElectricSectorMitigation/Adaptation
I - ElectricSectorResponses
I - ElectricSectorRisks
I - ElectricSectorTechnologies
I - ElectricSectorVulnerability
I - Electroencephalographic
I - EVElectricCarsLightTrucks
I - EVsandAutonomousVehicles
I - FossilFuelSectorRisks
I - RailroadElectrification
I - RenewableEnergyImpacts
S - BECCS Biomass w CCS
S - Carbon Pricing Futures
S - CCS Futures
S - CO2 Utilization
S - Coal Futures
S - Coal Sector
S - Electric Sector Adaptation/Resilience
S - Electric Sector Best Climate Practice
S - Electric Sector Business Response
S - Electric Sector Climate Risk Assessment
S - Electric Sector Climate Risk Management
S - Electric Sector Futures
S - Electric Sector Mitigation
S - Electric Sector Operations
S - Electric Sector Regulation and Policy
S - Electricity Transmission
S - EPA Regulation of Carbon Under the CAA
S - Impacts - Electric Sector
S - Impacts - Renewable Energy
S - Innovation and Disruption in the Electric Sector
S - Low Carbon Transitions in the Electric Sector
S - Natural Gas and Climate Change
S - Natural Gas Mitigation
S - Natural Gas Sector
S - Negative Emissions
S - Oil and Gas Adapt
N - CAA and CPP Litigation
N - CCS Carbon Capture and Storage
N - CCUS CO2 Utilization
N - Distributed generation
N - Electric Adaptation
N - Electric Futures
N - Electric Impacts
N - Electric Innovation
N - Electric Sector Emissions Reductions
N - Electric Sector Responses
N - Energy Efficiency
N - EPA Regulation of Carbon
N - Storage
N - Technology Disruption
T - Electric Sector
T - Energy Efficiency
V - EPA Regulation of Carbon
E - Cryptocurrencies and Climate Change
E - Electric Sector Business Risk
E - Electric Sector Investor Expectations
E - Electric Sector Responses
E - Electric Sector Risk Assessment
E - Electric Sector Vulnerabilities/Impacts
E - EPA Regulation of Carbon
E - Low Carbon Transition Policy
E - Technology Disruption
E - Technology Innovation
Solutions - Energy TOC
S - Low Carbon Transition Barriers
S - 100% Renewable Energy Transition
S - Biofuels
S - Biomass Energy
S - Electric Cars and Light Trucks
S - Electricity Storage
S - Energy Efficiency
S - Energy Storage Futures
S - Evaluating Transition Pathways and Progress
S - Financing Clean Tech
S - Green Growth Investment Barriers
S - Hydrogen
S - Innovation and Disruption in the Electric Sector
S - Land Transport Solutions
S - Low Carbon Transitions in the Electric Sector
S - Mitigation Barriers
S - Nuclear Energy
S - Renewable Energy
S - Renewable Energy Futures
S - Renewables Integration
S - Smart Grids and Related
S - Solar Energy
S - Technology Futures
S - Wind Energy
N - Evaluating Low Carbon Transition Progress
N - 100% Renewable Future
N - Barriers to Low Carbon Transition
N - Biomass Energy
N - Bounding Energy Outcomes
N - Distributed generation
N - Electric Futures
N - Electric Innovation
N - EVs Electric Vehicles
N - Hydrogen Energy
N - Low Carbon Transition - Topical
N - Low Carbon Transition Underway
N - Nuclear Energy
N - Renewable Economics
N - Renewable Energy
N - Renewables Policy
N - Storage
N - Wind Energy
T - Alternative Fuels
T - Climate Solutions
T - Energy Efficiency
T - Renewables
T - Tech Innovation
V - Energy Videos
V - Low Carbon Transition
E - Electric Vehicles
E - Energy Storage
E - Nuclear Energy
E - Renewable Energy
N - Electric Sector News - Topical
2024 Emissions per Capita of the Top 30 U.S. Investor-Owned Utilities
2024 Emissions per Capita of the Top 30 U.S. Investor-Owned Utilities
N - CCS Carbon Capture and Storage
N - CCUS CO2 Utilization
N - Distributed generation
N - Electric Adaptation
N - Electric Futures
N - Electric Impacts
N - Electric Innovation
N - Electric Sector Emissions Reductions
N - Electric Sector Responses
N - Energy Efficiency
N - EPA Regulation of Carbon
N - HVDC Supergrid
N - Storage
N - Technology Disruption
2005/6 Bottom-Up Action On Climate Risks
2012/11 The presidential debates - will we stumble on utility of the future
2013/4 Bushfire class action sparks power giant's cash grab
2014/3 Government Report: Climate Change Threatens Energy Infrastructure
2014/3 SolarCity and Tesla: A Utility’s Worst Nightmare?
