Carbon Pricing Arguments and Questions to Consider
At What Level would Carbon Prices Radically Disrupt Recreational Airline and Cruise Travel?
Have offsets undercut the goal of getting a meaningful carbon price in place?
How Carbon Pricing Would Impact the Maritime Sector?
How should we be setting carbon prices?
Is a risk-averse Social Cost of Carbon the right carbon price?
Should we be thinking about an alternative approach to pricing carbon?
That $100/ton of CO2 is the equivalent of $1/gallon of gasoline?
That a $30/ton carbon price would significantly influence electricity sector decision-making, but have virtually no impact on transportation sector decision-making?
That carbon price expectations can be more important to climate change mitigation than near-term prices?
That conservative economists favor carbon pricing for reasons other than climate change?
That given the ability of policy-makers to revisit carbon pricing at any time, it will be very difficult to use carbon pricing to incentivize capital-intensive technologies?
That internal carbon pricing could put a company at a competitive disadvantage to its competitors?
That one can calculate the implicit carbon price of any climate change mitigation initiative?
That some experts think coordinated global carbon pricing would have been much more successful that “target-based” agreements.
That the carbon price signal called for by a 2oC temperature goal is XX?
That the implicit carbon price of climate initiatives in the transportation sector has approached $1,000/ton?
That the sensitivity of different sectors to carbon pricing varies substantially, potentially requiring sector-specific carbon pricing?
The Carbon Price Required to Rapidly Accelerate EV Adoption?
The Implications of a Breakthrough in CO2 Utilization?
The Social Cost of Carbon could end up being used as a “back-door” carbon price, avoiding some of the politics of carbon pricing?
What are the most important enablers of a low carbon transition?
What Carbon Pricing Would be Required to Achieve 2oC or 1.5oC Targets?
What do societal MACCs suggest when it comes to levels of carbon pricing?
What experts actually think about the likelihood of effective carbon pricing?
What level of carbon pricing would be required to tip an LCT?
What would carbon prices need to be to solve climate change?
When "revenue-neutral" carbon pricing could break the partisan gridlock on climate change?
Whether carbon pricing to date has incentivized technology innovation?
Whether GHG emissions might be much more sensitive to carbon prices than generally assumed?
Whether internal corporate carbon pricing can proxy for the absence of an economy-wide carbon price?
Whether internal corporate carbon pricing has reduced GHG emissions?
Whether meaningful explicit and economy-wide carbon pricing will ever be politically feasible?
Whether state-level carbon pricing could significantly reduce GHG emissions?
Whether the low-carbon-transition can succeed without economy-wide carbon pricing?
Whether the Social Cost of Carbon should be used as the basis for a “science-based” carbon price?
Whether Your Internal Carbon Price is Reducing Your Climate Risks?
How much should carbon emissions really cost, in order for carbon pricing to be effective? And are the various policies anywhere close?
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