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Land Use TOC
I - BoundingLandUseOutcomes
I - CarbonPricingandLandUseChange
I - EvaluatingLandUseSolutions
I - FarmlandRestoration
I - FLRForestLandscapeRestoration
I - Grasslands
I - IntegratedLandscapeManagement
I - LandBuying
I - LandDegradationNeutrality
I - LandUseAlbedoChange
I - LandUseandOceanCO2SinksSaturate
I - LandUseEmissions
I - LandUseMACCs
I - LandUsePathways
I - LandUseRequirements
I - LandUseSectors
I - LandUseSolutions/Technologies
I - LULUCF Land use, land-use change and forestry
I - NaturalandManagedSystemsImpacts
I - WetlandConservation
S - Agriculture Sector
S - Agriculture Sector Adaptation
S - Agriculture Sector Emissions and Mitigation
S - Agriculture Sector Futures
S - Agriculture Sector Impacts
S - Biomass Energy
S - Evaluating Market Mechanisms
S - Evaluating Voluntary Measures
S - Forest Adaptation
S - Forest Landscape Restoration
S - Forestry Emissions and Mitigation
S - Forestry Offsets
S - Impacts - Forestry
S - Land Use Emissions and Mitigation
S - Land Use Futures
S - Land Use Sectors
S - Negative Emissions
S - REDD and REDD+
S - Soil Carbon (not Forests)
S - Wine and Climate
N - Agriculture and Forestry Adaptation
N - Agriculture Impacts
N - Agriculture Innovation
N - Carbon Negative
N - Climate and Wine
N - Food Security
N - Forestry Mitigation
N - Land Use Offsets
N - Land-Based Emissions and Sequestration
N - REDD and REDD+
N - Soil Carbon Sequestration
T - Carbon Offset Networks
T - Agricultural Sector
T - AgricultureAdaptation
T - Ecosystem Restoration
T - Ecosystem Services
T - Forestry
T - Land Use Solutions
T - Market Mechanisms
T - Nature-Based Solutions
V - Forestry Impacts
E - Agricultural Mitigation
E - Agricultural Sector
E - Agricultural Sector Responses
E - Agriculture Impacts
E - Agriculture Sector Adaptation
E - Biological Sequestration
E - COP21 Forestry
E - Forestry Emissions
E - Forestry Sector
E - Land Use Based Offsets
E - Land Use Change
E - Land Use Mitigation Potentials
E - Land-Use MACCs
E - Negative Emissions Technologies
N - GHG Emissions
2024 Emissions per Capita of the Top 30 U.S. Investor-Owned Utilities
2024 Emissions per Capita of the Top 30 U.S. Investor-Owned Utilities
N - Carbon Budget
N - CO2 Emissions and Concentrations
N - Land-Based Emissions and Sequestration
N - Life Cycle Analysis LCA
N - Methane Emissions
N - Ocean Based Emissions and Sequestration
N - Short-Lived Forcers
2012/4 Which Nations Have Reduced Carbon Intensity the Fastest?
2013/11 Did 90 Companies 'Cause the Climate Crisis of the 21st Century'?
2013/11 Just 90 companies caused two-thirds of man-made global warming emissions
2013/11 Which fossil fuel companies are most responsible for climate change? – interactive
2013/11 World Energy Outlook 2013 – What it doesn’t say
2013/12 Highest global-warming impact of any compound to date
2014/2 Natural gas vehicles worse for climate than diesel ones?
