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Chief Risk Officers
S - Assessments of Societal Climate Risks
S - Board of Directors/Trustee Liability
S - Business Continuity Risk
S - Business Response as Risk Management
S - Business Risks (non-climate)
S - Catastrophic Risk Decision-Making
S - Climate Change Systemic Risk
S - Climate Risk (Societal)
S - Climate Risk Disclosure Regime
S - Communicating Uncertainty and Risk
S - Communications Tools
S - Corporate Sustainability Reporting
S - Current State of Climate Risk Reporting
S - Emerging Risks
S - ERM Enterprise Risk Management
S - General Risk Management (non-climate)
S - Global Risk Assessment
S - Litigation Outcomes as Business Risk
S - Low Probability Psychology
S - Managing Extreme Event Risk
S - Necessity Defense
S - Nuisance, Negligence, and Strict Liability
S - Operational Risk
S - Probabilistic Decision-Making
S - Risk as Communications Frame
S - Risk Assessment for SLR
S - Risk Communication (non-climate)
S - Risk Management
S - Risk Top Level
S - Supply Chain Resilience and Risk Management
S - Systems Thinking
N - Adaptation Liability
N - Ecocide
N - Investor Expectations
N - Investor Risk Perceptions
N - Materiality of Climate Risk
N - Non-Climate Risk Top Level
N - Nuisance, Negligence, and Strict Liability
N - Readiness/Adaptation for Physical Risks
N - Risk Communication
N - Risk Disclosure Liability
N - Systemic Climate Risk
T - Climate Risk Comm
T - Environmental Risk Ratings
T - Risk Assessment
T - Risk Communication
T - Risk Indexes
T - Systemic Risk
V - Litigation and Liability
V - Risk and Its Management
V - Systems Thinking
C - Risk and Risk Management
E - Business Risk Disclosure Topics
E - Communicating Risk
E - Evaluating Risk Disclosure
E - Long Tail Risk Impacts
E - Manifestations of climate risk
E - Policy/Regulatory Risks
E - Risk and Risk Management Top Level
E - Risk Disclosure Best Practice
E - Risk Reporting
E - Systemic Risk
E - Visualizing Risk Management
Dangerous Climate Change TOC
I - AbruptClimateChange
I - BlackSwansofClimateChange
I - CatastrophicClimateChange
I - ClimateDisruption
I - ClimateTippingPoints - Synonym
I - ClimateTriage
I - DoomsdayClock
I - HumanExtinction
I - IPCCUnderestimationofRisk
I - PlanetaryBoundaries (Deep Dive)
I - RiskUnderestimation
I - RunawayClimateChange
I - ScientistsUnderstatingRisk
I - SocietalCollapse
I - TippingPoints
I - TrillionTonBudget
I - UnacceptableClimateChange
S - Catastrophic Risk Decision-Making
S - Climate Change Fingerprint to Date
S - Climate Change Systemic Risk
S - Climate Change Tipping Points
S - Dangerous Climate Impacts
S - Under-Estimating Climate Risk
N - Abrupt Change
N - Climate Change Tipping Points
N - Climate Emergency
N - Impact Attribution
T - Abrupt Change
T - Climate Emergency Networks
T - Human Extinction
V - Abrupt Change/Climate Disruption
E - 1.5 Degree Target
E - 1 Degree 350 ppm Scenario
E - 2 Degree 450 PPM Pathway
E - 3-4 Degree Scenario
E - 100% Renewable Transition
E - Abrupt Climate Change
E - Climate Emergency Extracts
E - Systemic Climate Risk
E - The World in 2050
E - Underestimating Climate Risks
Finance Sector
I - AdaptationFinance
I - AGF HighLevelAdvisoryGrouponClimateFinance
I - BankingRisk
I - Blockchain
I - CleanTechFinancing
I - ClimateFinance
I - ConservationFinance
I - CryptoCurrencies
I - EquatorPrinciples
I - EvaluatingClimateFinance
I - EvaluatingtheGreenEconomy
I - FiduciaryResponsibilityBusinessCase
I - FinanceSectorAdaptation
I - FinanceSectorResponses
I - FinanceSectorRisk
I - FinancialSystemShocks
I - FinancingAdaptation
I - FinancingREDDandREDD+
I - GreenBanks
I - GreenClimateFund
I - GreenFunds
I - GreenGrowth
I - GreenJobs
I - PensionFunds
I - SolutionasClimateFinance
I - SRISociallyResponsibleInvestment
S - Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
S - Climate Change Systemic Risk
S - Climate Finance
S - Conservation Finance
S - ESG Impact Investing
S - Finance Sector Adaptation to Climate Change and Risk
S - Finance Sector and a Low Carbon Transition
S - Finance Sector Climate Risk
S - Financing Adaptation
S - Financing Green Growth
S - Financing Innovation
S - Fossil Fuels and Fossil Free Investing
S - Green Bonds
S - Green Growth
S - Green Growth Investment Barriers
S - Investing for Climate Change Impact
S - Investing for Green Growth
S - Investing in Adaptation
S - Investing Opportunities in Climate Solutions
S - Investor Decision-Making in Response to Climate Change
N - Blockchain and Climate Change
N - Climate Finance
N - Credit Rating Impacts
N - Cryptocurrencies Blockchain
N - Finance Sector
N - Finance Sector Risk
N - Funding Adaptation
N - Green Bonds
N - Green Growth Climate Finance
N - Investor Climate Response
N - Systemic Climate Risk
T - Adapt Funding
T - Climate Finance
T - Cryptocurrencies Blockchain
T - Finance Sector
E - Banking Sector
E - Climate as Investment Risk
E - Climate Finance
E - ESG Critiques
E - ESG Investing
E - Finance Sector Responses
E - Finance Sector Risk
E - Financial Sector
E - Green Growth
E - Greening the Financial System
E - Pension Fund Risk and Risk Management
Risks - Business TOC
S - Abrupt Climate Change
S - Board of Directors/Trustee Liability
S - Carbon Intensity/Footprint as Business Risk
S - Carbon Pricing Policy as Business Risk
S - Climate Change Systemic Risk
S - Climate Change Tipping Points
S - Climate Uncertainties Unknowns
S - Divestment
S - Economics of Extreme Events/Disasters
S - Electric Sector Climate Risk Assessment
