The Clean Development Mechanism
Regulated Offsets
200X Sugiyama_Reconciling the Design of CDM with Inborn Paradox of Additionality
201X Levin_Can non-state certification systems bolster state-centered efforts to promote sustainable development through the CDM
1999 Meyers_Additionality of Emissions Reductions From CDM Projects
2002 Subak_Forest certification eligibility as a screen for CDM sinks projects $$
2003 Dutschke Development Aid and the CDM How to interpret Financial Additionality
2003 Greiner_Defining Investment Additionality for CDM Project Practical Approaches
2003 Trexler Market Perspectives on the CDM Are we on the Right Track
2007 Boyd_The CDM-An Assessment of Current Practice and Future Approaches for Policy
2007 EcoSecurities Financing CDM Projects Guidebook
2008 Castro_Empirical_analysis of performance of CDM projects
2008 Cote_Carbon Trading and CDM - Development or Green Washing
2008 EcoSecurities_Draft CDM Methodology Ocean Fertilization
2008 Hession_Additionality in the CDM PPT
2008 Streck Making Markets Work A Review of CDM Performance
2008 Stuart_Why Bother with CDM and Project Mechanisms
2008 Wara Evaluating the CDMs Performance and Potential
2009 Haya_Measuring Emissions Against an Alternative Future Fundamental Flaws in the Structure of the CDM
2009 Michaelowa_The CDM in the future CC regime
2009 Paulsson_A review of the CDM literature: from fine-tuning to critical scrutiny? $$
2009 Razak_Afforestation and reforestation with the CDM Potentials problems and future directions $$
2009 Yong_Technical Paper - Investment Additionality in the CDM
2010 Alexeew_An analysis of the relationship between the additionality of CDM projects and their contribution to sustainable development $$
2010 Clapp_Cities and Carbon Market Finance Taking Stock of Cities Experience with CDM and JI
2010 Hayashi_CDM_standardised_approach_Full_report (1)
2010 Schneider_Performance of renewable energy technologies under the CDM $$
2011 Bloomberg CDM prices post-2012
2011 CDM_Climate Change Handbook for Regional Water Planning
2011 Das_Technology Transfer under the Clean Development Mechanism - an empirical study of 1000 CDM projects
2011 Gosh_The Indian CDM Subsidizing and Legitimizing Corporate Pollution
2011 Mehling_Improving the Clean Development Mechanism: Options and Challenges Post-2012
2011 Ruthner_Study of the Environmental Integrity of the CDM
2011 UNEPFI_An yet it moves Success stories and drivers of CDM project development
2011 Vasa_The role of the CDM Post-2012
2012 CDMWatch Newsletter_scrutinizing carbon offsets
2012 Cormier_The risks of CDM projects - How did only 30 percent of expected credits come through
2012 Gillenwater The CDM A Review of the first international offset program
2012 Hoch_Governing Clean Development in LDCs - do CDM rules promote renewable energy in Ethiopia
2012 Hultman_Carbon market risks and rewards: Firm perceptions of CDM investment decisions in Brazil and India
2012 Killick_Exploring measurement of sustainable development in the Clean Development Mechanism
2012 Schneider_Standardized Baselines in the CDM
2012 Shishlov_Ten lessons from 10 years of the CDM
2012 Strand_Global emissions effects of CDM projects with
2013 Buen_CDM Don't Throw the Baby out with the Bathwater
2013 UNFCCC Implementation of the CDM requirement in the absence of the host Party DNA
2013 Zhou_Promoting energy efficient building in China through CDM
2014 Erickson_Net climate change mitigation of the CDM $$
2014 Michaelowa_Linking the CDM with domestic carbon markets $$
2014 Warnecke_Can CDM monitoring requirements be reduced while maintaining environmental integrity $$
2014 Warnecke_Can CDM monitoring requirements be reduced while maintaining environmental integrity?
2015 Fearnside_Tropical hydropower in the CDM - Brazils San Antonio Dam as an example of the need for change $$
2015 Larkin_Insights into the status and prospects for CDM Programmes of Activities
2015 Rahman_Costs of GHG emissions abatement under the CDM
2015 Schroth_The Politics of Governance Experiments Constructing the CDM
2015 Trotter_The relationships between CDM project characteristics and CER market prices $$
2015 Warnecke_Analyzing the Status Quo of CDM Projects
2016 Carmichael_The financial additionality and viability of CDM projects allowing for uncertainty $$
2016 IGES_CDM in Charts
2017 Lo_After CDM: Domestic carbon offsetting in China
2017 Schneider_Discussion Paper CDM Supply Potential to 2020
2017 Schneider_Using the Clean Development Mechanism for nationally determined contributions and international aviation
2017 Warnecke_Vulnerability of CDM Projects for Discontinuation of Mitigation Activities
2015 Warnecke_Impact of the Clean Development Mechanism Quantifying the current and pre-2020 climate change mitigation impact of the CDM
2016 Kuriyama_Quantitative Assessment of Certified Emission Reductions from Non-Additional CDM Projects
2018 Fearnehough_Discussion paper Marginal cost of CER supply and implications of demand sources
S - CDM Clean Development Mechanism
S - Evaluating the CDM
2015/3 Korean carbon traders to switch offsets from CDM to Korea ETS
2015/9 NEWS: UN launches new platform to offer stranded CDM carbon offsets
Assumed technology capacity factors based on CDM database
CDM Additionality Tool - Version 5
Extreme vs. Loose additionality and CDM offset supply
200X For the CDM
The CDM Additionality Tool
"Behavioral" additionality is a better term than "financial" additionality
2019 There are similarities to the CDM
CDM Meth Map
015 Comparison of leverage factor and abatement achievement per project type (CDM)
Effectiveness of CDM in mobilizing private finance for renewable energy
Improvement can be made to the project-level approach that has created past problems
It would make sense to make the baseline dynamic
It's critical to solve the CDM additionality challenge
Might make sense to assess the qualitative factors involved in project decision-making
One approach is to discount the credits for the likelihood of being additional
The CDM allows an and/or approach to additionality testing
The key issue is "environmental" or "emissions" additionality
017.5 Value of CDM transactions about $5.4 billion through 2010
You could pre-certify additionality, but do a dynamic certification of the emissions reductions
CDM Approved Baseline and Monitoring Methodologies for Large Scale CDM Project Activities (90)
CDM Approved Consolidated Methodologies (26)
CDM Approved Large Scale and Consolidated Afforestation and Reforestation
CDM Approved Small Scale methodologies (96)
Abandonment of CDM and JI projects
Approved methodologies
CDM and JI projects
CDM and JI worked into future treaty
CDM Methodologies
Discussion of CDM, of JI, of voluntary markets
How do CDM and VER project cycles differ?
Linking to JI and CDM
The CDM has generated estimate leverage of 1.3 - 1.45:1
The process for approving CDM methodologies
The process for approving CDM projects
UN will operate CDM and JI if there is no
What were the stages of the CDM process?
Who are the leading players in developing CDM projects?