2014/3 Fixing Palm Oil’s Other Climate Threat
2014/4 Corn biofuels worse than gasoline on global warming in short term – study
2014/5 AGRICULTURE: As China's appetite for meat soars, so do its emissions
2014/6 Fertilizer produces far more greenhouse gas than expected
2014/7 Measuring Cow & Pig Emissions Goes to New Heights
2014/8 Emissions swamp efforts to curb global warming, UN draft report says
2014/8 Keystone XL's Climate Impact Could Be Four Times Greater Than State Department Claimed
2014/8 Ozone-destroying chemical still floating around; no one knows the source
2014/8 Tons of Emissions from Power Plants Are Already Locked In Study Says
2014/9 Fact-checking three new shocking sustainability studies
2014/9 HFCs and US Government Regulation and Removal
2014/10 Fracking boom will not tackle global warming, analysis warns
2014/10 Here's Who To Blame For America's Increased Contribution To Global Warming In 2013
2014/11 Peru's forests store more CO2 than US emits in a year, research shows
2015/1 Study Downgrades Climate Impact of Wood Burning
2015/2 Climate Change Mitigation's Best-Kept Secret
2015/2 U.S. Launches Effort To Monitor Global Air Pollution From Embassies
2015/3 Low carbon investments start to bend the global CO2 emissions curve
2015/3 Record First: Global CO2 Emissions Went Flat In 2014 While The Economy Grew
2015/3 Scientists Have Mixed Opinions on Flat CO2 Emissions
2015/3 The Uncomfortable Truth Behind Flat Carbon Emissions
2015/4 CarbonEmissions Are Up In The Energy Sector. But There's A Silver Lining.
2015/4 China to surpass US as top cause of modern global warming
2015/4 Surgical Anesthesia Is Contributing To Climate Change, Study Shows
2015/4 The U.S. Will Soon No Longer Be The Leading Cause Of Modern Global Warming
2015/4 U.S. Emissions, Economic Growth Headed Toward Divorce
2015/5 Underground, Crustaceans May Help Fight Climate Change
2015/6 Can Chinese coal data be trusted? Why we should not believe peak coal has arrived « Carbon Counter
2015/6 Infographic: What Do Your Country's Emissions Look Like?
2015/7 EU Court of Justice rules on consequences for operators who understate emissions in a verified report
2015/7 How the Recession Accidentally Helped the Planet
2015/7 India Says It Won't Set Date For Reducing Total Carbon Emissions
2015/7 Recession, not gas, drove drop in US emissions
2015/8 How the Midwest's Corn Farms Are Cooking the Planet
2015/8 Underground Desert Aquifers Could Hold Missing Carbon
2016/2 Even Without a Blowout, Gas Companies Leak a Lot of Methane Into the Atmosphere
2016/2 Just How Big Was the Porter Ranch Natural Gas Leak?
2016/3 Australia's emissions rising and vastly underestimated, says report
2016/3 Obama and Trudeau's Methane Pledge Takes Aim at the Right Target
2016/4 Atmospheric CO2 Leaps into Uncharted Territory: 408 ppm
2016/4 Economic development does mean greater carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions
2016/4 Electricity emissions surge by 5.5% since removal of carbon price
2016/5 British Gas release world carbon footprint reports
2016/9 Hundreds of new dams could mean trouble for our climate
2016/10 'New era of climate change reality' as emissions hit symbolic threshold
2016/10 The Paris Agreement of refrigeration - a bluffer's guide
2016/11 Combating Climate Change by Measuring Carbon Emissions Correctly
2016/12 Rapid rise in methane emissions in 10 years surprises scientists
2017/3 Diet, Including Eating Less Beef, Dropped Americans' Carbon Emissions by 9%
2017/4 A closer look at how rich countries “outsource” their CO2 emissions to poorer ones
2017/4 Cutting emissions isn't enough, we need to start removing carbon from the atmosphere
2017/4 Half way there
2017/4 This Interactive Chart Explains World’s Top 10 Emitters, and How They’ve Changed
2017/5 Drivers behind flattening CO2 emissions
2017/6 7 reasons to be alarmed by record-setting levels of CO2
2017/6 Carbon in Atmosphere Is Rising, Even as Emissions Stabilize
2017/7 Allowable 'carbon budget' most likely overestimated
2017/7 If we stopped emitting greenhouse gases right now, would we stop climate change?
