Categories of Team Urgency Moves
Fossil Fuel Phase Out Chess Moves
Allocated across Vehicles
All actors can call upon current AFV owners to educate new potential consumers 14, 379
All actors can call upon current AFV owners to educate new potential consumers 14, 379
All govts. should expand climate planning to analyze how to make fossil fuel workers "whole" and promote a "shared prosperity" to unique community measures 24, 641
CEQ should consider requiring EISs prepared under NEPA for fossil fuel actions to discuss the consistency of such actions with decarbonization goals. 24, 644
CEQ should reinstate its 2016 guidance for considering GHG emissions in NEPA review. 24, 644
Congress could adopt "carbon adjustment assistance" for dislocated workers modeled on Trade Adjustment Assistance 24, 639
Congress could establish a prohibition or phaseout on the use of fossil fuels 24, 626
Congress could incentivize companies to reposition themselves from carbon to non-carbon energy markets, including retraining workers and reducing job loss in impacted communitieis 24, 640
Congress could put a limit on GHG emissions related to power generation 24, 626
Congress should enact the RECLAIM Act of 2017 to provide $1 billion to restore abandoned coal mines 24, 638
Congress should implement an active labor market system for workers in the carbon economy 24, 639
Congress should require participation of workers in sectoral reemployment initiatives 24, 640
Corporations should adopt TCFD recommendations 24, 646
DOE can take likely transitions in electric power-generating generating sources from fossil fuels to renewable energy into account while designating national interest corridors. 24, 624
EPA could choose to tighten rules to require closed cycles in more instances or to apply rules to a broader set of power plants. 24, 631
EPA could impose a ban on the use of fossil fuels in power plants. 24, 626
EPA could put a limit on GHG emissions related to power generation under §§111(d) or 115 of the CAA. 24, 626
EPA should remove the four-hour exemption after generation during which the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards Rule numerical emission standards do not apply. 24, 632
Federal govt. could pay "book value" to close GHG-emitting facilities 24, 635
Federal govt. should halt fossil fuel leasing and drilling on federal lands 24, 644
Federal govt. should require companies to consider the possibility their investments will be stranded 24, 644
Federal govt. should require companies to consider the possibility their investments will be stranded 24, 644
Federal govt. should use carbon tax funds as a source of revenue for social and transition support 24, 641
Federal govt. should use some carbon tax revenues to help workers and communities in LCT 24, 641
FERC can require that wholesale rates include a carbon adder set at a level intended to reflect the social cost of carbon. 24, 630
FERC can require that wholesale rates include a carbon adder set at a level intended to reflect the social cost of carbon. 24, 630
FERC can require that wholesale rates include a carbon adder set at a level intended to reflect the social cost of carbon. 24, 630
FERC can require that wholesale rates include a carbon adder set at a level intended to reflect the social cost of carbon. 24, 630
Fossil fuel companies should end management incentives based on hydrocarbon production and reserve indicators 24, 646
Fossil fuel companies should end management incentives based on hydrocarbon production and reserve indicators 24, 646
Fossil fuel companies should have to disclose how they would transition to a 2oC carbon pricing regime, and what will happen to their business models and assets in a 2oC world 24, 645
Fossil fuel companies should have to disclose how they would transition to a 2oC carbon pricing regime, and what will happen to their business models and assets in a 2oC world 24, 645
If climate change disclosure litigation is resolved favorable to Massachusetts attorney general, the Massachusetts AG should require securities disclosures to include discussion of possible asset stranding related to climate regulation. 24, 645
If climate change disclosure litigation is resolved favorable to Massachusetts attorney general, the Massachusetts AG should require securities disclosures to include discussion of possible asset stranding related to climate regulation. 24, 645
If climate change disclosure litigation is resolved favorable to New York attorney general, the NY AG should require securities disclosures to include discussion of possible asset stranding related to climate regulation. 24, 645
If climate change disclosure litigation is resolved favorable to New York attorney general, the NY AG should require securities disclosures to include discussion of possible asset stranding related to climate regulation. 24, 645
Local Governments Should also Promote the Creation of More Clean Energy Jobs in Coal Country. 24, 640
Local govts. should promote clean energy jobs in coal country 24, 640
Municipal utilities and electric cooperatives should divest ownership of coal-fired generating units 24, 634
Private foundations could pay utilities "book value" for fossil fuel plants, or negotiate with private owners to close them 24, 635
Private sector could require companies to consider possibility their fossil fuel assets could be stranded 24, 644
Private sector could require companies to consider possibility their fossil fuel assets could be stranded 24, 644
Ratepayers could purchase and close fossil fuel plants from utilities or private owners 24, 635
Regional planners should figure out what it would take to phase out fossil-fuel generation 24, 624
Rural electric cooperatives should divest ownership of their coal-fired genrating units 24, 634
Shareholders can press fossil fuel companies to make greater disclosures 24, 645
Shareholders can press fossil fuel companies to make greater disclosures 24, 645
State agencies could study how role of coal and natural gas in the generation mix will likely change or should change in the next several decades in light of GHG reduction goals. 24, 623
State govts. could pay utilities "book value" for GHG-emitting facilities to close them, or negotiate with private owners 24, 635
