Headings - News and Opinion
N - Climate Emergency
News Stories | Blogs
Is Climate Change Already an Emergency?
Climate Change as Planetary Experiment
Climate Emergency
Evaluating the Risks of Abrupt Climate Change
Deep Adaptation and Climate Fatalism
N - Barriers to Low Carbon Transition
N - Human Extinction
N - Systemic Climate Risk
1983/10 EPA report predicts catastrophic global warming
2007/9 Why Climate Change Can’t Be Stopped
2009/10 Climate Roulette
2010/1 Civilization on a fault line
2012/5 Apocalypse Soon: Has Civilization Passed the Environmental Point of No Return?
2013/9 Yes, Harvard, the Climate Crisis Is an ‘Extraordinarily Rare Circumstance’
2014/1 Daily Kos: The Boulevard Of Climate Catastrophe
2014/1 Showtime To Launch Landmark Climate TV Series 'Years Of Living Dangerously' In April
2014/2 IMF chief Lagarde warns of "merciless" climate change
2014/3 What the Fuck Are We Meant to Do with Our Lives When We're Told the World Is Ending?
2014/6 Go Easy on the Climate Fatalists. They're Having a Hard Time
2014/9 U.N. Scientists See Largest CO2 Increase In 30 Years: 'We Are Running Out Of Time'
2014/12 Scientists connect the dots from identifying to preventing dangerous climate risks
2015/1 Mourning Our Planet: Climate Scientists Share Their Grieving Process
2015/1 Scientists issue stark warning as Earth passes into ‘danger zone’
2015/2 Looming Warming Spurt Could Reshape Climate Debate
2015/4 Why Groups Need to be Ready for Climate Crisis Events
2015/11 Blockbuster IPCC Chart Hints at Dust-Bowlification, But Report Is Mostly Silent on Warming's Gravest Threat to Humanity
2015/11 Climate Change Will Not Be Dangerous for a Long Time
2015/12 Exxon's Oil Industry Peers Knew About Climate Dangers in the 1970s, Too
2015/12 How Close Are We to 'Dangerous' Planetary Warming?
2015/12 UN on wrong track with plans to limit global warming to 2C, says top scientist
2016/3 27 Images That Prove That We Are In Serious Danger. I'm Speechless
2016/3 Dangerous global warming will happen sooner than thought – study
2016/3 Global Energy Use Indicates We're Heading Toward Climate Emergency Faster Than We Thought
2016/3 Leading Climate Scientists: 'We Have A Global Emergency, ' Must Slash CO2 ASAP
2016/3 Scientists Warn of Perilous Climate Shift Within Decades, Not Centuries
2016/3 Welcome to the climate emergency: you’re about 20 years late
2016/4 Three meters of sea level rise by 2050-2060?
2016/6 How accurate is Guy Mcpherson on his abrupt runaway climate theory?
2016/7 A Global Temperature Rise Of More than Ten Degrees Celsius By 2026?
2016/7 Making a safe bet on dangerous climate change
2016/8 Climate urgency: we've locked in more global warming than people realize
2016/9 Current emissions could already warm world to dangerous levels
2016/9 Most people alive today set to witness dangerous global warming in their lifetime, scientists warn
2016/9 Scientists "too frightened" to tell truth on climate impacts
2016/11 The 13 impossible crises that humanity now faces
2016/11 The Case for Declaring a Global Climate Emergency.
2016/12 Extinction is the End Game
2017/X The Normalization of Perpetual Disaster
2017/2 Humans causing climate to change 170 times faster than natural forces
2017/2 Warning of mass extinction of species, including humans, within one decade
2017/3 Climate Catastrophe Will Hit Tropics Around 2020, Rest Of World Around 2047, Study Says
2017/3 Methane Erupting From Arctic Ocean Seafloor
2017/3 Release of Arctic Methane "May Be Apocalyptic, " Study Warns
2017/3 The Problem With Climate Catastrophizing
2017/4 Climate change as genocide
2017/4 Humans on the verge of causing Earth’s fastest climate change in 50m years
2017/4 New Study: What’s Scarier than the Permian Extinction? Burn All the Fossil Fuels to Find Out
2017/4 We are heading for the warmest climate in half a billion years, says new study
2017/4 Yes, I am a climate alarmist. Global warming is a crime against humanity
2017/6 7 reasons to be alarmed by record-setting levels of CO2
2017/6 Evidence of "tipping points" turning climate change from gradual to rapid
2017/6 Marine expert warns of climate emergency as fish abandon tropical waters
2017/6 The Catastrophic Risks of Climate Change: The US Turns Its Back on the World
2017/6 Three years to safeguard our climate
2017/7 Are We as Doomed as That New York Magazine Article Says?
2017/7 Climate Change Will doomsday scenarios backfire
2017/7 Did that New York magazine climate story freak you out? Good.
2017/7 Man Who Coined ‘Global Warming’ on Worst-Case Scenarios
2017/7 Mann to Doomers: Not so Fast
2017/7 No, New York Mag: Climate change won't make the Earth uninhabitable by 2100
2017/7 Our Aversion to Doom and Gloom Is Dooming Us
2017/7 Scientists explain what New York Magazine article on “The Uninhabitable Earth” gets wrong
2017/7 So what if we’re doomed?
2017/7 The Dangerous Game of Climate Roulette
2017/7 The Power and Peril of “Climate Disaster Porn”
2017/7 The Problem With Climate Doomsday Reporting, And How To Move Beyond It
2017/7 The Uninhabitable Earth: When Will Climate Change Make the Earth Too Hot For Humans?
2017/7 We may have even less time to stop global warming than we thought
2017/7 We only have a 5 percent chance of avoiding ‘dangerous’ global warming, a study finds
2017/7 When Will Climate Change Make the Earth Too Hot For Humans?
