General Scenario Planning Core Library
1996 Schwartz_The Art of the Long View: Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World
2005 van der Heijden_Scenarios: the art of strategic conversation
2012 Kahane Transformative Scenario Planning
2012 Schwartz_Learnings From the Long View
2012 Wade_Scenario Planning: A Field Guide to the Future
1977 Macnulty_Scenario development for corporate planning
1981 Klein_The use of scenarios in corporate planning
1988 Goldfarb_Building Scenarios for an Electric Utility
1988 Millett_How Scenarios Trigger Strategic Thinking
1992 Schoemaker_Integrating Scenarios into Strategic Planning at Royal Dutch Shell
1992 Twelve scenarios for Southern California Edison
1994 Mason_Scenario Based Planning Decision Model for th eLearning Organization
2000 Wilson_From Scenario Thinking to Strategic Action
2002 Berkhout_Socio-economic futures in climate change impact assessment: using scenarios as learning machines $$
2003 Fahey_How corporations learn from scenarios
2005 Bradfield_The origins and evolution of scenario techniques in long range business planning
2005 Raynolds_Long-Term Strategic Thinking - Placing the Pembina Institute in Divergent Scenarios of the World for 2025
2006 Burt_Why are we surprised at surprises? Integrating disruption theory and system analysis with the scenario methodology to help identify disruptions and discontinuities
2006 Sales_Future Thinking by Middle Managers A Neglected Necessity
2007 Conway_Introduction to Scenario Planning
2007 Conway_Strategic Planning Revisited: A Futures Perspective
2008 Gordon_Scenario Building Workshop
2011 Chermack_Scenario Planning in Organizations: How to Create, Use, and Assess Scenarios
2011 Ilbury_The mind of a fox: Scenario Planning in Action
2012 Kedge_So... You Want To Create The Future? PPT
2012 Warth_A dissent-based approach for multi-stakeholder scenario development â” The future of electric drive vehicles
2013 Bowman_Storytelling and the scenario process: Understanding success and failure
2013 Meissner_Cognitive benefits of scenario planning: Its impact on biases and decision quality
2013 Tapinos_Scenario planning at business unit level $$
2013 Wright_Scenario methodology: New developments in theory and practice
2014 Ramirez_Plausibility and probability in scenario planning
2015 Chermack_Integrating scenario planning and design thinking: Learnings from the 2014 Oxford Futures Forum $$
2016 Paltseve_Energy Scenarios The Value and Limits of Scenario Analysis
2018 Cairns_Scenario Thinking
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