2017/7 Mapped: The world’s largest CO2 importers and exporters
2017/8 6 Charts to Understand U.S. State Greenhouse Gas Emissions
2017/8 Microsoft's cloud serves up energy emissions data in near real time
2017/9 Energy Forecast Sees Global Emissions Growing, Thwarting Paris Climate Accord
2017/10 NASA pinpoints cause of Earths recent record carbon dioxide spike
2017/11 2017 to see carbon emissions rise for the first time in years
2017/11 Global carbon dioxide emissions projected to rise after three stable years
2017/11 Global CO2 emissions set to rise 2% in 2017 after three-year ‘plateau’
2017/11 How China has reduced the carbon footprint of developed countries
2017/11 So much for COP23 – there's a whole class of carbon emissions we're totally ignoring
2017/12 Rich countries are reducing their emissions by exporting them to China
2018/2 Methane, Black Carbon, and HFCs
2018/2 No Drop in U.S. Carbon Footprint Expected Through 2050, Energy Department Says
2018/4 5 Charts Show How Global Emissions Have Changed Since 1850
2018/4 New remote-sensing technique used to determine carbon losses in Sub-Saharan Africa
2018/5 Earth’s atmosphere just crossed another troubling climate change threshold
2018/6 Why methane should be treated differently compared to long-lived greenhouse gases
2018/7 Professor Andrew Glikson “The looming Methane Time Bomb”. – Kevin Hester
2018/10 Andrew_A history of estimating global CO2 emissions
2018/12 CO2 Emissions Reached an All-Time High in 2018
2019/1 U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions will likely fall in 2019 and 2020
2019/2 Climate change: CO2 emissions fall in 18 countries with strong policies, study finds
2019/2 We Still Don't Understand Methane's Full Life Cycle
2019/3 Resource extraction responsible for half world’s carbon emissions
2019/3 The US Is Responsible For 26% Of Global Warming Emissions & Is Morally Responsible To Help Solve It
2019/5 Carbon dioxide hit the highest level in human history
2019/5 CO2 Concentrations Hit Highest Levels in 3 Million Years
2019/5 CO2 emissions: The trend is not your friend
2019/7 Climate in the Digital Age
2019/7 CO2 emissions are set to exceed 1.5 degrees of global warming
2019/7 Fossil fuel burning leaps to new record, crushing clean energy and climate efforts
2019/10 Brazilian beef industry plays outsized role in tropical carbon emissions
2019/10 Not so green - Greta Thunberg accuses rich countries of “creative carbon accounting”
2019/10 Revealed: the 20 firms behind a third of all carbon emissions
2019/10 The Atmosphere: Getting a Handle on Carbon Dioxide
2019/11 Top consumer companies’ palm oil sustainability claims go up in flames
2020/1 Scientists Just Found an Unexpectedly Large Source of Natural Greenhouse Gases
2020/2 Coal and Gas Emissions are 1500-3000x the mass of waste wind turbine blades
2020/2 Defying expectations of a rise, global carbon dioxide emissions flatlined in 2019
2020/2 New methane data shows gas industry can no longer "hide behind burping cows"
2020/3 A Plant in Florida Emits Vast Quantities of a Greenhouse Gas Nearly 300 Times More Potent Than Carbon Dioxide
2020/3 Long Phased-Out Refrigeration and Insulation Chemicals Still Widely in Use and Warming the Climate
2020/5 Counting the carbon - are international standards always best practice?
2020/7 Fracking Firms Fail, Rewarding Executives and Raising Climate Fears
2020/11 A Global Breakdown of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sector
2021/3 After steep drop in early 2020, global carbon dioxide emissions have rebounded strongly
2021/3 Bottom trawling releases as much carbon as air travel, landmark study finds
2021/3 We've made progress to curb global emissions. But it's a fraction of what's needed
2021/4 Carbon emissions to soar in 2021 by second highest rate in history
2021/4 Despite pandemic shutdowns, carbon dioxide and methane surged in 2020
2021/4 New momentum reduces emissions gap, but huge gap remains - analysis
2021/5 China’s emissions exceed all the developed world’s combined
2021/5 The Pandemic Didn't Slow Climate Change. It's Actually Speeding Up, Experts Warn
2021/6 “They just kept on rising” data reveals alarming greenhouse gas increase
2021/7 Amazon rainforest now emitting more CO2 than it absorbs
2021/7 Australian wildfire smoke had dramatic impact on global climate in 2020
2021/8 A deep dive into the IPCC’s updated carbon budget numbers
2021/10 Analysis: Which countries are historically responsible for climate change?
