What Are the Key Climate Change Wildcards?
I - BlackSwansofClimateChange
I - ClimateTippingPoints - Synonym
I - UnknownUnknownsofClimateChange
I - What'sKnownWhat'sNot
S - Climate Change Tipping Points
S - Climate Uncertainties Unknowns
S - Deep Uncertainty
N - Tipping Points
Climate Change Wildcards
2007 Taleb_The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable - Get Abstract
2010 Trexler_A gathering of black swans
2013 Higgins_The black swan effect and the impact on Australian property forecasting
2013 Wagner_Expecting a Black Swan and Getting a Dragon - Confronting Deep Uncertainty in Climate Change
2014 Shiogama_Climate science Clouds of uncertainty
2015/9 Black Swans and Risk Management: Prepare Now for the Unthinkable
2019/4 Climate's Troubling Unknown Unknowns
2019/5 Are Black Swan events in the Climate Crisis Imminent?
2019/12 Climate Science Discoveries of the Decade: New Risks Scientists Warned About in the 2010s
2020/1 Even More Than Fracking, Tapping Oceanic Methane Hydrates Could Soon Upend the Global Energy Landscape
2020/3 Is the COVID-19 Outbreak a Black Swan or the New Normal?
Climate Code Red
2012 Alley_Perspectives on Limits to Growth: World on the Edge
2012 The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable - YouTube
2014 Donnay_Is our climate headed for a mathematical tipping point?
2017 Beckwith_Climate Tipping Points from Cascading Feedbacks
2013 Once you cross a tipping point, it may be very hard to go back
Examples of black swan events for the analysis
Potential Black Swans
2017 Pandemics may be the Black Swan with the greatest potential to disrupt the international system
Identify, rate, and rank the driving forces (the wildcards)
Tipping points have significant implications for thinking about SCC