Headings - Topical Sources
S - Risk Management for SLR
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
S - Coastal SLR Adaptation/Resilience
200X Florida Dept Econ Opportunity_How Countries, States, and Florida Address Sea Level Rise
SEE: Plans, Actions and Resources
1992 Pernetta_Climate - Sea Level Rise and Coastal Zone Management
2008 Langley_Elevated CO2 stimulates marsh elevation gain counterbalances sea level rise
2009 GAO Alaskan Native Villages Limited Progress Has Been Made
2010 Battersby_Think or swim
2010 Giron_Towards an Integrated Decision Tool for Adaptation Measures - Floods ADAPT
2010 Hallegatte Flood Risks Climate Change and Adaptation
2010 Munich Re_Solutions for Vulnerable Countries
2011 Martin_Structured decision making as a proactive approach for sea level rise in Florida
2011 Moritz_Corps of Engineers Approach to Potential Sea Level and Climate Change PPT
2012 Adhikari_Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change - review of local actions
2012 Nijkamp_Climate change, sea-level rise and Dutch defense strategies
2012 Runting_Does more mean less The value of information for conservation planning under sea level rise
2013 Cheong_Coastal Adaptation with Ecological Engineering
2013 Clausen_Grazing management can counteract the impacts of climate changeâinduced sea level rise on salt marshâdependent waterbirds
2013 Lickley_protection of coastal infrastructure under rising flood risk
2013 Parker_Sea-level trend analysis for coastal management
2013 Siders_Managed coastal retreat - a legal handbook on shifting development away from vulnerable areas
2014 Coastal Risk Consulting_Coastal Community Climate Risk Study
2014 Rising Seas Group_Consulting paper
2014 Rising Seas Group_Rising Seas Threat Matrix Workshop
2015 McGuire_US coastal flood insurance risk perception and sea level rise
2016 Preparing Miami Beach for Sea Level Rise
2016 Siegenthaler_Resilience in the Face of Rising Seas
2016 Truong_Its not now or never: Implications of investment timing and risk aversion on climate adaptation to extreme events $$
2017 McGuire_Risky business: publicly insuring against rising tides
2017 Wahl_Understanding extreme sea levels for broad-scale coastal impact and adaptation analysis
2019 Windham-Myers_A Blue Carbon Primer: The State of Coastal Wetland Carbon Science
2016/2 Preparing for the Inevitable Sea-Level Rise Caused by Climate Change
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