2021/10 The Chinese Companies Polluting the World More Than Entire Nations
2021/11 Climate pledges built on flawed emissions data, Post investigation finds
2021/11 How The Post did its global emissions analysis
2021/11 The Keeling Curve: Part III
N - Land Use Change
2022/2 Irrecoverable Carbon: The Importance of Preventing Deforestation
2022/2 Irrecoverable Carbon: The Importance of Preventing Deforestation
N - Agricultural Mitigation
N - Forestry Mitigation
N - Land-Based Emissions and Sequestration
2019/8 Climate crisis reducing land’s ability to sustain humanity, says IPCC
2019/8 How climate’s impact on land threatens civilisation – and how to fix it
2019/8 How food can help solve the climate crisis
2019/8 IPCC's land report showed we're entering an era of damage control
2019/8 Land Use Changes Won’t Save the Climate
2019/8 Stop abusing land, scientists warn
2019/8 The IPCC Calls for Securing Community Land Rights to Fight Climate Change
2019/8 The IPCC's special report on climate change and land
2019/8 This Land is the Only Land There Is
2019/9 Why land-based mitigation is key to net-zero emissions
2019/10 How to Halt Global Warming for $300 Billion
2019/10 Sorry—organic farming is actually worse for climate change
2020/2 Conserving and restoring forests won’t be cheap and easy after all
2020/8 California Grapples With Toughest Climate Issue Yet: Sprawl
2021/4 A ‘Rosetta Stone’ for bringing land-mitigation pathways into line
Headings - News and Opinion
N - Land-Based Emissions and Sequestration
News Stories | Blogs
2011/12 Expert survey suggests impact of permafrost melting at 2.5x deforestation
2012/5 Trees Absorb Less Carbon in Warming World Than Experts Have Assumed
2013/9 Vicious Cycle: Extreme Climate Events Release 11 Billion Tons Of CO2 Into The Air Every Year
2013/11 Is a Sleeping Climate Giant Stirring in the Arctic? - permafrost
2014/5 Arctic Methane Emissions 'Certain to Trigger Warming'
2014/5 Brazil and the Battle Against Deforestation: A Short History
2014/5 Carbon loss from tropical forests 'underestimated'
2014/5 Deforestation: Carving up the Amazon
2014/7 Are Siberia’s methane blow-holes the first warning sign of unstoppable climate change?
2014/8 Mysterious Craters Are Just the Beginning of Arctic Surprises
2014/12 Tropical forests have large appetite for carbon dioxide
2014/12 Tropical forests may not combat climate change
2015/2 Farming Now Worse For Climate Than Deforestation2015/2
2015/3 Carbon absorbed by Amazon has halved since 90s, says study
2015/3 Land, Ocean Carbon Sinks Are Weakening, Making Climate Action More Urgent
2015/4 Permafrost carbon release to have similar impact as deforestation
2015/8 Scientists discover that the world contains dramatically more trees than previously thought
2015/12 Vital Signs of the Planet: Study suggests carbon content of temperate forests overestimated
2016/9 Reservoirs are a major source of global greenhouse gases, scientists say
2017/1 Role of terrestrial biosphere in counteracting climate change may have been underestimated
2017/4 The ‘ancient carbon’ of Alaska’s tundra is being released, speeding up global warming
2017/5 Alaska's permafrost is filling the air with carbon dioxide, worsening climate change
2017/5 Thawing Alaska Permafrost Sends Autumn CO2 Emissions Surging
2017/6 As the North Slope of Alaska warms, greenhouse gases have nowhere to go but up
2017/9 Alarm as study reveals world's tropical forests are huge carbon emission source
2017/9 Counting carbon
2017/9 New research suggests tropical forests are now a net source of carbon emissions
2017/9 The surprising emissions from Oregon's forests (Guest opinion)
2017/9 Tropical forests are no longer carbon sinks because of human activity
2017/10 Long-term forest study adds to evidence for dangerous feedback cycle from climate change
2017/10 NASA Pinpoints Cause of Earth’s Recent Record Carbon Dioxide Spike
2017/10 Suite of free, open-source tools to help even non-experts monitor large-scale land use change
