Headings - Topical Sources
S - Abrupt Climate Change
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
Climate Emergency
Evaluating the Near-Term Relevance of Climate Change Tipping Points
Evaluating the Risks of Abrupt Climate Change
2007 MacCracken_Sudden and Disruptive Climate Change: Exploring the Real Risks and How We Can Avoid Them
2008 MacCracken_Sudden and Disruptive Climate Change
2011 Conkling_The Fate of Greenland: Lessons from Abrupt Climate Change
1987 Broecker_Unpleasant surprises in the greenhouse?
2000 Alley Ice core evidence of abrupt climate changes
2000 Keeling_The 1800 year oceanic tidal cycle - a possible cause of rapid climate change
2000 Marotzke_Abrupt climate change and thermohaline circulation
2002 NRC_Abrupt Climate Change - Inevitable Surprises
2003 Alley_Abrupt Climate Change
2003 Schwartz_An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and its Implications for National Security
2005 Arnell_Eliciting Information from Experts on the Likelihood of Rapid Climate Change
2005 Shearer_Whether the weather - comments on an abrupt climate change scenario
2005 Thompson_Abrupt tropical climate change - past and present
2006 Stouffer_Investigating the causes of the response of the thermohaline circulation to past and future climate changes
2007 Lenton_Tipping elements in Earth’s climate system
2007 Yasuhara_Abrupt climate change and collapse of deep sea ecosystems
2008 Delworth_The Potential for Abrupt Change in the AMOC
2008 Keller_Abrupt climate change near the poles
2008 Kriegler_Imprecise probability assessment of tipping points in the climate system
2008 USCCSP Abrupt Climate Change Final Report, Synthesis and Assessment Product
2009 Lenton Major Tipping Points in the Earth's Climate System and Consequences for the Insurance Sector
2009 Levermann_basic mechanisms for abrupt monsoon transitions
2010 Lindenmayer_Probability of detecting ecological surprises
2011 Bellamy_Beyond the Tipping Point: Understanding Perceptions of Abrupt Climate Change and Their Implications
2011 Koven_Permafrost CC feedbacks accelerate global warming
2013 Hansen_Assessing Dangerous Climate Change
2013 Molina_A comprehensive approach for reducing anthropogenic climate impacts including risk of abrupt climate changes
2013 National Research Council_Abrupt Impacts of Climate Change: Anticipating Surprises
2015 Thornton_Arctic permafrost Microbial lid on subsea methane $$
2016 Tsur_Policy tradeoffs under risk of abrupt climate change $$
2017 Xu_Well Below 2oC Mitigation strategies for avoiding dangerous to catastrophic climate changes
2020 Trisos_The projected timing of abrupt ecological disruption from climate change
2004 Alley_Abrupt Climate Change
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