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Chief Executive Officers
S - Best Business Practices for a Climate Response
S - Business Case for Climate Response
S - Business Commitments Strategies
S - Business Opposition to Climate Action
S - Business Positioning and Advocacy on Climate Action
S - Business Response and Firm Performance
S - Business Stepping Up
S - Climate Policy Advocacy by Business
S - Climate Policy Under Uncertainty
S - Communicating w Policy-Makers
S - Ecocide in International Law
S - Green Jobs
S - Investor Climate Policy Advocacy
S - Media Coverage
S - Public Beliefs and Knowledge
S - Risk Disclosure as Business Response
N - A Policy Tipping Point?
N - Business and a Low Carbon Transition
N - Business and Denial
N - Business Best Practice
N - Business Climate Responses
N - Business Commitments Strategies
N - Business Initiatives
N - Business Policy Advocacy
N - Business Policy Opposition
N - Business Responding to Pressure
N - Business Risk Management
N - Business Risk Perceptions
N - Can/Will Business "Step Up"
N - Carbon Pricing Advocacy
N - Conservative Perspectives
N - Culture Change (Business)
N - Green Jobs
N - Greenwashing - Climate
N - Litigation and Liability News
N - Risk Disclosure News
N - Shareholder Resolutions/Litigation
N - Skeptical of Business Action/Potential
T - Business Advocacy
V - Business and Climate Videos
C - Business and Climate Cartoons
E - Business Carbon Pricing Advocacy
E - Business Leadership Role in Mitigation
E - Business Policy Advocacy
E - Business Policy Opposition
E - Business Support for TCFD
E - Critiquing Business Responses
E - Evaluating Business Responses
E - Green Jobs
E - Internal Business Responses
E - Policy Advocacy/Opposition
E - Responses by Business Sector
Decision Making - Business TOC
S - Adaptation Decisionmaking
S - Assessing Climate Investment Risk
S - Assessments of Business Climate Risks
S - Best Business Practices for a Climate Response
S - Business Adaptation/Resilience
S - Business Case for Climate Response
S - Business Commitments Strategies
S - Business Decision-Making with Climate Uncertainty
S - Business Greenwashing
S - Business Opposition to Climate Action
S - Business Positioning and Advocacy on Climate Action
S - Business Response as Risk Management
S - Business Stepping Up
S - Climate as Opportunity
S - Climate Change Scenario Planning
S - Climate Policy Advocacy by Business
S - Current State of Climate Risk Reporting
S - Customer/Public Activism as Business Risk
S - Decision-making Under Uncertainty
S - Decision-Making Futures
S - Evaluating Business Responses
S - Evaluating Investment and Climate Change
S - Fossil Fuels and Fossil Free Investing
S - Internal Corporate Carbon Pricing
S - Investing Under Uncertainty
S - Investor Best Practices on Climate
S - Investor Climate Policy Advocacy
S - Managing Investments Against Climate Risk
S - Market Mechanisms
S - Policy Outcomes as Business Risk
S - Risk Disclosure as Business Response
S - Sectoral Risk Disclosure
S - Supply Chain Resilience and Risk Management
N - Brand Risk
N - Business Climate Responses
N - Business Commitments Strategies
N - Business Litigation and Liability Risk
N - Business Policy Advocacy
N - Business Policy Opposition
N - Business Risk Management
N - Culture Change (Business)
N - Investor Expectations
N - Market Structure Risk
N - Readiness/Adaptation for Physical Risks
N - Skeptical of Business Action/Potential
T - Adaptation Tools
T - Business Advocacy
T - Business Climate Response Networks
T - Business Declarations
T - Business Initiatives
V - Investing and Climate
E - Business Carbon Pricing Advocacy
E - Business Climate Response Extracts
E - Business Leadership Role in Mitigation
E - Business Policy Advocacy
E - Business Policy Opposition
E - Business Resilience/Adaptation
E - Business Response Best Practice
E - Business Response Examples
E - CC and Equity Value
E - Climate Branding
E - Climate Impact on Returns
E - Climate Impacts on Corporate Ratings
E - Climate Opportunities
E - Climate Risk and ERM
E - Critiquing Business Responses
E - Evaluating Business Responses
E - Evaluating Risk Disclosure
E - Explaining Business Responses
E - Internal Business Carbon Pricing
E - Pension Fund Risk and Risk Management
E - Policy Advocacy/Opposition
E - Principles of Risk Management
E - Responses by Business Sector
E - Risk Disclosure Best Practice
E - Risk Disclosure Materiality
E - Risk Disclosure Rules
E - Risk Disclosure Scenarios
E - Risk Disclosure Timeline
E - Risk Management Barriers
E - Risk Management Strategy
E - Risk Reporting
E - Science-based targets
E - Visualizing Risk Management
Impacts - Business
S - Carbon Offset Sources (General)
S - Adaptation Barriers Limits
S - Adaptation by Sector
S - Adaptation Decisionmaking
S - Adaptation Law
S - Adaptation Planning
S - Adaptation Planning Scenarios
S - Adaptation Policy
S - Adaptation Readiness
S - Adaptation Tools
S - Assessments of Business Climate Risks
S - Atmospheric Trust Litigation
S - Best Business Practices for a Climate Response
S - Board of Directors/Trustee Liability
S - Business Adaptation/Resilience
S - Business Case for Climate Response
S - Business Commitments Strategies
S - Business Opposition to Climate Action
S - Business Perceptions of Climate Risks
S - Business Positioning and Advocacy on Climate Action
S - Business Response as Risk Management
S - Carbon Price Forecasts
S - CEQA-NEPA-SEPA Litigation
S - Children's Trust Litigation
S - Climate as Opportunity
S - Climate Change Scenario Planning
