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N - Electric Futures
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Electrification as Climate Solution
Progress (or Not) on Electrifying Everything
2011/1 The world can be powered by alternative energy in 20-40 years, Stanford researcher says
2012/5 Utility of the Future: The Upside of Disruption « Breaking Energy
2013/12 Power Play: Are Utility Bonds Still for the Long Haul
2014/1 60 Minutes' 'Cleantech Crash' Segment Misses The Point, Critics Charge (VIDEO)
2014/1 What 60 Minutes got right and wrong in its story on the “cleantech crash” — Tech News and Analysis
2014/2 The Nuclear Power Imperative
2014/5 World’s first superconducting power line paves the way for billions of dollars in savings, more nuclear power stations
2014/9 September:- How solar energy could be the largest source of electricity by mid-century
2015/3 Survey: global electricity system could be 70% renewable by 2050
2015/4 By 2050, Most Energy Will Come From Renewables
2015/11 Managing corporate grid defection: An interview with Hervé Touati of RMI
2015/11 The New Atomic Age We Need
2015/12 What the Paris Climate Talks Mean for Utility Companies
2017/11 7 Reasons The Future Is Electric
2018/9 Future of electricity transmission is HVDC
2019/7 A Key Aspect of New Climate Policies
2019/10 A Hotspot For Uneconomic Fossil Power, Already Costs Consumers Millions
2019/11 Electrification? We Are Already On The Way
2020/5 Scientists Create Jet Engine Powered by Only Electricity
2020/12 Market Design for the Clean Energy Transition Advancing Long-Term approaches
2021/2 Electric Grid of the Future Should Prioritize Sustainability, Resiliency, Equity, Reliability, and Security, Says New Report
2021/4 The US needs a macrogrid to move electricity from one coast to the other
2021/8 The Supply-Side Economics of Residential Electrification
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