2017/10 Ten Keys to Slashing Deforestation in Just Two Years
2017/10 Tropical forests caused the highest CO2 levels in 2,000 years, says NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory — Quartz
2017/11 Conserving Forests Could Cut Carbon Emissions As Much As Getting Rid of Every Car on Earth
2018/7 Grasslands More Reliable Carbon Sink Than Trees
2019/2 Land management ‘blind spots’ make 1.5C goal highly unlikely
2019/4 Emissions from thawing Arctic permafrost may be 12 times higher than thought, scientists say
2019/7 Siberia wildfires in Russia a potential "disaster" for climate as they feed off and contribute to warming, environmentalists warn
2019/8 Rainforest Alliance response to the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land
2019/8 Understanding the IPCC's New Compendium of Climate and Land Use
2019/10 Amazon Deforestation Is Fast Nearing Tipping Point When Rainforest Cannot Sustain Itself
2019/12 Tropical forests’ lost decade: the 2010s
2020/2 Arctic Permafrost Thawing Will Double Previous Carbon Emissions Estimates From Permafrost Thawing
2020/2 Fires in Australia and the Amazon Released Billions of Tons of CO2 in 2019
2020/2 NASA flights detect millions of Arctic methane hotspots
2020/3 Tropical forests losing their ability to absorb carbon, study finds
2020/3 World’s intact tropical forests reached ‘peak carbon uptake’ in 1990s
2021/4 New major study shows importance of nature in hitting net zero
2015/8 Vital Signs of the Planet: Taking stock of 2014 fire emissions
Land Use TOC
I - BoundingLandUseOutcomes
I - CarbonPricingandLandUseChange
I - EvaluatingLandUseSolutions
I - FarmlandRestoration
I - FLRForestLandscapeRestoration
I - Grasslands
I - IntegratedLandscapeManagement
I - LandBuying
I - LandDegradationNeutrality
I - LandUseAlbedoChange
I - LandUseandOceanCO2SinksSaturate
I - LandUseEmissions
I - LandUseMACCs
I - LandUsePathways
I - LandUseRequirements
I - LandUseSectors
I - LandUseSolutions/Technologies
I - LULUCF Land use, land-use change and forestry
I - NaturalandManagedSystemsImpacts
I - WetlandConservation
S - Agriculture Sector
S - Agriculture Sector Adaptation
S - Agriculture Sector Emissions and Mitigation
S - Agriculture Sector Futures
S - Agriculture Sector Impacts
S - Biomass Energy
S - Evaluating Market Mechanisms
S - Evaluating Voluntary Measures
S - Forest Adaptation
S - Forest Landscape Restoration
S - Forestry Emissions and Mitigation
S - Forestry Offsets
S - Impacts - Forestry
S - Land Use Emissions and Mitigation
S - Land Use Futures
S - Land Use Sectors
S - Negative Emissions
S - REDD and REDD+
S - Soil Carbon (not Forests)
S - Wine and Climate
N - Agriculture and Forestry Adaptation
N - Agriculture Impacts
N - Agriculture Innovation
N - Carbon Negative
N - Climate and Wine
N - Food Security
N - Forestry Mitigation
N - Land Use Offsets
N - Land-Based Emissions and Sequestration
N - REDD and REDD+
N - Soil Carbon Sequestration
T - Carbon Offset Networks
T - Agricultural Sector
T - AgricultureAdaptation
T - Ecosystem Restoration
T - Ecosystem Services
T - Forestry
T - Land Use Solutions
T - Market Mechanisms
T - Nature-Based Solutions
V - Forestry Impacts
E - Agricultural Mitigation
E - Agricultural Sector
E - Agricultural Sector Responses
E - Agriculture Impacts
E - Agriculture Sector Adaptation
E - Biological Sequestration
E - COP21 Forestry
E - Forestry Emissions
E - Forestry Sector
E - Land Use Based Offsets
E - Land Use Change
E - Land Use Mitigation Potentials
E - Land-Use MACCs
E - Negative Emissions Technologies
N - GHG Emissions
2024 Emissions per Capita of the Top 30 U.S. Investor-Owned Utilities
2024 Emissions per Capita of the Top 30 U.S. Investor-Owned Utilities
N - Carbon Budget
N - CO2 Emissions and Concentrations
N - Land-Based Emissions and Sequestration
N - Life Cycle Analysis LCA
N - Methane Emissions
N - Ocean Based Emissions and Sequestration
N - Short-Lived Forcers
2012/4 Which Nations Have Reduced Carbon Intensity the Fastest?