S - Climate Change Tipping Points
S - Climate Law General
S - Climate Policy Advocacy by Business
S - Climate Risk Disclosure Regime
S - Decision-making Under Uncertainty
S - Decision-Making Futures
S - Divestment
S - Ecocide in International Law
S - Electric Sector Sources
S - Emerging Risks
S - Energy Futures
S - Energy Policy
S - EPA Regulation of Carbon Under the CAA
S - Futures and Foresight Top Level
S - Green Growth
S - Impact Attribution
S - Infrastructure Impacts
S - Innovation and Disruption in the Electric Sector
S - Innovation Policy
S - Insurance Sector
S - Internal Corporate Carbon Pricing
S - Limits to Growth
S - Litigation Cases
S - Low Carbon Transition Sources - Topical
S - Market Mechanisms
S - National Climate Law
S - Necessity Defense
S - Nuisance, Negligence, and Strict Liability
S - Operational Risk
S - Public Beliefs and Knowledge
S - Risk Disclosure as Business Response
S - SCC in Litigation
S - SCC Social Cost of Carbon
S - Scenario Planning
S - Social Activism Movements and Climate Change
S - State and Local Climate Law
S - Systems Thinking
S - Taxing Carbon
S - Voluntary Carbon Offset Markets
S - Business Climate Responses Sources
2012 Sukhdev Corporation 2020 Transforming Business for Tomorrow's World
2015 Wood_A Leaders Guide to Thriveability A Multi-Capital Operating System for a Regenerative Inclusive Economy
2017 Vandenbergh_Beyond Politics: The Private Governance Response to Climate Change
2018 Gridharadas_ Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World
2009 Dumaine_The Plot to Save the Planet: How Visionary Entrepreneurs and Corporate Titans Are Creating Real Solutions to Global Warming
2016 Chouinard_Let My People Go Surfing The Education of a Reluctant Businessman
2023 Townsend_The Solutionists: How Businesses Can Fix the Future
S - Best Business Practices for a Climate Response
S - Business Actions Toward a Low Carbon Transition
S - Business Adaptation/Resilience
S - Business Case for Climate Response
S - Business Commitments Strategies
S - Business Decision-Making with Climate Uncertainty
S - Business Positioning and Advocacy on Climate Action
S - Business Response and Firm Performance
S - Business Response as Risk Management
S - Business Stepping Up
S - CSR General
S - Evaluating Business Responses
S - Evaluating Voluntary Measures
S - Misc Sources
S - Resilience as Risk Management
S - Risk Disclosure as Business Response
S - Supply Chain Resilience and Risk Management
2014 Winston_What Momentum on Climate Change Means for Business $$
2015 Cliffe_What Climate Change Means for Business Before and After Paris $$
2015 Lassiter_Climate Change An Unfolding Story $$
2015 Light_Parallels in Public and Private Environmental Governance
2016 Glencore_Climate change considerations for our business
2016 St. Clair_Business action for climate-resilient pathways - The role of standards
2016 Thoma_Reviewing the Evidence 10 Questions for the FSB Climate Disclosure Task Force
2017 Bendell_Beyond unsustainable leadership Critical social theory for sustainable leadership
2017 Brunswicker_Taming wicked civic challenges with an innovative crowd $$
2017 CDP_Climate Water Forests A_list
2017 Mazutis_Sleepwalking into Catastrophe Cognitive Biases and Corporate Climate Change Intertia $$
2017 McElroy_FAQs about CSOs context-based carbon metric
2017 Toffel_CEO Activism - A $$
2017 Toffel_CEO Activism - B
2018 Chatterji_The New CEO Activists A playbook for polarized political times
2018 CISL_The future of sustainable business
2019 Ben-David_When Environmental Regulations Are Tighter at Home Companies Emit More Abroad
2019 Seshadri_Dhan Foundation's Climate Change Initiative Part B - Creating a Resilient Food Value Chain $$
2019 Winston_Business in the Age of Mass Extinction $$
2019 Winston_What 1,000 CEOs Really Think About Climate Change and Inequality $$
200X Climate Group_Business Guide to a Low Carbon economy California
Exploring the effect of cap-and-trade mechanism on firm's production planning and emission reduction strategy $$
RSA REPLAY: Corporations as a Force for Good
2004 Kolk_The evolution of multinationals responses to climate change
2006 Green is green at General Electric Is Jeff Immelt the man to pull “Ecomagination” off?, Strategic Direction
2007 Canadian Business for Social Reponsibility_The climate change guide - corporate Canada - responsible business action
2008 Kolk_The Influence of Climate Change Regulation on Corporate Responses: The Case of Emissions Trading
2008 Tidona_Industrial energy projects and corporate carbon management $$
2009 Mills_A global review of insurance industry responses to climate change
2009 NBS_Business Adaptation to Climate Change - A Systematic Review of the Body of Research PPT
2009 Nelson_Corporate action on climate adaptation and development (book chapter) $$
2009 Ziegler_Corporate Responses to Climate Change and Financial Performance The Impact of Climate Policy
2010 Low Carbon Leaders_A Transformative Policy Framework
2010 Low Carbon Leaders_Calculating the Impact of Transformative Solutions
2010 Low Carbon Leaders_Recognizing the Value of Transformative CO2 Leadership
2010 OECD_Transition to a low-carbon economy Public goals and corporate practices
2010 UNGC_A Greener Tomorrow How carbon for the climate signatories are leading the way to a low-carbon economy
2010 Warren_The role of public sector asset managers in responding to climate change $$
2011 Cowper-Smith_The adoption of corporate social responsibility practices in the airline industry