S - Emerging Risks
S - Fossil Fuels and Fossil Free Investing
S - Historically Low Probability Outcomes as Business Risk
S - Impacts - Electric Sector
S - Infrastructure Impacts
S - Innovation and Disruption in the Electric Sector
S - Investing Under Uncertainty
S - Investor Action as Business Risk
S - Investor Expectations
S - Litigation Outcomes as Business Risk
S - National Climate Law
S - Nuisance, Negligence, and Strict Liability
S - Operational Risk
S - Public Beliefs and Knowledge
S - SCC in Litigation
S - Sectoral Climate Impacts
S - Social Activism Movements and Climate Change
S - State and Local Climate Law
S - Supply Chain Disruption as Business Risk
N - A Policy Tipping Point?
N - Climate and Security
N - Climate Emergency
N - Credit Rating Impacts
N - Divestment
N - Green Power Purchasing
N - Indirect Impacts of Climate Change
N - Materiality of Climate Risk
N - Operational Risks
N - Policy Regulatory Risk
N - Public Opinion Tipping Points?
N - Real Estate Values and Sea Level Rise
N - Stock/Asset Price Impacts
N - Systemic Climate Risk
N - Tipping Point Coal
T - Climate Litigation Websites
T - Social Movements
T - Systemic Risk
V - Tipping Points
E - Brand Risks
E - Business Risk Assessment
E - Business Risk Disclosure Topics
E - Business Risk Scenarios
E - Business Risk Timing
E - Business Risks by Types
E - Business Sectors Top Level
E - Business Value at Risk
E - Carbon Asset Risks
E - CC and Equity Value
E - Climate as Investment Risk
E - Climate Impact on Returns
E - Climate Impacts on Corporate Ratings
E - Climate Impacts/Risks by Sector
E - Climate Risk and ERM
E - Climate Risk Scenario Extracts
E - Communicating shifting extremes
E - Dangerous Change
E - Fiduciary Responsibility
E - Impacts by Business Sector
E - Insurance Sector Risk
E - Liability Risks
E - Manifestations of climate risk
E - Mid-Term Risk
E - Near Term Risk
E - Perceptions and Positions re Climate Risk
E - Physical Risk Assessment
E - Policy/Regulatory Risks
E - Project/Infrastructure Risks
E - Resources Risks
E - Security Impacts
E - Stranded Assets - Value at Risk from Policy
E - Supply Chain Risks
E - Systemic Risk
E – Gas Risk
E – Metals and Mining Risk
E – Transport Sectors Risk
Risks - Societal TOC
I - AcceleratingClimateChange
I - IPCCUnderestimationofRisk
S - 1.5oC Target
S - 1.5 vs 2.0 Degrees
S - 100% Renewable Energy Transition
S - Abrupt Climate Change
S - Catastrophic Risk Decision-Making
S - Climate Change Fingerprint to Date
S - Climate Change Systemic Risk
S - Climate Change Tipping Points
S - Climate Engineering Sources
S - Climate Sensitivity
S - Climate Uncertainties Unknowns
S - Dangerous Climate Impacts
S - Decision-making Under Uncertainty
S - Extreme Event Impacts
S - Fat and Long Tail Risks of Climate Change
S - Human Extinction
S - Impact Attribution
S - Probabilistic Decision-Making
S - Worst Case Climate Change
N - 1.5oC Target
N - 100% Renewable Future
N - Accelerating/Worsening Climate Change
N - Changing Climate Probabilities
N - Climate Change Tipping Points
N - Climate Emergency
N - Climate Sensitivity
N - Extreme Events
N - Fat and Long Tail Risks From Climate Change
N - Human Extinction
N - IPCC 1.5 Degrees Report
N - Systemic Climate Risk
T - Climate Emergency Networks
T - Extreme Events Network
T - Risk Assessment
T - Systemic Risk
V - Abrupt Change/Climate Disruption
V - Climate Emergency
V - Extreme Events
V - Systemic Climate Risk
E - 1.5 Degree Target
E - 1 Degree 350 ppm Scenario
E - 2 Degree 450 PPM Pathway
E - 3-4 Degree Scenario
E - 100% Renewable Transition
E - Changing Probability Distributions
E - Climate Change Tipping Points
E - Climate Emergency Extracts
E - Climate Sensitivity
E - Extreme Event Impacts
E - Food Security Impacts
E - Security and Climate
E - Systemic Climate Risk
E - Underestimating Climate Risks
E - Worst Case Climate Change
Systemic Risk TOC
I - ChangingProbabilityDistributions
I - ClimateChangeasThreatMultiplier
I - FoodSystemShocks
I - IndirectImpactsofClimateChange
I - InvestmentRiskUncertainties
I - SystemicRiskasBusinessRisk
I - SystemicRiskOutcomes
I - SystemicRiskTriggers
S - Abrupt Climate Change
S - Climate Change Systemic Risk
S - Climate Change Tipping Points
S - Climate Sensitivity
S - Conflict and Climate Change
S - Economics of Extreme Events/Disasters
S - SocioEconomic Impacts
N - Climate and Security
N - Systemic Climate Risk
V - Climate and Security
V - Systemic Climate Risk
E - Systemic Risk
Under-Estimated Risk TOC
I - AcceleratingClimateChange
I - ClimateChangeasThreatMultiplier
I - IndirectImpactsofClimateChange
I - IPCCUnderestimationofRisk
S - Abrupt Climate Change
S - Catastrophic Risk Decision-Making
S - Climate Change Systemic Risk
S - Climate Sensitivity
S - Climate Uncertainties Unknowns
S - Conflict and Climate Change
S - Decision-making Under Uncertainty
S - Fat and Long Tail Risks of Climate Change
S - Worst Case Climate Change
N - Accelerating/Worsening Climate Change
N - Climate and Security
N - Climate Change Tipping Points
N - Climate Sensitivity
N - Fat and Long Tail Risks From Climate Change
T - Risk Assessment
V - Climate and Security
E - Changing Probability Distributions
E - Underestimating Climate Risks
Worst Case Climate Change TOC
I - Premortems
I - 1.5oCTarget
I - AbruptClimateChange
I - AcceleratedIceFreeArctic
I - AcceleratingClimateChange
I - AdaptationLimits
I - BadLuckwithLongTailRiskEvents
I - BlackSwansofClimateChange
I - BrandRisk
I - BusinessActingTooEarlyvsTooLate
I - BusinessDisruptionasBusinessRisk
