Headings - Extracted Materials
E - Internal Business Carbon Pricing
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Internal Carbon Pricing
E - Company-Specific Carbon Pricing
2008 Utility scenarios for carbon prices vary widely
2013 29 Companies Disclose an Internal Carbon Price
2014 150 major corporations - 29 in US, have an internal carbon price
2014 Map page 1
2014 Map page 2
2015 Carbon prices used by 19 companies disclosing price
2015 Companies using internal carbon prices
2015 Consumer Discretionary
2015 Consumer Staples
2015 Energy
2015 Financials
2015 Global 500 advocacy on carbon pricing
2015 Health Care
2015 How are companies engaging on government carbon pricing
2015 How shadow prices drive decision-making
2015 Industrials
2015 Information Technology
2015 Internal carbon prices vary significantly based on whether a "fee" or a "shadow price"
2015 Internal carbon pricing various sectors are using
2015 Internal voluntary carbon prices by sector
2015 Materials
2015 Most Common Benefits and Challenges
2015 Recommended pricing reporting guidance
2015 Selected companies with a carbon price
2015 Telecommunications
2015 Utilities
2016 1,249 companies are pricing or planning to price carbon
2016 37 companies reported a direct link between carbon pricing and tangible change
2016 Exxon's proposed internal carbon price trajectory
2016 Internal carbon pricing
2016 Mandatory vs. internal carbon prices for several jurisdictions
2016 Sectoral responses to carbon pricing survey
2017 Internal carbon prices of utilities publicly disclosed to CDP compared to Paris-compatible carbon prices for 2020
2018 Companies using carbon pricing or preparing to
2018 Estimates of global SCC at different discount rates 2015-2050
2018 Growth of internal carbon pricing
2018 Growth of internal carbon pricing 2014-2017
2018 Power sector internal carbon price levels
2020 Carbon proxy price as a share of energy cost
2020 Financial viability of projects with and without a proxy carbon price
2021 Carbon price ranges by industry
2021 Carbon price ranges by region
2021 Carbon price ranges by type of price
2021 Carbon prices differentiated by GHG scope, implicit price, shadow price
2021 Commonly disclosed carbon pricing regulations
2021 Company objectives for internal carbon pricing based on current or expected emissions regulation: 2020
2021 Company objectives for internal carbon pricing: 2020
2021 Correlation between internal carbon pricing and other climate actions 2018-2020
2021 Growth of internal carbon pricing
2021 Growth of internal carbon pricing by region 2018-2020
2021 Industries regulated for carbon or expecting requlation within three years
2021 Industries regulated for carbon or expecting to be regulated -- by region
2021 Internal carbon pricing varies within and between industries and regions
2021 Internal carbon pricing: number of companies currently and planning to use
2021 Number of companies currently subject to regulation and expecting regulation
2021 Share of companies by region using or planning to price carbon 2018-2020
2021 Share of companies pricing or planning to price carbon 2018-2020
2021 Types of internal carbon prices used
2021 Use of carbon pricing by industry sector
Attributes of carbon fee pricing
Attributes of carbon shadow pricing
Common elements of establishing an internal carbon rice
Emissions Reductions vs. Emissions
European company carbon prices
Internal carbon pricing in North America - 1
Number of companies planning to price carbon up 23% from 2015
Setting a corporate price on carbon
CDP: median internal carbon price disclosed by companies in 2020 was US$25 per metric ton of CO2e, with companies in Asia and Europe implementing average price of US$28
Companies disclosed that they use internal carbon prices to address current or future regulation that could increase the cost of emissions and have a financial impact on their business.
Of nearly 6,000 companies surveyed on carbon pricing in 2020, more than 2,000 - representing over US$27 trillion in market capitalisation - disclosed that they currently use an internal carbon price or plan to implement one within the next two years.
Puma GHG Valuation: $87/ton (methodology attached)
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