2011 Fisher-Vanden_Voluntary corporate environmental initiatives and shareholder wealth
2011 Haigh_Carbon reporting - does it matter
2011 Haigh_Climate policy and financial institutions
2011 Haigh_Surprise as a Catalyst for Including Climatic Change in the Strategic Environment
2011 Meckling_Business Climate Politics and the Rise of Emissions Trading
2011 Moret_Taking carbon risk into account
2011 Okereke_Climate Change Challenging Business Transforming Politics
2012 Hendrichs_Carbon management as a strategic challenge for SMEs
2013 Blood_Tomorrow’s Company - Sustainable Capitalism and transition to a low carbon economy
2013 EIO_ET North America 300 2013 Carbon Rankings
2013 EpE_Corporate actions for the climate - GHG reduction practices at EpE member companies
2013 Sterman_Stumbling towards sustainability Why organizational learning and radical innovation are necessary
2013 Wright_Creative self-destruction: Corporate responses to climate change as political myths
2014 Bansal_Business sustainability It is about time $$
2014 EpE_Companies strategies for climate Mobility
2014 Rao_Impacts of climate change $$
2015 Bumpus_Firm responses to a carbon price corporate decision making under British Columbia s carbon tax $$
2015 Busa_Corporate takeover Ideological heterogeneity individualization and materiality in the corporatization
2015 DSouza_An evaluation of the role of green marketing and a firm's internal practices $$
2015 EpE_Business strategies for climate
2015 Gale_The Practice of Private Governance Precedents from Other Policy Arenas
2015 Generation Foundation_Allocating capital for long-term returns
2015 Hall_Money or Mandate Why International Organizations Engage with the Climate Change Regime $$
2015 Lee_Firms' Response to Climate Change: The Interplay of Business Uncertainty and Organizational Capabilities $$
2015 Light_Private Environmental Governance
2015 Linnenluecke_Executives engagement with climate science and perceived need for business adaptation to climate change $$
2015 Orsato_Why join a carbon club: A study of the banks participating in the Brazilian
2016 Amran_Business Strategy for Climate Change An ASEAN Perspective
2016 Arnold_Corporate Responsibility, Democracy, and Climate Change $$
2016 Danone_Climate Policy - Target Zero Net Carbon
2016 Gallagher_Climate Change Leadership as Sustainability Leadership: From the C Suite to the Conference of the Parties $$
2016 Hart_Climate Change and the Private Sector Scaling Up Private Sector Response to Climate Change (same as 2013?)
2016 Hoffman_Communicating about Climate Change with Corporate Leaders and Stakeholders
2016 Linnenluecke_Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change and Weather Extremes
2016 Lipton_The New Paradigm: A Roadmap for an Implicit Corporate Governance Partnership
2016 McCarthy_Tracking Corporate Commitments to Deforestation-free Supply Chains
2016 Sullivan_Comparing the climate change actions targets and performance of UK and US retailers
2017 AODP_Banking on a Low Carbon Future A Ranking of the largest European Banks responses to climate change
2017 Beuret_Counting Carbon Calculative activism and slippery infrastructure $$
2017 BoE_The Bank of England's Response to Climate Change
2017 BSR_State of Sustainable Business Survey
2017 CDP_Exploring the case for Corporate Context Based Water Targets
2017 CDP_Picking up the Pace - Tracking climate progress 2017 (online)
2017 CDP_The A List - Scores 2017 (online)
2017 Cucchiella_The management of greenhouse gas emissions and its effects on firm performance, Journal of Cleaner Production
2017 Damert_Exploring the determinants and long-term performance outcomes of corporate carbon strategies
2017 Damert_External pressures or internal governance - what determines the extent of corporate responses to climate change
2017 Damert_Intra-Sectoral Differences in Climate Change Strategies - Evidence from the Global Automotive Industry
2017 Eleftheriadis_Measuring the level of corporate commitment regarding climate change strategies
2017 Elijido-Ten_Does recognition of climate change related risks and opportunities determine sustainability performance? $$
2017 Font_Greenhushing the deliberate under communicating of sustainability practices by tourism businesses
2017 Frick_Does Silicon Valley Still Care About Climate Change $$
2017 Hanelt_Driving business transformation toward sustainability Exploring the impact of supporting IS on the performance $$
2017 Hein_Why does the United States lack a global warming policy The corporate inner circle versus public interest sector elites $$
2017 Hoffman_Cargill The Risky Business of Integrating Climate Change and Corporate Strategy $$
2017 KPMG_Are you ready for climate related risk management
2017 Kumarasiri_Stakeholder pressure on carbon emissions $$
2017 Lei_Climate change strategies of multinational enterprises in China $$
2017 Liefferink_Environmental leaders and pioneers Agents of Change
2017 Loeser_How IT executives create organizational benefits by translating environmental strategies into Green IS initiatives $$
2017 Martin-d Castro_Exploring the nature, antecedents and consequences of symbolic corporate environmental certification $$
2017 Moller-Maersk_2017 Sustainability Report
2017 Murmura_Evaluating companies' commitment to corporate social responsibility: Perceptions of the SA 8000 standard $$
2017 Orsato_Organizational adaptation to climate change: learning to anticipate energy disruptions $$
2017 Paul_A multilevel approach for assessing business strategies on climate change $$
