Headings - Topical Sources
S - Climate Change Systemic Risk
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
Evaluating the Risks of Abrupt Climate Change
How Big Will the Stranded Assets Problem Be?
ME Session 3 - Systemic Climate Risk
Systemic Climate Risk
S - Economic/Political Disruption as Business Risk
S - Policy Outcomes as Business Risk
S - Stranded Assets
2016 Grain_The Great Climate Robbery: How the Food System Drives Climate Change and What We Can Do About It
200X Hayes_Our Money is Safe, but the Planet Is Not: How the Carbon Bubble Will Cause Havoc for the Environment, but Not the Stock Market
2008 IISD_The financial crisis and our response to climate change
2011 Fitch_Slow Motion Disaster The Big Picture of Converging Effects of Climate Change $$
2011 McKinsey_Resource Revolution Meeting the World's Energy Materials Food Water Needs
2012 Lee_Resources Futures
2012 Mason_Compounding Vulnerability Impacts of Climate Change on Palestinians in Gasa and the West Bank $$
2013 Campiglio_The Structure Shift to Green Services - A Two-Sector Growth Model
2014 Byrnes_White Paper - Systemic Risk in Global Agriculture Conference Proceedings
2014 CERES_Reducing Systemic Risks
2014 CLC_Climate Change A Systemic Risk
2014 Kraemer_Climate change is a global megatrend for sovereign risk
2014 RSA_Environmental systemic risk and insurance white paper
2015 BZE_Carbon Crisis Systemic risk of carbon emission liabilities
2015 Carney_Breaking the tragedy of the horizon – climate change and financial stability - speech by Mark Carney
2015 Centeno_The emergence of global systemic risk $$
2015 FCO_Extreme Weather and Resilience of the Global Food System
2015 Liesen_Climate change and financial market efficiency $$
2015 Lloyds_Food System Shock
2015 Preventable Surprises_Institutional Investors and Climate-Related Systemic Risk
2016 ESRB_Too late too sudden: Transition to a low-carbon economy and systemic risk
2016 Giraud_Comments on Climate Change Development Poverty and Economics
2016 IHS Energy_Do Investments in Oil and Gas Constitute Systemic Risk
2016 Preventable Surprises_Climate change as a systemic risk to the financial system
2016 Rezai_Ecological Macroeconomics Introduction and Review
2017 Chen_Climate mitigation policy as a system solution addressing the risk cost of carbon $$
2017 Giraud_Coping with the Collapse Macrodynamics of Global Warming $$
2017 James_The distinctive significance of systemic risk $$
2017 Mourad_Tools for Understanding Systemic Risks Like Climate Change
2017 Porrka_The use of food imports to overcome local limits to growth
2018 Bendell_Deep Adaptation A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy
2018 Carney_A transition in thinking and action
2018 Mercure_Macroeconomic impact of stranded fossil fuel assets
2018 Nature_ Climate Change_Broad threat to humanity from cumulative climate hazards
2018 Spratt_What Lies Beneath - the Understatement of Existential Climate Risk
2018 van Nieuwkoop_Rising Hunger First signs of a new trend PPT
2019 Fried_The Systemic Risk of Climate Policy
2019 Geraghty_No Place to Hide Climate Change and Systemic Financial Risk
2019 Giuzio_Climate change and financial stability
2019 Hanappi_From Integrated Capitalism to Disintegrating Capitalism Scenarios of
2019 NGFS_A call for Action - Climate change as a source of financial risk
2019 NGFS_Macroeconomic and financial stability Implications of climate change
2019 Spratt_Existential climate-related security risk A scenario approach
2019 Stanley Center_Global Financial Crisis and Climate Change
2020 Bolton_The Green Swan Central banking and financial stability in the age of climate change
2020 Bovari_Financial impacts of climate change mitigation policies and their macroeconomic impacts
2020 JP Morgan_Risky Business The Climate and the Macroeconomy
2020 NGFS_The Macroeconomic and Financial Stability Impacts of Climate Change Research Priorities
2020 Spratt_Climate Reality Check 2020
2020 Spratt_Climate Reality Check 2020 PPT
2020 US CFTC_Report of the Subcommittee on Climate-Related Market Risk - Managing Climate Risk in the U.S. Financial System
2021 Desai_Addressing the human cost in a changing climate
2021 Dunz_Climate-Related Risks for Ministries of Finance
2021 Preventable Surprises_How can investors help prevent corporate policy capture
2021 UNEPFI_Decarbonization and Disruption: Understanding the financial risks of a disorderly transition using climate scenarios
2021 Zenon_Too Hot to Grow How global warming can make the world enter into structure economic recession
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