I - CarbonPricingfor2oC
I - ChangingReturnPeriods
I - ClimateasThreatMultiplier
I - ClimateDoubt
I - ClimateFeedbacks
I - ClimateLiability
I - ClimatePolicyasBusinessRisk
I - ClimateRiskMateriality
I - ClimateSensitivityUnderestimated
I - ClimateUncertaintyasRisk
I - CloudRelatedWarmingUnderestimated
I - ConflictOverArcticResources
I - DangerousClimateChange (Deep Dive)
I - DeepAdaptation (Deep Dive)
I - DivestmentasMaterial
I - Economic/SocialCollapseNarrative
I - EmissionsIntensityasInvestmentRisk
I - EnvironmentalMigrants
I - ExceedanceCurves
I - FoodSystemShocks
I - IndirectImpactsasBusinessRisk
I - InevitablePolicyResponse
I - InvestorResponseasBusinessRisk
I - LandUseandOceanCO2SinksSaturate
I - Litigation/LiabilityasBusinessRisk
I - LowCarbonTransitionasInvestmentRisk
I - MarketTransformationasBusinessRisk
I - OperationalRisk
I - PermafrostMethaneReleasesUnderestimated
I - PhysicalImpactsasBusinessRisk
I - PlanetaryBoundaries (Deep Dive)
I - PoliticalPolarization
I - RiskDisclosureasBusinessRisk
I - RunawayClimateChange
I - SCCasCarbonPrice
I - ScenarioPlanningGeneral (Deep Dive)
I - SocialLicensetoOperateasBusinessRisk
I - SocietalCollapse
I - SupplyChainDisruptionasBusinessRisk
I - SystemicRiskasBusinessRisk
I - SystemicRiskMateriality
I - UnacceptableClimateChange
I - UncertaintyasRisk
I - UnderestimatedSLR
I - UnderseaMethaneReleasesUnderestimated
I - UnknownUnknownsofClimateChange
S - Climate Change Systemic Risk
S - Economic Futures
S - Probabilistic Decision-Making
S - Societal Futures
S - Worst Case Climate Change
N - Limits to Growth
N - Systemic Climate Risk
N - Worst Case Climate Change
T - Systemic Risk
E - 2020 - 2030 Low Carbon Pathways
E - 2050 Emissions Pathways
E - Changing Probability Distributions
E - Changing Return Periods
E - Climate Feedbacks
E - Systemic Risk
E - Worst Case Climate Change
S - Assessments of Business Climate Risks
S - Climate Change Systemic Risk
S - Climate Risk Disclosure Regime
S - Risk Assessment Methodology
S - Sector-Specific Futures
2006 Busch_Emerging carbon constraints for corporate risk management $$
2007 Etkin_Climate Change Perceptions and Discourses of Risk $$
2008 AllianceBernstein_Abating Climate Change
2009 Acclimatise 10 Questions CEOs Should Ask
2009 Climate Risk Pty Limited_Scoping Climate Change Risk for MBRC
2009 ICF Literature Review: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment, Risk Assessment
2010 Goldman Sachs_Change is Coming: A Framework for Climate Change
2010 Lloyd's_Sustainable Energy Security: Strategic Risks and Opportunities for Business
2011 Sheehan_Risk and CSR Reporting A Case Study of AEP
2011 Trexler Kosloff_Climate Risk_in Managing Business Risk
2012 HSBC_Climate Change
2012 IGCC_Institutional Investors Expectations of Corporate Climate Risk Management
2012 Markmann_A Delphi-based risk analysis â Identifying and assessing future challenges for supply chain security in a multi-stakeholder environment
2012 Shell_Climate Change Adaptation: Evaluating the vulnerability of assets - PPT
2012 Thyil_Impact of climate change issues on businesses: an action plan using a corporate governance approach
2012 Winston_Politicians Who Deny Climate Change Cannot Be Pro-Business $$
2012 Winston_Should Companies Care if Hurricane Sandy Was Caused by Climate Change $$
2013 Cambridge The UN IPCC Fifth Assessment Report Implications for Business
2013 COSO Demystifying Sustainability Risk
2013 European Climate Foundation_Climate change action trends and implications for business
2013 GLTE_Climate Science a Perspective for Business Leaders
2013 Guy Carpenter_Global Warming The Evolving Risk Landscape
2013 UNEP_GEO5 for Business
2013 WWF_Business Risk Assessment and the Management of Climate Change Impacts - 12 Phillipine Cities
2014 Caldecott_Financial Dynamics of the Environment Risks Impacts and Barriers to Resistance
2014 CRC_More Accurate Climate Impact Risk Assessments and Adaptation Solutions
2014 WEF_Global Risks Report
2015 Arnell_A Short Guide to Climate Change Risk
2015 Aven_The Concept of Antifragility and its Implications for the Practice of Risk Analysis $$
2015 CTI_The Fossil Fuel Transition Blueprint
2015 Demertzidis_A benchmarking framework to evaluate business climate change risks A practical tool for investors decision-making process
2015 Francis_Elusive Critical Elements of Transformative Risk Assessment Practice and Interpretation: Is Alternatives Analysis the Next Step? $$
2015 Korol_MisCalculated Risk and Climate Change Are Credit Rating Agencies
2015 Petkov_Climate change will likely test the resilience of corporates creditworthiness to natural catastrophes
2016 AI_Climate Risk Management for Financial Institutions
2016 BNP Paribas_Climate Change Strategy
2016 Dietz_Climate value at risk of global financial assets
2016 French Treasury_Assessing Climate Risks in the Banking Sector
2016 Gerrard_Preparing clients for climate change
2016 Glencore_Climate change considerations for our business
2016 NAS_Characterizing Risk in Climate Change Assessments
2016 SASB_Climate Risk Technical Bulletin 2016-01
2016 Swann_How new data tools can assess climate risks
2017 CDSB_Converging on Climate Risk
2017 Dell_The long and winding road - tragedy of the horizon
2017 Ekwurzel_The rise in global CO2, surface temperature, and sea level traced to major carbon producers
2017 G20 Green Finance Study Group_Enhancing Environmental Risk Assessment in Financial Decision Making
2017 Heede_Carbon producers' tar pit - dinosaurs beware