2017 Sakhel_Corporate climate risk management: Are European companies prepared? $$
2017 Wang_A Comparative Study of Firm-Level Climate Change Mitigation Targets in the EU and US
2017 Zhao_Enterprises' compliance with government carbon reduction labelling policy using a system dynamics approach $$
2018 AODP_Got it covered - insurance in a changing climate
2018 BaFin_Sustainable finance - Environmental and societal changes- How BaFin deals with risks
2018 Bellona_An Industry's Guide to Climate Action
2018 BSR_Redefining Sustainable Business
2018 CDP_State by state An analysis of U.S. companies and cities across seven states
2018 CDSB_Ready or not - are companies prepared for the TCFD recommendations
2018 CTI_Under the Microscope - Are Companies Climate Scenario Analyses Meeting Investors Requirements
2018 Dickinson_Picking up the pace Tracking progress on corporate climate action PPT
2018 Dietz_Management Quality and Carbon Performance of Automobile Manufacturers
2018 Duggan_The role of sub-state and non-state actors in international climate processes: Corporate sector
2018 Globescan_Climate action starts at home
2018 Influence Map_Trade associations and climate - shareholders make themselves heard
2018 Khmara_Degrowth in business: An oxymoron or a viable business model for sustainability? $$
2018 Walenta_The Limits to Private sector Climate Change Action The Geographies of Corporate Climate Governance $$
2018 Zhang_Theor and practice of enterprise carbon asset management from the perspective of low-carbon transformation $$
2019 ATP_Climate - part of ATP's responsibility
2019 Bach_The oil and gas sector From climate laggard to climate leader $$
2019 Bhattacharyya_Corporate environmental performance evaluation: A cross-country appraisal, Journal of Cleaner Production
2019 Dupuis_Climate pushers or symbolic leaders The limits to corporate climate leadership by food retailers $$
2019 Goldstein_The private sector's climate change risk and adaptation blind spots $$
2019 Greenbiz_State of Green Business 2019
2019 Heikkurinen_Business for sustainable change: Extending eco-efficiency and eco-sufficiecy strategies to consumers, Journal of Cleaner Production
2019 InfluenceMap_The EUs Long Term Climate Ambition Whos on Board and Whos Not
2019 Seshadri_Dhan Foundation's Climate Change Initiative Part Choosing Among Multiple Good Options $$
2019 Smith_Briefing What effect does the use of renewable and low-carbon electricity contractual instruments have on firms other GHG mitigation activities
2020 Aker_Sustainability Report 2020
2020 Allianz Group_Collaborating for a Sustainable Future
2020 BASF_Economic, environmental, and social performance report
2020 Busch_Climate interaction and managerial sensemaking The case of renewable energy
2020 He_The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on corporate social responsibility and marketing philosophy
2020 Second Annual Global Survey of Climate Risk Management at Financial Firms
2020 Stokes_Short Circuiting Policy: Interest Groups and the Battle Over Clean Energy and Climate Policy in the American States
2021 American Electric Power_Powering forward to net zero - a TCFD report
2021 Apple_Supplier Clean Energy Update
2021 BHP_Climate Transition Action Plan
2021 Brulle_The role of public relations firms in climate change politics
2021 Duke Energy_Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050
2021 Hill_The Fight for Climate after COVID-19
2021 Hitachi_Achieving Carbon Neutrality for a Sustainable Society
2021 InfluenceMap_The A-List of Climate Policy Engagement 2021
2021 KPMG_Can capital markets save the planet
2021 Kuijper_Carbon Takeback Obligation A Producers Responsibility Scheme on the Way to a Climate Neutral Energy System
2023 RE100_Driving renewables in a time of change - RE100 Annual Report
2023 RE100_Frequently Asked Questions about RE100 - Technical
2023 RE100_How RE100 members are held to account
2023 RE100_Mythbusting - renewable electricity - infographic
2023 RE100_Reporting guidance 2023
2023 RE100_Reporting to RE100 in 2023 - webinar slides
2023 WBCSD_Guidance on avoided emissions - helping business drive innovations toward net zero
2023 Westpac_2023 Climate Report - Creating Better Futures Together
2016 Cadez_Climate change mitigation strategies in carbon-intensive firms
2017 Dahlmann_Managing carbon aspirations - the influence of corporate climate change on environmental performance
2018 CDSB_Climate risk - from principles to practice
I - BusinessBestPractice
Headings - Topical Sources
S - Best Business Practices for a Climate Response
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
Business Best Practice
S - Electric Sector Best Climate Practice
2016 Fawkes_Best Practices and Case Studies for Industrial Energy Improvement
2018 CDP_Carbon Pricing: CDP Disclosure Best Practice
2004 Coglianese_Leveraging the Private Sector Management Based Strategies
2006 Trexler_Going for the Green! Best Actions in Approaching Climate Change
2008 CDP_IBM Research Project Unveils Best Practice Guide to Carbon
2008 CDP_Making Advances in Carbon Management Best practice from carbon information leaders
2009 C4C Best Practices and Policy Expectations
2009 CERES Climate Risk in Emerging Markets
2009 Harrison_What Every Company Should Do to Prepare
2010 CDP_The carbon management strategic priority
2010 Climate Institute_Asset Owners Climate Change Best Practice Methodology
2010 Climate Institute_Best Practice Methodology - Information Guide
2010 Darbee_Climate Change for Policy Makers and Business Leaders