2014/3 This Is What the Utility Death Spiral Looks Like
2014/4 EPRI Reveals Its Worldview on the Integrated Electrical Grid
2014/4 Inside the Ring: U.S. power grid defenseless from attacks
2014/5 5 Climate Charts That Should Deeply Worry the Electricity Sector
2014/5 Lights out: The dark future of electric power
2014/5 Wall Street Firms Step Up Warnings About Distributed Energy’s Threat to Utilities
2014/5 What Are the Hottest Sectors for Next-Generation Energy Services?
2014/8 One Electric Utility is Carbon Neutral, Today
2014/8 Unscaling The Trillion-Dollar Power Industry
2015/1 Utilities Fight For Revenue Lost To Solar Power
2015/2 Why Tesla's battery for your home should terrify utilities
2015/4 Environmental Outlook: Rooftop Solar And The Future Of The Electric Grid
2015/5 How to Keep Green Policies from Crashing the Electricity Grid
2015/9 The top 10 trends transforming the electric power sector
2015/10 Climate Change Could Knock the Internet Offline
2015/11 High stakes of the low carbon transition
2016/1 Can utilities learn to love distributed solar like central station arrays?
2016/1 New Report Reveals Electric Utility Industry's Influence at Universities
2016/3 Report: US generators face $2B in lost revenues from rooftop solar
2016/3 US agency reaches 'holy grail' of battery storage sought by Elon Musk and Gates
2016/3 Why Some Electricity Markets Will Struggle With Decarbonization
2016/3 Will utilities become Uber for DERs?
2016/4 Are utility companies adapting to meet the business risks of climate change?
2016/4 Global Investors Set Out Threats Facing Utilities & Expected Adaptation Pathways
2016/4 Utility Companies Could Fail a "Climate Stress Test"
2016/5 DOE says solar growth demands a different kind of grid
2016/5 Low carbon opportunities for the global electricity sector
2016/5 Virginia governor orders cap-and-trade regulation for power plants
2016/6 Power plants are no longer America’s biggest climate problem. Transportation is.
2016/6 The simple reason most power utilities suck
2016/7 A Major Shift In The Solar-Utility Relationship
2016/9 'Eyes wide open': Despite climate risks, utilities bet big on natural gas
2016/10 Utility Companies Urge Action to Reverse 'Unsustainable Trends'
2016/11 NARUC after Trump: Utility regulators see a 'whole new world' for fossil fuels
2016/12 How utilities can deal with the threat of community energy
2016/12 Modernizing the Electricity System in Minnesota
2016/12 Natural Gas and Wind are the Lowest-Cost Generation Technologies for Much of the U.S., New UT Austin Research Shows
2016/12 Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser on Energy
2017/1 Beneficial Electrification: Opportunity Knocks for Utilities
2017/2 Microgrids on the March: Utilities Are Building Out New Business Models to Make Islanding Work
2017/4 Coal-heavy utilities are changing courses s the new energy economy unfolds
2017/4 Cost constrained versus EROI constrained electricity generation
2017/4 Could EVs Put the Brakes on the Utility "Death Spiral"?
2017/4 Is the Duck Sinking? |
2017/4 Stunning drops in solar and wind costs turn global power market upside down
2017/4 Why can't utility execs stand up for the climate?
2017/5 Colorado regulators seize the climate fight in landmark ruling on carbon costs
2017/5 Colorado Utilities Commission Requires Consideration of Social Cost of Carbon
2017/5 Costs of electricity compared beware of simple metrics
2017/5 Inconvenient energy fact: It takes 79 solar workers to produce same amount of electric power as one coal worker • AEI
2017/5 Iowa’s biggest utility aims to produce all its energy from renewable sources
2017/5 New England Electricity Demand: How Low Can You Go?