2017 Krane_Climate change and fossil fuel An examination of risks for the energy industry and producer states
2017 Meyer_Evaluating financial risk management strategies under climate change for hydropower
2017 Rutty_Using ski industry response to climatic variability to assess climate change risk An analogue study in Eastern Canada
2017 Sanderson_Assessment and disclosure of corporate climate risks and opportunities - review of TCFD recommendations
2017 Staker_Concerns misplaced - will compliance with TCFD recommendations expose companies to liability risk
2017 TruCost_The Norwegian States Direct Ownership of Companies Climate Related Risks
2018 Allianz_Allianz Risk Barometer Top Business Risks for 2018
2018 CDSB_Climate risk - from principles to practice
2018 CDSB_First steps - corporate climate and environmental disclosure under EU non-financial reporting directive
2018 CDSB_First steps on climate-related financial disclosures in Europe
2021 Cahen-Fourot_Capital stranding cascades: The impact of decarbonisation on productive asset utilisation
S - Business Climate Risk Sources
S - Assessments of Societal Climate Risks
S - Business Perceptions of Climate Risks
S - Carbon Intensity/Footprint as Business Risk
S - Carbon Pricing Policy as Business Risk
S - Climate Change Systemic Risk
S - Customer/Public Activism as Business Risk
S - Historically Low Probability Outcomes as Business Risk
S - Investor Action as Business Risk
S - Litigation Outcomes as Business Risk
S - Physical Impact Risk
S - Sector-Specific Futures
S - Supply Chain Disruption as Business Risk
S - Transition Risks
2002 Shuttleworth_Guidance and Commitment Persuading the private sector to meet the aims of energy policy
2007 Climate Change
2008 Carbon Trust_Establish your climate change priorities
2010 Trucost_Carbon risks and opportunities in emerging markets
2010 Winn_Impacts from climate change on organizations: a conceptual foundation
2011 Amado_A Look at 2010-2011 guidance and disclosure on climate impacts and adaptation
2011 Ernst and Young_Climate change and sustainability -- 5 highly charged risk areas for internal audit
2012 2oInvestingInitiative_Carbon Boomerang - The Landscape of Climate Litigation risks for Companies and Investors
2012 Grossman_Physical Risks from Climate Change Guide
2012 Pattberg_How climate change became a business risk Analyzing nonstate agency in global climate politics
2012 Solability_Climate change energy and businesses Quantifying impacts to 2040
2012 Standard and Poors_Special Report Dry as a Bon Corporate Credit Impact of the U.S. Drought
2013 Carbon Trust_ Protecting your brand from environmental risk
2013 EIO_ET BRICS 300 2013 Carbon Rankings
2014 Standard and Poors_Special Report Climate Change Business can pay now or pay more later
2014 Standard and Poors_Special Report Climate Change Preparing for the long term
2015 Burke_Enemy Number One for the Electric Grid Mother Nature
2015 Cliffe_What Climate Change Means for Business Before and After Paris $$
2015 Demertzidis_A benchmarking framework to evaluate business climate change risks A practical tool for investors decision-making process
2015 Evangelinos_The effects of climate change policy on the business community A corporate environmental accounting perspective $$
2015 Faulk_Stormy Weather Ahead Climate Change and Real Estate Industry
2015 Wilkins_Climate Risk Rising Tides Raise the Stakes
2016 2oInvestingInitiative_Transition Risk Toolbox
2016 Ang_Financial impacts of UKs energy and climate change policies on commercial and industrial businesses $$
2017 AU Senate_Carbon risk A burning issue
2017 BCAM_On Borrowed Time Banks and Climate Change
2017 ClientEarth_Risky Business - Climate change and professional liability risks for DB investment
2017 ClientEarth_Risky Business Climate change and professional liability risks for DB pensions actuaries
2017 ClientEarth_Risky Business: Climate change and professional liability risks for auditors
2017 Connell_UAE Climate Change Risks and Resilience An overview of climate change risks to 12 sectors
2017 Henderson_Climate Change in 2017 Implications for Business $$
2017 KPMG_The Road Ahead The KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2017
2017 Meinel_A multi-level perspective on climate risks and drivers of entrepreneurial robustness Findings from sectoral comparison in alpine Austria $$
2017 Sarra_Canada Country Summary on Climate Financial Risk
2017 Thornton_Glencores corporate reporting regarding coal potential legal risks
2017 Tsalis_Assessing the effects of climate change regulations on the business community A system dynamic approach $$
2017 UK Risk Assessment Business and Industry
2017 WTW_Real Estate Climate Risk Report
2018 Allianz_A Business Sector Analysis of Natural Capital Risk
2018 CCC_Developing Indicators of Climate Risk
2018 CTI_2 Degrees of Separation Company level transition risk update
2018 Henderson_Climate Change in 2018 Implications for Business $$
2018 Insight Investment_A New Climate Risk Model for Corporate Debt
2018 Monnin_Integrating Climate Risks into Credit Risk Assessment
2018 Resilience Economics_The Effects of Weather Events on Corporate Earnings Are Gathering Force_Revised
2018 UNEPFI_Navigating a New Climate Assessing credit risk and opportunity Part 2
2018 UNEPFI_Navigating a New Climate Assessing credit risk and opportunity Part 2 Physical risks
2019 427_Assessing local adaptive capacity to understand corporate and financial climate risks