2010 McKinsey_How companies manage sustainability
2010 Verdantix_Best Practices Carbon Management
2011 American Public Transportation Assn_Guidelines for Climate Action Planning
2011 Busch_The virtue of corporate carbon management
2011 DNV Best Practices in Sustainable Supply Chains3
2011 IIGCC_Institutional investors expectations of corporate climate risk management
2011 McKinsey_Have you tested your strategy lately
2011 Trexler Kosloff_Climate Risk_in Managing Business Risk
2012 ACCO_Trends in Corporate Climate Change Governance
2012 Buhr_Expectations on corporate climate action under regulatory uncertainty $$
2012 CDP_Global-500-Climate-Change-Report-2012
2012 IGCC_Institutional Investors Expectations of Corporate Climate Risk Management
2012 KPMG_Designing Sustainability Strategies that Attract Investors
2012 Thyil_Impact of climate change issues on businesses: an action plan using a corporate governance approach
2013 Birnik_Developing Climate Change Strategy: A Framework for Management
2013 Caring for Climate_Guide for Responsible Corporate Engagement in Climate Policy
2013 Frost_Raising the Bar On Corporate Carbon mgmt PPT
2013 Pinske_The emergence of corporate carbon norms Strategic directions and managerial implications
2014 Caring for Climate_Where do Companies Stand on Responsible Corporate Engagement in Climate Policy
2014 CDP_Why companies need emissions reduction targets
2014 Dekker_Increasing the Efficacy of Best Practices on Climate Change A Focus on Green Infrastructure and Integrated Transportation
2014 Lowitt_How to Survive Climate Change and Still Run a Thriving Business $$
2014 NBS_How to Engage in Civic Dialogue - A Best Practice Guide for Business
2014 NBS_How to Engage in Civic Dialogue - Checklist
2014 PWC_Capitalizing on Global Trends
2014 Wade_Defining best practice carbon management in an Australian context $$
2014 WMBC_The Climate Has Changed - Executive Summary
2015 BSR_Creating an Action Agenda for Private Sector Leadership on Climate Change
2015 Davis-Pluess_Business Leadership for an Inclusive Economy
2015 Del Pino_Sharpening the Cutting Edge Corporate Action for a Strong Low-Carbon Economy
2016 2oInvestAward_Lighting the Way to Best Practice Climate Reporting Case Studies
2016 Accenture_Low Carbon High Stakes
2016 Coglianese_Motivating Without Mandates_ The Role of Voluntary Programs in Environmental Governance
2016 Gerrard_Preparing clients for climate change
2018 CDP_Beyond the cycle Which oil and gas companies are ready for the low-carbon transition
2018 Leugers_Corporate Climate Stewardship Guidelines for best practice climate action in the Paris Agreement era
2018 Mhlanga_Walking the Talk Assessing companies progress from SDG rhetoric to action
2020 Shallert_Beyond Science-Based Targets A Blueprint for Corporate Action on Climate and Nature_compressed
2021 Greenpeace_Net Expectations Assessing the role of carbon dioxide removal in companies climate plans
2021 Polman_Net Positive: How Courageous Companies Thrive by Giving More Than They Take
Social Responsibility and Sustainability: How Businesses and Organizations Can Operate in a Sustainable and Socially Responsible Way (World Sustainability Series) eBook: Walter Leal Filho: Kindle Store
Chief Executive Officers
S - Best Business Practices for a Climate Response
S - Business Case for Climate Response
S - Business Commitments Strategies
S - Business Opposition to Climate Action
S - Business Positioning and Advocacy on Climate Action
S - Business Response and Firm Performance
S - Business Stepping Up
S - Climate Policy Advocacy by Business
S - Climate Policy Under Uncertainty
S - Communicating w Policy-Makers
S - Ecocide in International Law
S - Green Jobs
S - Investor Climate Policy Advocacy
S - Media Coverage
S - Public Beliefs and Knowledge
S - Risk Disclosure as Business Response
N - A Policy Tipping Point?
N - Business and a Low Carbon Transition
N - Business and Denial
N - Business Best Practice
N - Business Climate Responses
N - Business Commitments Strategies
N - Business Initiatives
N - Business Policy Advocacy
N - Business Policy Opposition
N - Business Responding to Pressure
N - Business Risk Management
N - Business Risk Perceptions
N - Can/Will Business "Step Up"
N - Carbon Pricing Advocacy
N - Conservative Perspectives
N - Culture Change (Business)
N - Green Jobs
N - Greenwashing - Climate
N - Litigation and Liability News
N - Risk Disclosure News
N - Shareholder Resolutions/Litigation
N - Skeptical of Business Action/Potential
T - Business Advocacy
V - Business and Climate Videos
C - Business and Climate Cartoons
E - Business Carbon Pricing Advocacy
E - Business Leadership Role in Mitigation
E - Business Policy Advocacy
E - Business Policy Opposition
E - Business Support for TCFD
E - Critiquing Business Responses
E - Evaluating Business Responses
E - Green Jobs
E - Internal Business Responses
E - Policy Advocacy/Opposition
E - Responses by Business Sector
Decision Making - Business TOC
S - Adaptation Decisionmaking
S - Assessing Climate Investment Risk
S - Assessments of Business Climate Risks
S - Best Business Practices for a Climate Response
S - Business Adaptation/Resilience
S - Business Case for Climate Response
S - Business Commitments Strategies
S - Business Decision-Making with Climate Uncertainty
S - Business Greenwashing
S - Business Opposition to Climate Action
S - Business Positioning and Advocacy on Climate Action
S - Business Response as Risk Management
S - Business Stepping Up
S - Climate as Opportunity
S - Climate Change Scenario Planning