2013/11 Did 90 Companies 'Cause the Climate Crisis of the 21st Century'?
2013/11 Just 90 companies caused two-thirds of man-made global warming emissions
2013/11 Which fossil fuel companies are most responsible for climate change? – interactive
2013/11 World Energy Outlook 2013 – What it doesn’t say
2013/12 Highest global-warming impact of any compound to date
2014/2 Natural gas vehicles worse for climate than diesel ones?
2014/3 Fixing Palm Oil’s Other Climate Threat
2014/4 Corn biofuels worse than gasoline on global warming in short term – study
2014/5 AGRICULTURE: As China's appetite for meat soars, so do its emissions
2014/6 Fertilizer produces far more greenhouse gas than expected
2014/7 Measuring Cow & Pig Emissions Goes to New Heights
2014/8 Emissions swamp efforts to curb global warming, UN draft report says
2014/8 Keystone XL's Climate Impact Could Be Four Times Greater Than State Department Claimed
2014/8 Ozone-destroying chemical still floating around; no one knows the source
2014/8 Tons of Emissions from Power Plants Are Already Locked In Study Says
2014/9 Fact-checking three new shocking sustainability studies
2014/9 HFCs and US Government Regulation and Removal
2014/10 Fracking boom will not tackle global warming, analysis warns
2014/10 Here's Who To Blame For America's Increased Contribution To Global Warming In 2013
2014/11 Peru's forests store more CO2 than US emits in a year, research shows
2015/1 Study Downgrades Climate Impact of Wood Burning
2015/2 Climate Change Mitigation's Best-Kept Secret
2015/2 U.S. Launches Effort To Monitor Global Air Pollution From Embassies
2015/3 Low carbon investments start to bend the global CO2 emissions curve
2015/3 Record First: Global CO2 Emissions Went Flat In 2014 While The Economy Grew
2015/3 Scientists Have Mixed Opinions on Flat CO2 Emissions
2015/3 The Uncomfortable Truth Behind Flat Carbon Emissions
2015/4 CarbonEmissions Are Up In The Energy Sector. But There's A Silver Lining.
2015/4 China to surpass US as top cause of modern global warming
2015/4 Surgical Anesthesia Is Contributing To Climate Change, Study Shows
2015/4 The U.S. Will Soon No Longer Be The Leading Cause Of Modern Global Warming
2015/4 U.S. Emissions, Economic Growth Headed Toward Divorce
2015/5 Underground, Crustaceans May Help Fight Climate Change
2015/6 Can Chinese coal data be trusted? Why we should not believe peak coal has arrived « Carbon Counter
2015/6 Infographic: What Do Your Country's Emissions Look Like?