2017/5 Would a North Korean space nuke really lay waste to the US?
2017/6 Building a low-carbon economy through cleaner power
2017/6 The Grid Needs a Symphony, Not a Shouting Match
2017/6 The utility sector's business case for deep decarbonization
2017/7 Do Utilities Like Heat Waves? – Energy Institute Blog
2017/7 Documenting Electric Utilities’ Early Knowledge and Ongoing Deception on Climate Change
2017/7 Growth-Starved Utilities Have Found a New Way to Make Money
2017/7 Like Exxon, Utilities Knew about Climate Change Risks Decades Ago
2017/10 IEEFA Report: Winners and Losers Among Big Utilities as Renewables Disrupt Markets Across Asia, Europe, the U.S., and Africa - Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis
2017/10 The Investment Fund Helping Utilities Buy In to Cleantech
2018/2 Electrification and the role of the utility: A new front line in the U.S. energy transition
2018/2 How New Technologies Are Changing The Electricity Sector [Infographic]
2018/2 IEEFA Update: A Brave New World Is Taking Hold in the Grid Integration of Renewables - Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis
2018/7 Electricity sector won't bear brunt of Paris emissions reduction, energy analyst warns
2018/8 Automated Emissions Reduction Technology Shapes The Future Of Electricity Consumption
2018/8 EPA Proposes Affordable Clean Energy Rule
2018/8 How electric vehicles could change the load curve
2018/10 Study Shows Natural Gas, Wind & Solar to be Cheapest Technologies for Generating Electricity
2018/10 World-first climate risk case launched over major coal plant in Poland
2018/12 How Does Your State Make Electricity?
2019/2 To make sure its utilities survive climate change, California needs liability law reform
2019/3 Droughts Could Hit Aging Power Plants Hard
2019/3 Xcel Energy has an aggressive clean energy goal. How will it get there?
2019/5 How electric vehicles help to tackle climate change
2019/5 New guide to help hydropower build resilience to climate change
2019/5 US Utility Commissioners: A Key Factor In Assessing Regulatory Risk
2019/7 As Politicians Posture, This Power Utility Plans For Zero-Carbon Electricity
2019/8 Climate Strategy Assessments for the U.S. Electric Power Industry: 2019 Update
2019/9 Utility heads say zero-carbon electricity possible before 2050, but questions remain
2019/10 3 state commissions upending the way utilities do business
2019/11 Above-ground power lines grow in risk as climate changes
2020/6 Towards an equitable microgrid policy
2020/8 How Trump Appointees Short-Circuited Grid Modernization
2020/12 Why Electric Utilities Must Engage in Climate Resilience Planning
2021/1 Almost All New US Power Plants Built in 2021 Will Be Carbon-Free
2021/2 'California and Texas are warnings': Blackouts show US deeply unprepared for the climate crisis
2021/2 Opinion: Texas is making the case for the Green New Deal
2021/3 A Glimpse of America’s Future: Climate Change Means Trouble for Power Grids
2021/3 Electric Cars Are Coming, and Fast. Is the Nation’s Grid Up to It?
2021/4 Comparing the actual US grid to the one predicted 15 years ago
2021/5 Power Failures During Heat Waves
2021/5 Reshaping the two biggest carbon-emitting sectors to meet new US climate targets
2021/6 China is facing its worst power shortage in a decade. That's a problem for the whole world
2021/7 “A Heating, Ventilation And Air Conditioning (HVAC) Adaptation Solution At A Time Of Record-Breaking Temperatures”
2021/7 Climate Crisis Catches Power Companies Unprepared
2021/8 After a Clash Over Costs and Carbon, a Minnesota Utility Wants to Step Back from Its Main Electricity Supplier
2021/8 The $1 trillion infrastructure bill is a baby step toward the US grid we need
2021/11 Will The EV Revolution Trigger Global Economic Crisis?
2021/12 The futuristic plan to fix America’s power grid
I - ElectricSectorFutures