2019 Colas_Climate Change Managing a New Financial Risk
2019 Jaffe_Impact of Climate Risk on the Energy System
2020 Henderson_Climate Change in 2020 Implications for Business
S - Climate Emergency Sources
S - Abrupt Climate Change
S - Catastrophic Risk Decision-Making
S - Climate Change Fingerprint to Date
S - Climate Change Systemic Risk
S - Climate Change Tipping Points
S - Climate Engineering Sources
S - Dangerous Climate Impacts
S - Human Extinction
S - Impact Attribution
S - Planetary Boundaries
S - Probabilistic Decision-Making
S - Under-Estimating Climate Risk
2006 Rockwell_Why Are the Ice Caps Melting?: The Dangers of Global Warming
2007 Hillman_The Suicidal Planet: How to Prevent Global Climate Catastrophe
2008 Campbell Climatic Cataclysm The Foreign Policy and National Security Implications of Climate Change $$
2009 Orr_Down to the Wire Confronting Climate Collapse
2009 Orr_Down to the Wire: Confronting Climate Collapse
2014 Moellendorf_The Moral Challenge of Dangerous Climate Change: Values, Poverty, and Policy
2015 Mann_Dire Predictions: Understanding Climate Change (2nd Edition)
2015 Shaw_The Two Degrees Dangerous Limit for Climate Change: Public Understanding and Decision Making
2015 Stern_Why Are We Waiting?: The Logic, Urgency, and Promise of Tackling Climate Change
2016 Orr_Climate Change, the Long Emergency, and the Way Forward
2016 Wilson_Half-Earth: Our Planet's Fight for Life
2018 Lynch_Urgency in the Anthropocene
2018 Scranton_We're Doomed. Now What?: Essays on War and Climate Change
2018 Stephens_How Does Critique Respond to the Urgency of Climate Change?
2019 Jamail_The End of Ice: Bearing Witness and Finding Meaning in the Path of Climate Disruption
2019 Wallace-Wells_The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming
2020 Ord_The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity
2021 Pogue_How to Prepare for Climate Change: A Practical Guide to Surviving the Chaos
2022 Jackson_An Inconvenient Apocalypse: Environmental Collapse, Climate Crisis, and the Fate of Humanity
200X Salt_Is the climate in crisis PPT
1990 Tainter_The Collapse of Complex Societies
2005 Keller_Avoiding dangerous anthropogenic information with the climate system
2005 Lorenzoni_Dangerous Climate Change the Role for Risk Research
2005 Sunstein_Irreversible and Catastrophic
2007 Campbell_The Age of Consequences - The Foreign Policy Implications
2008 GCI_Carbon Countdown
2008 PIRC Climate Safety Report - In case of emergency
2008 Schellnhuber_Global warming Stop worrying start panicking
2008 Spratt_Climate Code Red The Case for a Sustainability Emergency
2008 Sunstein_Two Conceptions of Irreversible Environmental Harm
2009 Baer_A 350 ppm Emergency Pathway
2009 Jones_Gaia bites back: Accelerated warming $$
2010 Apocadocs_Humoring the horror of the converging emergencies
2010 Johnson_Climate change and the risk industry The multiplication of fear and value
2010 Kousky_Responding to Threats of Climate Change Mega-Catastrophes
2011 Anderson_Climate Change: Going Beyond Dangerous PPT
2011 Ceronsky_Checking the price tag on catastrophe The social cost of carbon under non-linear climate response (updated version)
