Headings - Topical Sources
S - Offset Design
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
Headings (Carbon Offsets Sample)
S - Additionality of Offsets
S - Offset Leakage
S - Offset Permanence
S - REDD Design
2008 Diamant_Comparison of Selected Proposals to Design a GHG Offset Program
2008 Diamant_GHG Emissions Offsets Definition Benefits and Interaction with Cap and Trade
2008 Edmonds_The Impacts of Quantitative and Qualitative Limits of Offsets Use
2008 Lazarus_Design Recommendations and Offset Features PPT
2008 Olander_Designing Offsets Policy for US
2009 Diamant_Key Design Issues Relating to GHG Abatement and Sequestration Projects
2010 Bushnell_The Economics of Carbon Offsets
2010 Fankhauser_Designing carbon markets
2010 IETA_Thinking Through the Design Possibilities for a Sectoral Crediting Mechanism
2010 Lazarus_Offset Program Processes Methodology Development Project Review and Approvals
2010 Millard-Ball_Constructing carbon offsets: obstacles to quantifying emission reductions
2012 EDF_Quebec A Case Study
2013 Bull_Biodiversity offsets in theory and practice
2013 Lyman_Better Get it right the first time - CARBs offset invalidation provisions
2013 Mazurek_Investigation of the Effects of Emission Market Design on the Market-Based Compliance Mechanisms of the California Cap on GHGs
2013 Schatzki_Design Issues Affecting Market Performance in California’s GHG Cap-and-Trade Program
2014 Warnecke_Can CDM monitoring requirements be reduced while maintaining environmental integrity?
2016 Bento_On the Importance of Baseline Setting in Carbon Offsets
2016 Gelcich_Achieving biodiversity benefits with offsets Research gaps challenges and needs
2016 OECD_Biodiversity Offsets - Effective design and implementation
2016 Swallow_Developing Albertas greenhouse gas offset system within Canadian and international policy contexts $$
2016 Thamo_Challenges in developing effective policy for soil carbon sequestration perspectives on additionality leakage and permanence $$
2018 CAR_Climate Forward Program Manual
2019 CAR_Climate Forward A new market option to accelerate climate action
2019 Climateworks_Guidelines on avoiding double counting for the carbon offsetting and reduction scheme for international aviation
2021 Broekhoff_Assessing crediting scheme standards and practices for ensuring unit quality under the Paris Agreement
2021 Carbon Coalition_Carbon Coalition Scoring Criteria and Methodology
2021 Carbon Coalition_EAUC Carbon Coalition Principles on Offsetting
2021 Carvalho_Offset approaches in existing compliance mechanisms
2021 Pope_When is an Offset Not an Offset: A Framework of Necessary Conditions for Biodiversity Offsets
2022 Wei_Exploring development and evolutionary trends in carbon offset research: A bibliometric perspective
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