S - Climate Policy Advocacy by Business
S - Current State of Climate Risk Reporting
S - Customer/Public Activism as Business Risk
S - Decision-making Under Uncertainty
S - Decision-Making Futures
S - Evaluating Business Responses
S - Evaluating Investment and Climate Change
S - Fossil Fuels and Fossil Free Investing
S - Internal Corporate Carbon Pricing
S - Investing Under Uncertainty
S - Investor Best Practices on Climate
S - Investor Climate Policy Advocacy
S - Managing Investments Against Climate Risk
S - Market Mechanisms
S - Policy Outcomes as Business Risk
S - Risk Disclosure as Business Response
S - Sectoral Risk Disclosure
S - Supply Chain Resilience and Risk Management
N - Brand Risk
N - Business Climate Responses
N - Business Commitments Strategies
N - Business Litigation and Liability Risk
N - Business Policy Advocacy
N - Business Policy Opposition
N - Business Risk Management
N - Culture Change (Business)
N - Investor Expectations
N - Market Structure Risk
N - Readiness/Adaptation for Physical Risks
N - Skeptical of Business Action/Potential
T - Adaptation Tools
T - Business Advocacy
T - Business Climate Response Networks
T - Business Declarations
T - Business Initiatives
V - Investing and Climate
E - Business Carbon Pricing Advocacy
E - Business Climate Response Extracts
E - Business Leadership Role in Mitigation
E - Business Policy Advocacy
E - Business Policy Opposition
E - Business Resilience/Adaptation
E - Business Response Best Practice
E - Business Response Examples
E - CC and Equity Value
E - Climate Branding
E - Climate Impact on Returns
E - Climate Impacts on Corporate Ratings
E - Climate Opportunities
E - Climate Risk and ERM
E - Critiquing Business Responses
E - Evaluating Business Responses
E - Evaluating Risk Disclosure
E - Explaining Business Responses
E - Internal Business Carbon Pricing
E - Pension Fund Risk and Risk Management
E - Policy Advocacy/Opposition
E - Principles of Risk Management
E - Responses by Business Sector
E - Risk Disclosure Best Practice
E - Risk Disclosure Materiality
E - Risk Disclosure Rules
E - Risk Disclosure Scenarios
E - Risk Disclosure Timeline
E - Risk Management Barriers
E - Risk Management Strategy
E - Risk Reporting
E - Science-based targets
E - Visualizing Risk Management
Impacts - Business
S - Carbon Offset Sources (General)
S - Adaptation Barriers Limits
S - Adaptation by Sector
S - Adaptation Decisionmaking
S - Adaptation Law
S - Adaptation Planning
S - Adaptation Planning Scenarios
S - Adaptation Policy
S - Adaptation Readiness
S - Adaptation Tools
S - Assessments of Business Climate Risks
S - Atmospheric Trust Litigation
S - Best Business Practices for a Climate Response
S - Board of Directors/Trustee Liability
S - Business Adaptation/Resilience
S - Business Case for Climate Response
S - Business Commitments Strategies
S - Business Opposition to Climate Action
S - Business Perceptions of Climate Risks
S - Business Positioning and Advocacy on Climate Action
S - Business Response as Risk Management
S - Carbon Price Forecasts
S - CEQA-NEPA-SEPA Litigation
S - Children's Trust Litigation
S - Climate as Opportunity
S - Climate Change Scenario Planning
S - Climate Change Tipping Points
S - Climate Law General
S - Climate Policy Advocacy by Business
S - Climate Risk Disclosure Regime
S - Decision-making Under Uncertainty
S - Decision-Making Futures
S - Divestment
S - Ecocide in International Law
S - Electric Sector Sources
S - Emerging Risks
S - Energy Futures
S - Energy Policy
S - EPA Regulation of Carbon Under the CAA
S - Futures and Foresight Top Level
S - Green Growth
S - Impact Attribution
S - Infrastructure Impacts
S - Innovation and Disruption in the Electric Sector
S - Innovation Policy
S - Insurance Sector
S - Internal Corporate Carbon Pricing
S - Limits to Growth
S - Litigation Cases
S - Low Carbon Transition Sources - Topical
S - Market Mechanisms
S - National Climate Law
S - Necessity Defense
S - Nuisance, Negligence, and Strict Liability
S - Operational Risk
S - Public Beliefs and Knowledge
S - Risk Disclosure as Business Response
S - SCC in Litigation
S - SCC Social Cost of Carbon
S - Scenario Planning
S - Social Activism Movements and Climate Change
S - State and Local Climate Law
S - Systems Thinking
S - Taxing Carbon
S - Voluntary Carbon Offset Markets
S - Business Climate Responses Sources
2012 Sukhdev Corporation 2020 Transforming Business for Tomorrow's World
2015 Wood_A Leaders Guide to Thriveability A Multi-Capital Operating System for a Regenerative Inclusive Economy
2017 Vandenbergh_Beyond Politics: The Private Governance Response to Climate Change
2018 Gridharadas_ Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World
2009 Dumaine_The Plot to Save the Planet: How Visionary Entrepreneurs and Corporate Titans Are Creating Real Solutions to Global Warming
2016 Chouinard_Let My People Go Surfing The Education of a Reluctant Businessman
2023 Townsend_The Solutionists: How Businesses Can Fix the Future
S - Best Business Practices for a Climate Response
S - Business Actions Toward a Low Carbon Transition
S - Business Adaptation/Resilience
S - Business Case for Climate Response
S - Business Commitments Strategies
S - Business Decision-Making with Climate Uncertainty
S - Business Positioning and Advocacy on Climate Action
S - Business Response and Firm Performance
S - Business Response as Risk Management
S - Business Stepping Up
S - CSR General
S - Evaluating Business Responses
S - Evaluating Voluntary Measures
S - Misc Sources
S - Resilience as Risk Management