2011 Mabey_Degrees of Risk -- Defining a Risk Management Framework for Climate Security
2012 PWC_Too late for two degrees - Low Carbon Economy Index 2012
2013 Jennings_Climate Disruption: Are We Beyond the Worst Case Scenario?
2014 Gordon_Sea Level Rise - A Slow Moving Emergency
2014 Huntingford_Complexity and determining dangerous levels of climate impacts
2015 Baum_Resilience to Global Food Supply Catastrophes
2016 Harris_Adapting to dangerous climate change Implications for studies of politics policy and beyond
2016 McKibben_Recalculating the Climate Math
2016 Mello_The Crisis at Hand the Emergency Mode and the Need for Full Scale Mobilization
2016 Salamon_Leading the Public into Emergency Mode A New Strategy for the Climate Movement
2017 Bettis_The risk of climate ruin $$
2017 Brecher_Against Doom A Climate Insurgency Manual
2017 Dunlop_Disaster Alley Climate Change Conflict and Risk
2017 Holdren_Why the Wafflers Are Wrong: Addressing climate change is urgent and a bargain PPT
2017 Roper_Twenty-First Century Collapse
2017 Spratt_What Lies Beneath The Scientific Understatement of Climate Risks
2017 Walsh_Pathways for balancing CO2 emissions and sinks
2018 Busby_Why Climate Change Explains the World
2018 Club of Rom_Climate Emergency Plan
2018 Club of Rome_The Club of Rome Climate Emergency Plan - A Collaborative Call for Climate Action
2018 Ehrlich_The Great Mismatch
2018 Lister_Talanoa Dialogue Platform Submission
2019 Cascio_The apocalypse: It’s not the end of the world
2019 Club of Rome_Planetary Emergency Plan
2019 Coalition for Urban Transitions_Climate Emergency Urban Opportunit
2019 Laybourn-Langton_This is a Crisis Facing up to the age of environmental breakdown
2019 Xu_Future of the human climate niche
2020 CCRC_Briefing Document The Importance of Climate Repair
2020 Gilding_Climate Contagion 2020-2025
2020 Hohne_Emissions World has four times the work or one-third of the time
2020 McGuire_Global Heating and Climate Catastrophe completing the picture PPT
2020 McPherson_Earth is in the Midst of Abrupt Irreversible Climate Change
2020 Morton_Don't Mention The Emergency - 2d ed
2020 Parks_Is Climate Change a Crisis And Who Says So An Analysis of Climate Characterization in Major US News Media $$
2020 Ripple_World Scientists Warning of a Climate Emergency
2020 Servigne_Another End of the World is Possible: Living the Collapse (and Not Merely Surviving It)
2021 Bendell_Psychological insights on discussing societal disruption and collapse
2021 CCAG_The Final Warning Bell
2021 CCAG_The Global Climate Crisis and the Action Needed
2021 Crepel_Corporate strategy in the era of climatic emergency Are old recipes still viable
2021 Dunlop_Climate Crisis and Indian Industry
2021 Hansen_A Realistic Path to a Bright Future
2021 Hansen_Don't Look Up An American Dream and an appeal
2021 Spratt_Extreme Weather Events in the Arctic and Beyond A Global State of Emergency
S - Economic Impacts of Climate Change
S - Climate Change Systemic Risk
S - Economics of SLR
S - Quantifying Economic Impacts
2011 Lovins_Climate Capitalism: Capitalism in the Age of Climate Change
2015 Houser_An American Prospectus Economic Risks of Climate Change
2015 Wagner_Climate Shock The Economic Consequences of a Hotter Planet
2017 Raworth_Doughnut Economics Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economis
2022 Walia_Border and Rule: Global Migration, Capitalism, and the Rise of Racist Nationalism
1992 Schelling Some Economics of Global Warming
1993 Nordhaus_Reflections on the Economics of Climate Change
1994 Nordhaus_Expert Opinion on Climatic Change
1998 Hahn_The Economics and Politics of Climate Change
2001 UNEP_Economics of Greenhouse Gas Limitations - Senegal
2003 O’Brien_Winners and Losers in the Context of Global Change
2006 Boyd_Costing the local and regional impacts of climate change using the UKCIP methodology
2006 Sheehan_Climate Change and the global knowledge economy an immediate challenge
2007 Dietz_Some economics of ‘dangerous’ climate change
2007 Kunreuther_Who Will Pay for the Next Hurricane
2007 Larsen_Estimating Future Costs for Alaska Public Infrastructure
2007 Lesser_Coral reef bleaching and global climate change - can corals survive the next century?
2007 Perch-Nielsen_Climatic Resources for Tourism in Europe
2007 Proebstl_Klimawandel und Wintersport vom Diskutieren zum Handeln
2008 Goulder_Economics of Climate Change
2008 Hill_Climate Change and Health Costs of Air Emissions
2008 Taylor_What Will Climate Change Cost
2008 WRI_Rattling upply_chains_effect of environment trends on input costs
2009 Bipartisan Policy Center_Climate Change and The Economy - Expected Impacts and Their Implications
2009 Cooley_Anticipating ocean acidification's impacts on commercial fisheries
2009 Costello_Bounded uncertainty and climate change economics
2009 E3 Ackerman Economics_of_350ppm
