Headings - News and Opinion
N - Land-Based Emissions and Sequestration
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2011/12 Expert survey suggests impact of permafrost melting at 2.5x deforestation
2012/5 Trees Absorb Less Carbon in Warming World Than Experts Have Assumed
2013/9 Vicious Cycle: Extreme Climate Events Release 11 Billion Tons Of CO2 Into The Air Every Year
2013/11 Is a Sleeping Climate Giant Stirring in the Arctic? - permafrost
2014/5 Arctic Methane Emissions 'Certain to Trigger Warming'
2014/5 Brazil and the Battle Against Deforestation: A Short History
2014/5 Carbon loss from tropical forests 'underestimated'
2014/5 Deforestation: Carving up the Amazon
2014/7 Are Siberia’s methane blow-holes the first warning sign of unstoppable climate change?
2014/8 Mysterious Craters Are Just the Beginning of Arctic Surprises
2014/12 Tropical forests have large appetite for carbon dioxide
2014/12 Tropical forests may not combat climate change
2015/2 Farming Now Worse For Climate Than Deforestation2015/2
2015/3 Carbon absorbed by Amazon has halved since 90s, says study
2015/3 Land, Ocean Carbon Sinks Are Weakening, Making Climate Action More Urgent
2015/4 Permafrost carbon release to have similar impact as deforestation
2015/8 Scientists discover that the world contains dramatically more trees than previously thought
2015/12 Vital Signs of the Planet: Study suggests carbon content of temperate forests overestimated
2016/9 Reservoirs are a major source of global greenhouse gases, scientists say
2017/1 Role of terrestrial biosphere in counteracting climate change may have been underestimated
2017/4 The ‘ancient carbon’ of Alaska’s tundra is being released, speeding up global warming
2017/5 Alaska's permafrost is filling the air with carbon dioxide, worsening climate change
2017/5 Thawing Alaska Permafrost Sends Autumn CO2 Emissions Surging
2017/6 As the North Slope of Alaska warms, greenhouse gases have nowhere to go but up
2017/9 Alarm as study reveals world's tropical forests are huge carbon emission source
2017/9 Counting carbon
2017/9 New research suggests tropical forests are now a net source of carbon emissions
2017/9 The surprising emissions from Oregon's forests (Guest opinion)
2017/9 Tropical forests are no longer carbon sinks because of human activity
2017/10 Long-term forest study adds to evidence for dangerous feedback cycle from climate change
2017/10 NASA Pinpoints Cause of Earth’s Recent Record Carbon Dioxide Spike
2017/10 Suite of free, open-source tools to help even non-experts monitor large-scale land use change
2017/10 Ten Keys to Slashing Deforestation in Just Two Years
2017/10 Tropical forests caused the highest CO2 levels in 2,000 years, says NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory — Quartz
2017/11 Conserving Forests Could Cut Carbon Emissions As Much As Getting Rid of Every Car on Earth
2018/7 Grasslands More Reliable Carbon Sink Than Trees
2019/2 Land management ‘blind spots’ make 1.5C goal highly unlikely
2019/4 Emissions from thawing Arctic permafrost may be 12 times higher than thought, scientists say
2019/7 Siberia wildfires in Russia a potential "disaster" for climate as they feed off and contribute to warming, environmentalists warn
2019/8 Rainforest Alliance response to the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land
2019/8 Understanding the IPCC's New Compendium of Climate and Land Use
2019/10 Amazon Deforestation Is Fast Nearing Tipping Point When Rainforest Cannot Sustain Itself
2019/12 Tropical forests’ lost decade: the 2010s
2020/2 Arctic Permafrost Thawing Will Double Previous Carbon Emissions Estimates From Permafrost Thawing
2020/2 Fires in Australia and the Amazon Released Billions of Tons of CO2 in 2019
2020/2 NASA flights detect millions of Arctic methane hotspots
2020/3 Tropical forests losing their ability to absorb carbon, study finds
2020/3 World’s intact tropical forests reached ‘peak carbon uptake’ in 1990s
2021/4 New major study shows importance of nature in hitting net zero
2015/8 Vital Signs of the Planet: Taking stock of 2014 fire emissions
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