2015/7 EU Court of Justice rules on consequences for operators who understate emissions in a verified report
2015/7 How the Recession Accidentally Helped the Planet
2015/7 India Says It Won't Set Date For Reducing Total Carbon Emissions
2015/7 Recession, not gas, drove drop in US emissions
2015/8 How the Midwest's Corn Farms Are Cooking the Planet
2015/8 Underground Desert Aquifers Could Hold Missing Carbon
2016/2 Even Without a Blowout, Gas Companies Leak a Lot of Methane Into the Atmosphere
2016/2 Just How Big Was the Porter Ranch Natural Gas Leak?
2016/3 Australia's emissions rising and vastly underestimated, says report
2016/3 Obama and Trudeau's Methane Pledge Takes Aim at the Right Target
2016/4 Atmospheric CO2 Leaps into Uncharted Territory: 408 ppm
2016/4 Economic development does mean greater carbon footprint and greenhouse gas emissions
2016/4 Electricity emissions surge by 5.5% since removal of carbon price
2016/5 British Gas release world carbon footprint reports
2016/9 Hundreds of new dams could mean trouble for our climate
2016/10 'New era of climate change reality' as emissions hit symbolic threshold
2016/10 The Paris Agreement of refrigeration - a bluffer's guide
2016/11 Combating Climate Change by Measuring Carbon Emissions Correctly
2016/12 Rapid rise in methane emissions in 10 years surprises scientists
2017/3 Diet, Including Eating Less Beef, Dropped Americans' Carbon Emissions by 9%
2017/4 A closer look at how rich countries “outsource” their CO2 emissions to poorer ones
2017/4 Cutting emissions isn't enough, we need to start removing carbon from the atmosphere
2017/4 Half way there
2017/4 This Interactive Chart Explains World’s Top 10 Emitters, and How They’ve Changed
2017/5 Drivers behind flattening CO2 emissions
2017/6 7 reasons to be alarmed by record-setting levels of CO2
2017/6 Carbon in Atmosphere Is Rising, Even as Emissions Stabilize
2017/7 Allowable 'carbon budget' most likely overestimated
2017/7 If we stopped emitting greenhouse gases right now, would we stop climate change?
2017/7 Mapped: The world’s largest CO2 importers and exporters
2017/8 6 Charts to Understand U.S. State Greenhouse Gas Emissions
2017/8 Microsoft's cloud serves up energy emissions data in near real time
2017/9 Energy Forecast Sees Global Emissions Growing, Thwarting Paris Climate Accord
2017/10 NASA pinpoints cause of Earths recent record carbon dioxide spike
2017/11 2017 to see carbon emissions rise for the first time in years
2017/11 Global carbon dioxide emissions projected to rise after three stable years
2017/11 Global CO2 emissions set to rise 2% in 2017 after three-year ‘plateau’
2017/11 How China has reduced the carbon footprint of developed countries
2017/11 So much for COP23 – there's a whole class of carbon emissions we're totally ignoring
2017/12 Rich countries are reducing their emissions by exporting them to China
2018/2 Methane, Black Carbon, and HFCs
2018/2 No Drop in U.S. Carbon Footprint Expected Through 2050, Energy Department Says
2018/4 5 Charts Show How Global Emissions Have Changed Since 1850
2018/4 New remote-sensing technique used to determine carbon losses in Sub-Saharan Africa
2018/5 Earth’s atmosphere just crossed another troubling climate change threshold
2018/6 Why methane should be treated differently compared to long-lived greenhouse gases
2018/7 Professor Andrew Glikson “The looming Methane Time Bomb”. – Kevin Hester
2018/10 Andrew_A history of estimating global CO2 emissions
2018/12 CO2 Emissions Reached an All-Time High in 2018
2019/1 U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions will likely fall in 2019 and 2020
2019/2 Climate change: CO2 emissions fall in 18 countries with strong policies, study finds
2019/2 We Still Don't Understand Methane's Full Life Cycle
2019/3 Resource extraction responsible for half world’s carbon emissions
2019/3 The US Is Responsible For 26% Of Global Warming Emissions & Is Morally Responsible To Help Solve It
2019/5 Carbon dioxide hit the highest level in human history