2009 Econorthwest_An overview of potential economic costs to New Mexico of a BAU approach to climate change
2009 Econorthwest_An overview of potential economic costs to Washington of a BAU approach to climate change
2009 Freeman_Climate Change and U.S. Interests
2009 Holladay Economists and Climate Change Consensus and Open Questions
2009 Jones_Double Jeopardy: What the climate crisis means for the poor
2009 Lester_The Economics of Climate Change Impacts: A Case Study
2009 NCEP_Managing Economic Risks - forging the climate consensus
2009 Repetto_Economic Impacts of Reducing GHG Emissions
2009 Tol_The Economic Effects of Climate Change
2009 Weitzman_On Modeling and Interpreting Economics of Catastrophic Climate Change
2009 Weitzman_Some basic economics of extreme climate change
2010 Ackerman_Assessing the Benefits of Avoided Climate Change Cost-Benefit Analysis and Beyond
2010 Dietz_High Impact Low Probability
2010 Herrero Assessing Household Level Vulnerability to Climate Change
2010 Hochrainer_Costs and Benefits of Reducing Risk from Natural Hazards to Residential
2010 Kupers_Climate Change Policy Positive or Negative Economic Impact
2010 Perch-Nielsen_Vulnerability of beach tourism to CC
2010 PewWorkshop_Benefits of Delaying Emissions
2010 Repetto_Changing Climate, More Damaging Weather
2010 Repetto_Climate Change and Extreme Weather
2010 Stanton_Emission Reduction, Interstate Equity, and Price of Carbon
2010 Weitzman_What is the damages function for global warming
2011 ADB Pacific Climate Change Program_Economics of Climate Proofing at the Project Level -- Two Pacific Case Studies
2011 Aerts_Climate change impacts on pricing long-term flood insurance: a comprehensive study for the Netherlands
2011 ASCE_The Failure to Act Economic Implications of Current Investment Trends
2011 Bouwer_Have Disaster Losses Increased Due to Anthropogenic Climate Change
2011 CDKN_Climate Change and Poverty Objectives
2011 Cline_Valuation of damages from climate change
2011 Cooley The Socioeconomic side of ocean acidification
2011 Gayer A Better Approach to Environmental Regulation Getting the Costs and Benefits Right
2011 Hsiang_Reconsidering economic implications of climate change
2011 Krupnick_Valuing the impacts of climate change on terrestrial ecosystem services
2011 Kunreuther_A Proposal to Make America More Resilient to Natural Disasters
2011 Leichenko_ClimAID Annex III - An Economic Analysis of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations in New York State
2011 Michel-Kerjan_Are Extreme Events Roadblocks to Growth
2011 Michel-Kerjan_Covering the cost of natural devastation
2011 Michel-Kerjan_Risk of Ever-Growing Disaster Relief Expectations
2011 Morgan_Valuation Techniques for Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitigaiton Options: Methodological Perspectives for the National Climate Assessment
2011 National Climate Assessment_Agenda - Climate Change Valuation
2011 NRT_Paying the Price - The Economic Impacts of CC for Canada
2011 Oppenheimer_Progress in Estimating Climate Change Impacts
2011 Oppenheimer_Progress in Estimating Climate Impacts
2011 Rausch_Distributional impacts of carbon pricing - general equilibrium approach
2011 Strzepek_Economic Impacts of Water Resource Impacts
2011 Sussman_Workshop Report: Valuation Techniques and Metrics for Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitigation Options
2011 Tol_Economic Impacts of Sea Level Rise
2011 UNEP_Climate Change and Tourism in OECD Countries
2011 Whitehead_Nonmarket valuation of climate change and ocean acidification impacts to marine resources_paper
2011 Whitehead_Valuation of Ocean Acidification Damages
2011 Yohe_What’s the Value of Quantifying Climate Damages
2012 Dell_Temperature Shocks and Economic Growth: Evidence from the Last Half Century $$
2012 Economist_Counting the cost of calamities
2012 Hallegatte_The rising costs of hurricanes
2012 Michel-Kerjan_Paying for Future Catastrophes Oped
2012 Narita_Economic costs of ocean acidification: a look into the impacts on global shellfish production
2012 Repetto_Economic and environmental impacts of climate change in Florida
2012 Repetto_Economic and Environmental Impacts of Climate Change in Arizona
2012 Repetto_Economic and Environmental Impacts of Climate Change in Nevada
2012 Repetto_Economic and Environmental Impacts of Climate Change in Virginia
2012 Repetto_Massachusetts Rising Economic Risk from Climate Change
2012 Repetto_New Mexico’s Rising Climate Risks
2012 Toeglhofer_Weather Value at Risk: On the Measurement of Noncatastrophic Weather Risk
2012 von Peter_Unmitigated Disasters - New Evidence on the Macroeconomic Costs of Disasters
2013 Cunningham_Protecting the Homeland the Rising Costs of Inaction on Climate Change
2013 Euskirchen_An estimated cost of lost climate regulation services caused by thawing of the Arctic cryosphere
