Categories of Team Urgency Moves
Distributed Renewable Energy Moves
Team Urgency Chess Moves
All govts. should incentivize decarbonization of hot water delivery 19, 518
All govts. should promote goal of getting 100% of their energy needs through renewables 19, 507
Citizen groups and non-profits should encourage voluntary corporate initiative to promote distributed generation 19, 506
Congress should legislatie solar access rights 19, 522
Congress should protect right of landowners to install solar technologies without significant restrictions 19, 522
Corporations should promote achieving 100% of their energy needs from renewables 19, 507
Federal agencies should require advanced inverter capabilities and remote inverter programming. 19, 505
Federal agencies, such as EPA, FERC, or DOE, should codify and provide one-stop help with respect to permit, building, fire, and other requirements for rooftop PV and storage. 19, 507
Federal government should incentivize microgrid development 19, 495
Federal government should strive for 100% renewable energy purchases 19, 507
Federal govt. should eliminate interconnection fees and contracts 19, 503
Federal govt. should incentivize distributed renewable resourcds 19, 495
If state statutes standardizing permitting costs and creating uniform processes for distributed generation thermal technologies are not enacted, state agencies should create model ordinances or best practices for local level. 19, 519
If the federal government does not do so, state PUCs should compile all building, fire, and other installation requirements into one consolidated source that reconciles inconsistencies. 19, 507
If the federal government does not do so, state PUCs should compile all building, fire, and other installation requirements into one consolidated source that reconciles inconsistencies. 19, 507
In the absence of federal action, state legislatures should enact statewide solar access protection statutes. 19, 522
Instead of employing a quasi-judicial approach, state PUCs should structure decisionmaking on rates and other policies to encourage participation by all interested parties and broad forward-planning perspectives. 19, 505
Instead of employing a quasi-judicial approach, state PUCs should structure decisionmaking on rates and other policies to encourage participation by all interested parties and broad forward-planning perspectives. 19, 505
Local govts. should avoid zoning rules that impede renewable energy development, and adopt rules to explicitly facilitate such development 19, 506
Local govts. should educate stakeholders in how to pick and plant trees to minimize negative impacts 19, 524
Local govts. should enact zoning to protect solar access rights and that give high-density dwellers the option of solar energy 19, 523
Local govts. should ensure that land use codes do not categorically prohibit underground installations 19, 520
Local govts. should incentivize district heating infrastructure in mixed-use zones 19, 520
Local govts. should include geothermal and district heading in their plumbing and electric codes 19, 520
Local govts. should mandate or encourage development that incorporates or is adaptable to DB 19, 506
Local govts. should provide financial incentives for distributed renewable resources 19, 495
Local govts. should take the actions listed in Going Solar in America, a report from the North Carolina Clean Energy Technology Center 19, 507
Localities should promote geothermal systems, and evaluate geothermal mandates in comparison to other alternatives 19, 520
NGOs should create model ordinances and best practices for permitting distributed generation resources if states don't do it 19, 520
NGOs should educate tree planters about tree shadows, picking the right species, etc. to minimize negative impacts 19, 524
NGOs should set 100% renewable energy goals to help promote distributed generation 19, 506
Nonprofits promoting decarbonization should educate consumers nationally regarding geothermal and distrct heading 19, 521
Private sector in partnership with others could fund the cost of replacing older HDVs with more fuel efficient vehciles 15, 400
Private sector should compile all enacted building, fire, and other installation requirements into one consolidated source to reconcile inconsistencies 19, 507
Solar indusstry should protect consumers for thrid-party ownership contracts 19, 524
State agencies should develop modeling rules that capture energy efficiency of geothermal systems and help agencies determine whether a geothermal heating mandate makes sense. 19, 520
State agencies should protect consumers with guides and fair resolution processes for third-party ownership contracts. 19, 524
State agencies should require advanced inverter capabilities and remote inverter programming 19, 505
State govts. should ensure that land use codes to not prohibit underground installations 19, 520
State govts. should incentivize decarbonizing hot water delivery 19, 518
State govts. should incentivize distributed resoures 19, 495
State govts. should incentivize microgrid development 19, 495
State govts. should incentivize planned communities to install district heading 19, 520
State govts. should work toward 100% renewable energy for their needs 19, 507
State legislatures should consider vesting developers of geothermal or district heating with eminent domain authority comparable to that provided to other utilities such as natural gas line construction. 19, 520
State legislatures should enact laws to recognize and protect the right of landowners to install and operate solar technologies on their properties without significant restrictions. 19, 522
