Evaluating Offset Additionality
I - EvaluatingOffsetAdditionality
I - KeyOffsetPrinciples
I - OffsetAdditionality
I - OffsetIntegrity
I - OffsetStandards
S - Additionality of Offsets
N - Carbon Offset Critiques
N - Evaluating Carbon Offsets
E - Offset Additionality
2000 Trexler and Associates_The Impact of Alternative Additionality Screens on the Magnitude of CER Generation Under the CDM
2003 Broekhoff_How Additionality Could Drive the Market
2003 Trexler and Associates_An Introduction to the Additionality and Financial Additionality Debates
2006 Trexler_A Statistically Driven Approach to Offset-Based GHG Additionality Determinations - What Can We Learn?
2009 COI_Maintaining Carbon Market Integrity: Why RECs are not Offsets
2011 McFarland_Carbon Reduction Projects and the Concept of Additionality
2012 Gillenwater_What is wrong with real carbon offsets $$
2013 Gillenwater_Additionality of wind energy investments in the US voluntary green power market $$
2015 Kollmuss_Has Joint Implementation Reduced GHG Emissions Lessons Learned
2016 Cames_How additional is the Clean Development Mechanism
2016 Kuriyama_Quantitative Assessment of Certified Emission Reductions from Non-Additional CDM Projects
2003 MACC with additionality screening for 2020
2008 Gresham's Law rephrased
2008 Scoring additionality on a 0-1000 scale - riparian reforestation
2008 The challenge of widely varying sectoral additionality
2011 The definition of additionality is often circular
2012 Illustration of baseline movement due to regulatory changes
2015 Additionality "investment analysis" rarely transparent
2015 Additionality claims worst for large projects
2015 Based on a random sample many additionality claims not plausible
2015 Big surpluses were built into the Kyoto Protocol's targets
2015 Environmental integrity appears to vary by the evaluating entity
2015 Environmental integrity can vary dramatically across sectors and countries
2015 Environmental integrity of the six largest project types
2015 JI project additionality claims got worse over time
2015 Track 2 JI much better, but very small fraction of credits
2016 How additional is the CDM?
2016 Overall evaluation of CDM project types
2017 Offset supply and likelihood of additionality with CDM projects
2019 There are many potential baselines when thinking about national actions and targets