State govts. should require companies to consider possiblity that investments will be stranded 24, 644
State legislatures could also allow utilities to charge ratepayers for the cost of industrywide hiring halls and for retraining that bridges the gap between workers’ old skills and new occupations. 24, 640
State legislatures could also allow utilities to charge ratepayers for the cost of industrywide hiring halls and for retraining that bridges the gap between workers’ old skills and new occupations. 24, 640
State legislatures could also allow utilities to charge ratepayers for the cost of industrywide hiring halls and for retraining that bridges the gap between workers’ old skills and new occupations. 24, 640
State legislatures could also allow utilities to charge ratepayers for the cost of industrywide hiring halls and for retraining that bridges the gap between workers’ old skills and new occupations. 24, 640
State legislatures could establish hiring preferences for displaced coal or coal-fired utility works as part of RPS and energy efficiency mandates 24, 640
State legislatures could require wind, solar, or energy-efficiency companies to give hiring preference to displaced coal or coal-fired utility workers within future renewable energy portfolio standards or energy-efficiency mandates. 24 App A, 640
State legislatures could require within future renewable energy portfolio standards or energy-efficiency mandates hiring preferences for workers dislocated from coal-fired power plants. 24, 640
State legislatures could study how the role of coal and natural gas in the generation mix will likely change or should change in the next several decades in light of GHG reduction goals. 24, 623
State legislatures should also require the participation of workers and their representatives in sectoral reemployment initiatives. 24, 640
State legislatures should promote the creation of more clean energy jobs in coal country. 24 App A, 640
State legislatures should re-envision severance taxes that create natural resource trust funds as tools for phasing down extraction of fossil fuels and raising more near-term resources for social policies. 24, 641
State legislatures should re-envision severance taxes that create natural resource trust funds as tools for phasing down extraction of fossil fuels and raising more near-term resources for social policies. 24, 641
State PUCs could offer a lower rate of return on fossil-fueled power plants and a higher return on plants that rely on renewable fuels. 24, 631
State PUCs could offer a lower rate of return on fossil-fueled power plants and a higher return on plants that rely on renewable fuels. 24, 631
State PUCs should consider possibility of stranded assets when assessing proposals for fossil fuel infrastructure that will be paid for by ratepayers, such as electric transmission lines and generating facilities. 24 app B, 645
State PUCs should consider possibility of stranded assets when assessing proposals for fossil fuel infrastructure that will be paid for by ratepayers, such as electric transmission lines and generating facilities. 24 app B, 645
State should require utility planners to include a carbon adder for planning 24, 630
States can join forces to tighten coal plan regulation 24, 633
States could adopt stricted regulations for cooling water systems 24, 632
States could ban new coal-fired generators, and ban or limit natural gas additions 24, 626
States could ban or limit coal mining and oil and gas production 24, 644
States restricting new coal-fired generation could adopt more stringent limitations including on a life-cycle basis 24, 626
States should adopt or enforce rules relating to safe disposal of coal ash by utilities 24, 632
States should analyze how to make fossil fuel workers and regions "whole, " and encourage "shared prosperity" to unite community members 24, 641
States should consider taking actions like RGGI and AB32 to actually reduce emissions 24, 628
States should insist that utility resource plans reflect a reasonable schedule for ramping down fossil fuel use 24, 623
States should limit GHG emissions related to power generation 24, 626
States should protect future "just and reasonable" utility rates by considering stiffer GHG restrictions in future years 24, 623
States should protect future "just and reasonable" utility rates by considering stiffer GHG restrictions in future years 24, 623
States should protect future "just and reasonable" utility rates by considering stiffer GHG restrictions in future years 24, 623
States should protect future "just and reasonable" utility rates by considering stiffer GHG restrictions in future years 24, 623
States should voluntarily adopte more stringent coal ash rules 24, 632
States with "little NEPA statutes" should make fossil fuel projects more expensive or lead to their rejection 24, 634
The SEC should enforce compliance with its 2010 guidance on disclosure requirements related to climate change. 24, 645
The SEC should enforce compliance with its 2010 guidance on disclosure requirements related to climate change. 24, 645
The SEC should enhance its 2010 guidance on climate change disclosure to require explicitly the possibility that climate regulation will lead to the stranding of corporate assets. 24, 645
The SEC should enhance its 2010 guidance on climate change disclosure to require explicitly the possibility that climate regulation will lead to the stranding of corporate assets. 24, 645
To reduce or eliminate the wage gap between carbon and non-carbon jobs, state legislatures could establish within RPS and energy-efficiency laws occupational wage standards in non-carbon energy industry occupations. 24, 640
Transmission owners and grid operators in a geographical area should consider what it would take to phase out use of fossil-fired generation and prepare to meet long-term GHG reduction goals. 24, 624
TVA could produce a definite, accelerated schedule for the retirement of the 35 remaining coal-fired generating units. 24, 634
Wind, solar, and energy efficiency companies should give hiring preference to displace coal or coal-fired utility workers 24, 640
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