2013 Heal_Uncertainty and Decision Making in Climate Change Economics
2013 Kiuila_The cost of reducing CO 2 emissions: Integrating abatement technologies into economic modeling
2013 Souganidis_A Multi-model analysis of climate economics
2013 Tol_The economic impact of climate change in the 20th and 21st centuries $$
2013 Whiteman_Climate science Vast costs of Arctic change
2013 Whiteman_Climate Science: Vast costs of arctic change
2014 Ahmed_Assessing the Costs of Climate Change and Adaptation in South Asia
2014 Butler_Inaction and climate stabilization uncertainties suggest severe economic costs
2014 CEA_The Cost of Delaying Action to Stem Climate Change
2014 Dietz_Endogenous growth convexity of damages and climate risk
2014 Hsiang_The Causal Effect of Environmental Catastrophe on Long-Run Economic Growth Evidence from 6,700 Cyclones
2014 IPCC_AR5 - Implications for Employment - Key Findings
2014 Montgomery_The Economic and Budgetary Consequences of Climate Change
2014 Office of the President_The Cost of Delaying Action to Stem Climate Change
2014 Rhodium_American Climate Change Prospectus Economic Risks in the United States
2014 Risky Business The Economics Risks of Climate Change in the United States
2014 Roland-Holst_The Economic Impact of Climate and Energy Policy on Public and Private Sectors PPT
2014 WMO_Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather
2014 Wobus_Estimating monetary damages from flooding in the United States under a changing climate $$
2014 Youngs_The Economic Impact of Climate and Energy Policy on Public and Private Sectors PPT
2015 Barnes_Economic Evaluation of Coastal Land Loss in Louisiana
2015 Burke_Global non-linear effect of temperature on economic production $$
2015 Economics: Higher Costs of Climate Change
2015 Harris_The Economics of Global Climate Change
2015 Hope_Economic impacts of carbon dioxide and methane released from thawing permafrost $$
2015 Howard_Expert Consensus on the Economics of Climate Change
2015 Lemoine_A top down approach to projecting market impacts of climate change
2015 London Assembly_Weathering the Storm The Impact of Climate Change on London's Economy
2015 Moore_Temperature impacts on economic growth warrant stringent mitigation policy $$
2015 Moyer_Climate Impacts on Economic Growth as Drivers of Uncertainty in the Social Cost of Carbon
2015 OECD_The Economic Consequences of Climate Change
2015 RFF_The Economics and Financial Risks of a Changing Climate
2015 Rosen_The economics of mitigating climate change: What can we know? $$
2015 Sterner_Economics Higher costs of climate change $$
2015 Wade_The impact of climate change on the global economy
2016 ADB_Economics of climate change in the Pacific
2016 Colt_Economic Effects of an Ocean Acidification Catastrophe PPTe
2016 Diaz_A Potential Disintegration of WAIS Implications for economic analysis of mitigation strategies PPT
2016 Fankhauser_Climate change development poverty and economics
2016 Lemoine_Economics of tipping the climate dominoes
2016 Policy Note - Good Development to Manage the Impacts of Climate Change on Poverty
2016 Stiglitz_The revolution of information economics the past and the future PPT
2017 Chan_The Effects of Climate on Leisure Demand
2017 Dauncey_Climate and the Economy Beauty and the Beast PPT
2017 Dauncey_The Economics of Kindness Part 1 PPT
2017 Dauncey_The Economics of Kindness Part 2 PPT
2017 GAO_Information on Potential Economic Effects Could Help Guide Efforts to Reduce Fiscal Exposure
2017 Morris_US carbon tax and earned income tax credit
2017 Noy_Disasters and climate change economics a new journal for a changing world
2018 Tol_The Economic Impacts of Climate Change $$
2019 Bansal_Climate Change Risk
2019 Barnett_A Run on Oil Climate Policy Stranded Assets and Asset Prices
2019 Batten_Climate Change Macroeconomic impact and implications for monetary policy
2019 Brainard_Why Climate Change Matters for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability
2019 Gorgon_Carbon Risk
2019 Greenstone_Statement of Michael Greenstone - Economics of Climate Change
2019 Hassler_Integrated Assessment in a Multi-Region World with Multiple Energy Sources and Endongenous Technical Change
2019 Kahn_Long-Term Macroeconomic Effects of Climate Change A Cross-Country Analysis
2019 Muller_On the Relationship Between Environmental and MacroEconomic Policy
2020 Keen_The appallingly bad neoclassical economics of climate change
2020 Spratt_Fatal Calculations - How Economics Has Underestimated Climate Damage
2021 OGL_The Economics of Biodiversity The Dasgupta Review
2021 Rose_Climate Risk and the Cost of Capital
2021 Schultes_Economic damages from on-going climate change imply deeper near-term emission cuts
2021 WMO_Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses From Weather and Climate Extremes 1970-2019
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