State legislatures should enact RPS that focus not only on the generation of electricity, but also on thermal energy systems that can contribute to decarbonization. 19, 516
State legislatures should enact statutes such as Colorado’s pioneering community gardens model. 19, 525
State legislatures should expand community solar ownership legislation, such as virtual net metering, for all customers. 19, 525
State legislatures should facilitate deployment of solar installations through third-party ownership (TPO) models, by maintaining net metering rate structures and excluding TPOs from the definition of regulated utilities. 19, 524
State legislatures should facilitate deployment of solar installations through third-party ownership models and community solar ownership legislation, such as virtual net metering, for all customers. 19, 524-525
State legislatures should help cut costs of deploying all distributed generation thermal technologies by standardizing permitting costs and creating uniform processes. 19, 519
State legislatures should mandate energy storage or provide incentives for utilities and consumers to provide energy storage for grid-connected solar PV. 19, 496
State PUCs should consider adopting special electricity rates customized to homes with geothermal systems. 19, 521
State PUCs should consider adopting special electricity rates customized to homes with geothermal systems. 19, 521
State PUCs should create policies to encourage utilities to speed up the interconnection approval process through streamlined automated procedures and online hosting capacity maps. 19, 504
State PUCs should create policies to encourage utilities to speed up the interconnection approval process through streamlined automated procedures and online hosting capacity maps. 19, 504
State PUCs should discourage, and perhaps penalize, utilities for delaying or denying approval for DG-plus- storage systems. 19, 502
State PUCs should discourage, and perhaps penalize, utilities for delaying or denying approval for DG-plus- storage systems. 19, 502
State PUCs should eliminate any mandate for natural gas connections in building codes to allow for geothermal or other low-carbon substitutes. 19, 520
State PUCs should eliminate any mandate for natural gas connections in building codes to allow for geothermal or other low-carbon substitutes. 19, 520
State PUCs should encourage utilities to use grid-connected PV (solar) along with distributed battery storage to provide benefits of resilience and emergency backup to their services. 19, 502
State PUCs should encourage utilities to use grid-connected PV (solar) along with distributed battery storage to provide benefits of resilience and emergency backup to their services. 19, 502
State PUCs should expand community solar ownership legislation, such as virtual net metering, for all customers. 19, 525
State PUCs should expand community solar ownership legislation, such as virtual net metering, for all customers. 19, 525
State PUCs should maintain net metering until an alternative rate that measures the true value of solar generation is established. 19, 501
State PUCs should maintain net metering until an alternative rate that measures the true value of solar generation is established. 19, 501
State PUCs should participate in negotiations concerning restructuring of utilities away from vertically integrated, investor-owned monopolies, focused on selling more kWh, to alternative models. 19, 503
State PUCs should participate in negotiations concerning restructuring of utilities away from vertically integrated, investor-owned monopolies, focused on selling more kWh, to alternative models. 19, 503
State PUCs should play a role in restricting utility penalties for solar PV that encourage customer defection. 19, 502
State PUCs should play a role in restricting utility penalties for solar PV that encourage customer defection. 19, 502
State PUCs should provide some process for funding citizen participation in ratemaking negotiations. 19, 505
State PUCs should provide some process for funding citizen participation in ratemaking negotiations. 19, 505
State PUCs should require utilities to file “distributed resource plans” or locational value maps showing where distributed generation resources are most needed and best deployed. 19, 504
State PUCs should require utilities to file “distributed resource plans” or locational value maps showing where distributed generation resources are most needed and best deployed. 19, 504
States should address geothermal and district heading in their plumbing and electric codes 19, 520
States should adopt necessary standards for all distributed PV installations 19, 499
States should eliminate interconnection feeds or individual contracts 19, 503
States should enact building mandates for ZNE buildings 19, 500
States should include in RPS mandates distributed solar energy, micrgrids, and other systems 19, 496
States should preempt or prohibit all local permitting for solar installations 19, 498
tate PUCs should require time-of-use rates, or transactive rates if possible. 19, 501
Trade associations should educate consumers, poliymakers, regulators about geothermal and district heating 19, 521
Utilities should educate those involved in tree planting campaigns about the impacts shadows can have on distributed generation solar energy systems 19, 254
Utilities should provide guidance about how to pick tree species for planting and where to place them to minimize negative impacts 19, 254
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