S - Risk Disclosure as Business Response
S - Supply Chain Resilience and Risk Management
2014 Winston_What Momentum on Climate Change Means for Business $$
2015 Cliffe_What Climate Change Means for Business Before and After Paris $$
2015 Lassiter_Climate Change An Unfolding Story $$
2015 Light_Parallels in Public and Private Environmental Governance
2016 Glencore_Climate change considerations for our business
2016 St. Clair_Business action for climate-resilient pathways - The role of standards
2016 Thoma_Reviewing the Evidence 10 Questions for the FSB Climate Disclosure Task Force
2017 Bendell_Beyond unsustainable leadership Critical social theory for sustainable leadership
2017 Brunswicker_Taming wicked civic challenges with an innovative crowd $$
2017 CDP_Climate Water Forests A_list
2017 Mazutis_Sleepwalking into Catastrophe Cognitive Biases and Corporate Climate Change Intertia $$
2017 McElroy_FAQs about CSOs context-based carbon metric
2017 Toffel_CEO Activism - A $$
2017 Toffel_CEO Activism - B
2018 Chatterji_The New CEO Activists A playbook for polarized political times
2018 CISL_The future of sustainable business
2019 Ben-David_When Environmental Regulations Are Tighter at Home Companies Emit More Abroad
2019 Seshadri_Dhan Foundation's Climate Change Initiative Part B - Creating a Resilient Food Value Chain $$
2019 Winston_Business in the Age of Mass Extinction $$
2019 Winston_What 1,000 CEOs Really Think About Climate Change and Inequality $$
200X Climate Group_Business Guide to a Low Carbon economy California
Exploring the effect of cap-and-trade mechanism on firm's production planning and emission reduction strategy $$
RSA REPLAY: Corporations as a Force for Good
2004 Kolk_The evolution of multinationals responses to climate change
2006 Green is green at General Electric Is Jeff Immelt the man to pull “Ecomagination” off?, Strategic Direction
2007 Canadian Business for Social Reponsibility_The climate change guide - corporate Canada - responsible business action
2008 Kolk_The Influence of Climate Change Regulation on Corporate Responses: The Case of Emissions Trading
2008 Tidona_Industrial energy projects and corporate carbon management $$
2009 Mills_A global review of insurance industry responses to climate change
2009 NBS_Business Adaptation to Climate Change - A Systematic Review of the Body of Research PPT
2009 Nelson_Corporate action on climate adaptation and development (book chapter) $$
2009 Ziegler_Corporate Responses to Climate Change and Financial Performance The Impact of Climate Policy
2010 Low Carbon Leaders_A Transformative Policy Framework
2010 Low Carbon Leaders_Calculating the Impact of Transformative Solutions
2010 Low Carbon Leaders_Recognizing the Value of Transformative CO2 Leadership
2010 OECD_Transition to a low-carbon economy Public goals and corporate practices
2010 UNGC_A Greener Tomorrow How carbon for the climate signatories are leading the way to a low-carbon economy
2010 Warren_The role of public sector asset managers in responding to climate change $$
2011 Cowper-Smith_The adoption of corporate social responsibility practices in the airline industry
2011 Fisher-Vanden_Voluntary corporate environmental initiatives and shareholder wealth
2011 Haigh_Carbon reporting - does it matter
2011 Haigh_Climate policy and financial institutions
2011 Haigh_Surprise as a Catalyst for Including Climatic Change in the Strategic Environment
2011 Meckling_Business Climate Politics and the Rise of Emissions Trading
2011 Moret_Taking carbon risk into account
2011 Okereke_Climate Change Challenging Business Transforming Politics
2012 Hendrichs_Carbon management as a strategic challenge for SMEs
2013 Blood_Tomorrow’s Company - Sustainable Capitalism and transition to a low carbon economy
2013 EIO_ET North America 300 2013 Carbon Rankings
2013 EpE_Corporate actions for the climate - GHG reduction practices at EpE member companies
2013 Sterman_Stumbling towards sustainability Why organizational learning and radical innovation are necessary
2013 Wright_Creative self-destruction: Corporate responses to climate change as political myths
2014 Bansal_Business sustainability It is about time $$
2014 EpE_Companies strategies for climate Mobility
2014 Rao_Impacts of climate change $$
2015 Bumpus_Firm responses to a carbon price corporate decision making under British Columbia s carbon tax $$
2015 Busa_Corporate takeover Ideological heterogeneity individualization and materiality in the corporatization
2015 DSouza_An evaluation of the role of green marketing and a firm's internal practices $$
2015 EpE_Business strategies for climate
2015 Gale_The Practice of Private Governance Precedents from Other Policy Arenas
2015 Generation Foundation_Allocating capital for long-term returns
2015 Hall_Money or Mandate Why International Organizations Engage with the Climate Change Regime $$
2015 Lee_Firms' Response to Climate Change: The Interplay of Business Uncertainty and Organizational Capabilities $$
2015 Light_Private Environmental Governance
2015 Linnenluecke_Executives engagement with climate science and perceived need for business adaptation to climate change $$
2015 Orsato_Why join a carbon club: A study of the banks participating in the Brazilian
2016 Amran_Business Strategy for Climate Change An ASEAN Perspective
2016 Arnold_Corporate Responsibility, Democracy, and Climate Change $$
2016 Danone_Climate Policy - Target Zero Net Carbon
2016 Gallagher_Climate Change Leadership as Sustainability Leadership: From the C Suite to the Conference of the Parties $$
