Individual Action 101
2013 Hopkins_The Power of Just Doing Stuff: How Local Action Can Change the World
2015 Heffernan_Beyond Measure The Big Impact of Small Changes
2017 Vandenbergh_The Role of Individual and Household Behavior in Decarbonization $$
2005 Wapner_The irony of environmentalism The ecological futuility but political necessary of lifestyle change
2009 Dietz_Household actions can provide a behavioral wedge to rapidly reduce US carbon emissions
2009 Jensen_Forget Shorter Showers
2009 Kent_Individualized responsibility and climate change If climate protection becomes everyone's responsibility
2015 MacAskill_How Effective Altruism Can Help You Make a Difference
2015 Victor_What can a technologist do about climate change? A personal view.
2016 Sivak_What Individual Americans Can Do to Assist in Meeting the Paris Agreement
2016 Southgage_Our Household Energy Transition Becoming a Fossil Fuel Free Family
2017 Nicholas_What are the most effective ways for an individual to reduce their carbon footprint
2017 Wynes_The climate mitigation gap Education and government recommendations miss the most effective individual actions
2013/4 individual responsibility and climate action
2013/11 New Report Finds Climate Change Caused By 7 Billion Key Individuals
2015/1 Climate Change: How To Really Make A Difference
2015/3 Employing shame for environmental change
2015/8 Carbon credits undercut climate change actions
2017/1 Average people can make a difference on global challenges, says researcher
2017/6 Living with climate change: You can make a difference
2017/7 Neoliberalism has conned us into fighting climate change as individuals
2018/4 The most important thing you can do to fight global warming – ThinkProgress
2018/6 Cutting out meat and dairy is the best thing you can do for the planet
2018/10 Climate change is manageable, and it is not "political will" that will do it but You and Me
2018/10 The big lie we're told about climate change is that its our own fault
2018/12 For Climate Action: 8 Everyday Actions you can do to help the Earth
2019/2 Which Climate Actions Do Really Matter?
2019/3 Climate change – what can WE do about it?
Carbon Footprint Reduction Tips - Defunct
Pledge to Travel Green
2012 Jonathan Haidt Explains Our Contentious Culture
2013 What YOU Can Do About Climate Change
2018 Being the Change: A New Kind of Climate documentary
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