2019/5 CO2 Concentrations Hit Highest Levels in 3 Million Years
2019/5 CO2 emissions: The trend is not your friend
2019/7 Climate in the Digital Age
2019/7 CO2 emissions are set to exceed 1.5 degrees of global warming
2019/7 Fossil fuel burning leaps to new record, crushing clean energy and climate efforts
2019/10 Brazilian beef industry plays outsized role in tropical carbon emissions
2019/10 Not so green - Greta Thunberg accuses rich countries of “creative carbon accounting”
2019/10 Revealed: the 20 firms behind a third of all carbon emissions
2019/10 The Atmosphere: Getting a Handle on Carbon Dioxide
2019/11 Top consumer companies’ palm oil sustainability claims go up in flames
2020/1 Scientists Just Found an Unexpectedly Large Source of Natural Greenhouse Gases
2020/2 Coal and Gas Emissions are 1500-3000x the mass of waste wind turbine blades
2020/2 Defying expectations of a rise, global carbon dioxide emissions flatlined in 2019
2020/2 New methane data shows gas industry can no longer "hide behind burping cows"
2020/3 A Plant in Florida Emits Vast Quantities of a Greenhouse Gas Nearly 300 Times More Potent Than Carbon Dioxide
2020/3 Long Phased-Out Refrigeration and Insulation Chemicals Still Widely in Use and Warming the Climate
2020/5 Counting the carbon - are international standards always best practice?
2020/7 Fracking Firms Fail, Rewarding Executives and Raising Climate Fears
2020/11 A Global Breakdown of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sector
2021/3 After steep drop in early 2020, global carbon dioxide emissions have rebounded strongly
2021/3 Bottom trawling releases as much carbon as air travel, landmark study finds
2021/3 We've made progress to curb global emissions. But it's a fraction of what's needed
2021/4 Carbon emissions to soar in 2021 by second highest rate in history
2021/4 Despite pandemic shutdowns, carbon dioxide and methane surged in 2020
2021/4 New momentum reduces emissions gap, but huge gap remains - analysis
2021/5 China’s emissions exceed all the developed world’s combined
2021/5 The Pandemic Didn't Slow Climate Change. It's Actually Speeding Up, Experts Warn
2021/6 “They just kept on rising” data reveals alarming greenhouse gas increase
2021/7 Amazon rainforest now emitting more CO2 than it absorbs
2021/7 Australian wildfire smoke had dramatic impact on global climate in 2020
2021/8 A deep dive into the IPCC’s updated carbon budget numbers
2021/10 Analysis: Which countries are historically responsible for climate change?
2021/10 The Chinese Companies Polluting the World More Than Entire Nations
2021/11 Climate pledges built on flawed emissions data, Post investigation finds
2021/11 How The Post did its global emissions analysis
2021/11 The Keeling Curve: Part III
N - Land Use Change
2022/2 Irrecoverable Carbon: The Importance of Preventing Deforestation
2022/2 Irrecoverable Carbon: The Importance of Preventing Deforestation
N - Agricultural Mitigation
N - Forestry Mitigation
N - Land-Based Emissions and Sequestration
2019/8 Climate crisis reducing land’s ability to sustain humanity, says IPCC
2019/8 How climate’s impact on land threatens civilisation – and how to fix it
2019/8 How food can help solve the climate crisis
2019/8 IPCC's land report showed we're entering an era of damage control
2019/8 Land Use Changes Won’t Save the Climate
2019/8 Stop abusing land, scientists warn
2019/8 The IPCC Calls for Securing Community Land Rights to Fight Climate Change
2019/8 The IPCC's special report on climate change and land
2019/8 This Land is the Only Land There Is
2019/9 Why land-based mitigation is key to net-zero emissions
2019/10 How to Halt Global Warming for $300 Billion
2019/10 Sorry—organic farming is actually worse for climate change
2020/2 Conserving and restoring forests won’t be cheap and easy after all
2020/8 California Grapples With Toughest Climate Issue Yet: Sprawl
2021/4 A ‘Rosetta Stone’ for bringing land-mitigation pathways into line