Electric Sector and Climate Change
S - Electric Sector Futures
S - Electric Sector Mitigation
S - Electric Sector Regulation and Policy
S - Impacts - Electric Sector
N - CCS Carbon Capture and Storage
N - Storage
N - Technology Disruption
T - Electric Sector
Electric Sector Emissions Reduction Options
E - Electric Sector Responses
2010 Synapse_Beyond Business as Usual - investigating a future without Coal and Nuclear
2012 DEFRA_Climate Change Risk Assessment for the Energy Sector
2012 van Vliet_Vulnerability of US and European electricity supply to climate change
2012 Williams_The Technology Path to Deep Greenhouse Gas Emissions Cuts 2050
2013 Bushnell_Downstream Regulation of CO2 Emissions in California's Electricity Sector
2013 DOE US Energy Sector Vulnerabilities to Climate Change
2013 Johnson_The social cost of carbon: implications for modernizing our electricity system
2013 Kind_Disruptive Challenges Financial Implications and Strategic Responses
2014 Borison_Electric Power Resource Planning Under Uncertainty
2014 GAO_Energy Infrastructure Risks and Adaptation Efforts
2014 Garnaut_Resolving Energy Policy Dilemmas in an Age of Carbon Constraints
2014 Harvey_The Great Reinvention of the Electric Utility
2014 Roy_Scenarios for U.S. Electricity in 2030
2014 World Future Council_How to achieve 100% renewable energy
2015 CERES_Pathway to a 21st Century Electric Utility
2015 IEA_Making the energy sector more resilient to climate change
2015 Sandman_Radical Candor Making Clean Coal More Than an Oxymoron
2015 WEF_The Future of Electricity Attracting Investment
2016 Alexander-Kearns_Electric Utilities and the Future of Clean Transportation
2016 IEA_Repowering Markets Market design and regulation during the transition to low-carbon power systems
2016 IIGCC_Investor Expectations of Electric Utilities Companies
2016 Murphy_The Top 25 U.S. Electric Utilities Climate Change Corporate Governance and Politics
2016 NAS_The Power of Change Innovation for Development and Deployment of Clean Electric Technologies
2016 Pfeiffer_The 2 Degree Capital Stock for Electricity Generation
2017 Tawney_Emerging Green Tariffs in U.S. Regulated Electricity Markets
2018 Gao_Potential impacts of climate warming and increased summer heat stress on the electric grid
2018 LaCount_Climate strategy assessments for US electric power industry
2018 Tobin_Vulnerabilities and resilience of European power generation to 1.5 2 and 3oC warming
America’s Power Plan
California 2030 Low Carbon Grid Study LCGS
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