2016 Hart_Climate Change and the Private Sector Scaling Up Private Sector Response to Climate Change (same as 2013?)
2016 Hoffman_Communicating about Climate Change with Corporate Leaders and Stakeholders
2016 Linnenluecke_Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change and Weather Extremes
2016 Lipton_The New Paradigm: A Roadmap for an Implicit Corporate Governance Partnership
2016 McCarthy_Tracking Corporate Commitments to Deforestation-free Supply Chains
2016 Sullivan_Comparing the climate change actions targets and performance of UK and US retailers
2017 AODP_Banking on a Low Carbon Future A Ranking of the largest European Banks responses to climate change
2017 Beuret_Counting Carbon Calculative activism and slippery infrastructure $$
2017 BoE_The Bank of England's Response to Climate Change
2017 BSR_State of Sustainable Business Survey
2017 CDP_Exploring the case for Corporate Context Based Water Targets
2017 CDP_Picking up the Pace - Tracking climate progress 2017 (online)
2017 CDP_The A List - Scores 2017 (online)
2017 Cucchiella_The management of greenhouse gas emissions and its effects on firm performance, Journal of Cleaner Production
2017 Damert_Exploring the determinants and long-term performance outcomes of corporate carbon strategies
2017 Damert_External pressures or internal governance - what determines the extent of corporate responses to climate change
2017 Damert_Intra-Sectoral Differences in Climate Change Strategies - Evidence from the Global Automotive Industry
2017 Eleftheriadis_Measuring the level of corporate commitment regarding climate change strategies
2017 Elijido-Ten_Does recognition of climate change related risks and opportunities determine sustainability performance? $$
2017 Font_Greenhushing the deliberate under communicating of sustainability practices by tourism businesses
2017 Frick_Does Silicon Valley Still Care About Climate Change $$
2017 Hanelt_Driving business transformation toward sustainability Exploring the impact of supporting IS on the performance $$
2017 Hein_Why does the United States lack a global warming policy The corporate inner circle versus public interest sector elites $$
2017 Hoffman_Cargill The Risky Business of Integrating Climate Change and Corporate Strategy $$
2017 KPMG_Are you ready for climate related risk management
2017 Kumarasiri_Stakeholder pressure on carbon emissions $$
2017 Lei_Climate change strategies of multinational enterprises in China $$
2017 Liefferink_Environmental leaders and pioneers Agents of Change
2017 Loeser_How IT executives create organizational benefits by translating environmental strategies into Green IS initiatives $$
2017 Martin-d Castro_Exploring the nature, antecedents and consequences of symbolic corporate environmental certification $$
2017 Moller-Maersk_2017 Sustainability Report
2017 Murmura_Evaluating companies' commitment to corporate social responsibility: Perceptions of the SA 8000 standard $$
2017 Orsato_Organizational adaptation to climate change: learning to anticipate energy disruptions $$
2017 Paul_A multilevel approach for assessing business strategies on climate change $$
2017 Sakhel_Corporate climate risk management: Are European companies prepared? $$
2017 Wang_A Comparative Study of Firm-Level Climate Change Mitigation Targets in the EU and US
2017 Zhao_Enterprises' compliance with government carbon reduction labelling policy using a system dynamics approach $$
2018 AODP_Got it covered - insurance in a changing climate
2018 BaFin_Sustainable finance - Environmental and societal changes- How BaFin deals with risks
2018 Bellona_An Industry's Guide to Climate Action
2018 BSR_Redefining Sustainable Business
2018 CDP_State by state An analysis of U.S. companies and cities across seven states
2018 CDSB_Ready or not - are companies prepared for the TCFD recommendations
2018 CTI_Under the Microscope - Are Companies Climate Scenario Analyses Meeting Investors Requirements
2018 Dickinson_Picking up the pace Tracking progress on corporate climate action PPT
2018 Dietz_Management Quality and Carbon Performance of Automobile Manufacturers
2018 Duggan_The role of sub-state and non-state actors in international climate processes: Corporate sector
2018 Globescan_Climate action starts at home
2018 Influence Map_Trade associations and climate - shareholders make themselves heard
2018 Khmara_Degrowth in business: An oxymoron or a viable business model for sustainability? $$
2018 Walenta_The Limits to Private sector Climate Change Action The Geographies of Corporate Climate Governance $$
2018 Zhang_Theor and practice of enterprise carbon asset management from the perspective of low-carbon transformation $$
2019 ATP_Climate - part of ATP's responsibility
2019 Bach_The oil and gas sector From climate laggard to climate leader $$
2019 Bhattacharyya_Corporate environmental performance evaluation: A cross-country appraisal, Journal of Cleaner Production
2019 Dupuis_Climate pushers or symbolic leaders The limits to corporate climate leadership by food retailers $$
2019 Goldstein_The private sector's climate change risk and adaptation blind spots $$
2019 Greenbiz_State of Green Business 2019
2019 Heikkurinen_Business for sustainable change: Extending eco-efficiency and eco-sufficiecy strategies to consumers, Journal of Cleaner Production
2019 InfluenceMap_The EUs Long Term Climate Ambition Whos on Board and Whos Not
2019 Seshadri_Dhan Foundation's Climate Change Initiative Part Choosing Among Multiple Good Options $$
2019 Smith_Briefing What effect does the use of renewable and low-carbon electricity contractual instruments have on firms other GHG mitigation activities
2020 Aker_Sustainability Report 2020
2020 Allianz Group_Collaborating for a Sustainable Future
2020 BASF_Economic, environmental, and social performance report
2020 Busch_Climate interaction and managerial sensemaking The case of renewable energy
2020 He_The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on corporate social responsibility and marketing philosophy
2020 Second Annual Global Survey of Climate Risk Management at Financial Firms
2020 Stokes_Short Circuiting Policy: Interest Groups and the Battle Over Clean Energy and Climate Policy in the American States
2021 American Electric Power_Powering forward to net zero - a TCFD report
2021 Apple_Supplier Clean Energy Update
2021 BHP_Climate Transition Action Plan
2021 Brulle_The role of public relations firms in climate change politics
2021 Duke Energy_Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050
2021 Hill_The Fight for Climate after COVID-19
2021 Hitachi_Achieving Carbon Neutrality for a Sustainable Society
2021 InfluenceMap_The A-List of Climate Policy Engagement 2021
2021 KPMG_Can capital markets save the planet
2021 Kuijper_Carbon Takeback Obligation A Producers Responsibility Scheme on the Way to a Climate Neutral Energy System
2023 RE100_Driving renewables in a time of change - RE100 Annual Report
2023 RE100_Frequently Asked Questions about RE100 - Technical
2023 RE100_How RE100 members are held to account
2023 RE100_Mythbusting - renewable electricity - infographic
2023 RE100_Reporting guidance 2023
2023 RE100_Reporting to RE100 in 2023 - webinar slides
2023 WBCSD_Guidance on avoided emissions - helping business drive innovations toward net zero
2023 Westpac_2023 Climate Report - Creating Better Futures Together
2016 Cadez_Climate change mitigation strategies in carbon-intensive firms
2017 Dahlmann_Managing carbon aspirations - the influence of corporate climate change on environmental performance
2018 CDSB_Climate risk - from principles to practice
I - BusinessBestPractice