2017/7 Why are we ignoring the climate risk alarm bells?
2017/8 Climate change worst-case scenario, according to Bill McKibben
2017/8 If an Asteroid Were Hurtling Toward Earth, How Would Philanthropy Respond?
2017/9 Climate Optimism Versus Fatalism
2017/9 Scripps says climate change may represent "existential" threat to humanity
2017/9 Should We Care About The Worst-Case Scenario When It Comes To Climate Change?
2017/11 A Star Psychiatrist Swerves From Nuclear Armageddon To Climate Change
2017/11 Could a Marshall Plan for the Planet Tackle the Climate Crisis?
2017/11 What are the politics of our survival as a species? Introducing the Climate Change Trilemma
2017/12 Arctic Temperatures Are Rising So Fast Computers Don't Believe They're Real
2017/12 Global Warmings Worst-Case Projections Look Increasingly Likely
2018/1 The Year Climate Change Began to Spin Out of Control
2018/2 Do we have the capability to reverse global warming within a meaningful timeframe?
2018/2 There Is No Time Left
2018/3 Paul Ehrlich: 'Collapse of civilisation is a near certainty within decades'
2018/4 'We're doomed': Mayer Hillman on the climate reality no one else will dare mention
2018/4 Climate risk: Running out of time
2018/4 One of the most worrisome predictions about climate change may be coming true
2018/5 Inspiring Terms Are Simple. ‘Climate Change’ Isn’t.
2018/5 Senate report recognises climate change as existential risk, but fails to draw the obvious conclusions
2018/6 City of Berkeley declares ‘climate emergency’ is as urgent as a world war
2018/7 Climate Change: We're Not Literally Doomed, but...
2018/7 How Did the Climate Apocalypse Become Old News?
2018/7 Professor Andrew Glikson “The looming Methane Time Bomb”. – Kevin Hester
2018/7 Why Climate Change Explains the World
2018/8 End of the world: MIT prediction from 1973 is proving true
2018/8 No Ecosystem on Earth Is Safe From Climate Change
2018/8 Paul Beckwith, Gary Null and Kevin Hester analyse the rapidly unfolding Climate Catastrophe – Kevin Hester
2018/8 Runaway global warming threatens 'habitability of the planet'
2018/8 Saying Goodbye to Planet Earth
2018/9 'Global cataclysm': 200 scientists and artists sign letter warning of looming disaster
2018/9 2100, and the Fundamental Fallacy of Climate Change Predictions
2018/9 Direct existential threat’ of climate change nears point of no return, warns UN chief
2018/9 New Evidence That Climate Change Poses a Much Greater Threat to Humanity Than Recently Understood Because the IPCC has been Systematically Underestimating Climate Change Risks: An Ethical Analysis
2018/9 Planetary Hospice
2018/10 Climate Change A Tale of Two Narratives
2018/10 Climate Emergency Response Must Follow Emergency Debate
2018/10 Climate report understates threat
2018/10 Final call to save the world from “climate catastrophe”
2018/10 Podcast: Can We Avoid the Worst of Climate Change? with Alexander Verbeek and John Moorhead
2018/10 Retired admiral says climate-change research may mean 'our survival'
2018/10 UN Climate Report: How to Understand Its Scary Warning
2018/10 We have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe, warns UN
2018/10 We have been warned Will we respond in time
2018/10 Will We Survive Climate Change? – Rolling Stone
2018/11 A Grave Climate Warning, Buried on Black Friday
2018/11 Climate change will bring multiple disasters at once, study warns
2018/11 Doomsday by 2021?
2018/11 On climate change our plan is to wait for emergency evacuation of the planet
2018/11 The Earth is in a death spiral. It will take radical action to save us
2018/11 UNEP - Still a chance to put out ′climate fire′ — here′s what we need to do
2018/11 Why didn’t humanity save the planet? Perhaps they were busy
2018/12 Americans Don’t Understand How Bad Climate Change Is Or What They Can Do About It
2018/12 How we can avoid climate disaster
2018/12 Portrait of a planet on the verge of climate catastrophe
2018/12 The Extinction Rebellion – A Tipping Point for the Climate Emergency? – Paul Gilding
2018/12 The Story of 2018 Was Climate Change
2019/1 Are we living through climate change's worst case scenario?
2019/1 Is the world really in such a bad shape?
2019/2 A Climate or Trust
2019/2 Climate-change author warns that it's the end of the world as we know it
2019/2 David Wallace-Wells on climate: ‘People should be scared – I'm scared’
2019/2 It's Possible to Face Climate Horrors and Still Find Hope
2019/2 Opinion: Time to Panic
2019/2 Scientists say Ocasio-Cortez’s dire climate warning is spot on – ThinkProgress
2019/2 SF to declare ‘climate emergency, ' bolster plans to reduce carbon emissions
2019/2 Should People Be Scared About Climate Change?
2019/2 The age of environmental breakdown
2019/2 The best case for worst case scenarios « RealClimate
2019/2 We Need More Emotion and More Urgency in the Fight Against Climate Change
2019/2 Why We Have Just One Decade Left (To Fix the Future)
2019/3 Only 11 Years Left to Prevent Irreversible Damage from Climate Change, Speakers Warn during General Assembly High-Level Meeting
2019/4 Only rebellion will prevent an ecological apocalypse
2019/5 'We've created a civilisation hell bent on destroying itself – I'm terrified', writes Earth scientist
2019/5 Americans Have Never Been Known to Run Away From a Battle. Until Climate Change
2019/5 Are Black Swan events in the Climate Crisis Imminent?
2019/5 Climate Change Won't Wait Until 2020—We Need Bipartisan Action Now
2019/5 Jared Diamond on His New Book, Upheaval
2019/5 MPs endorse Corbyn’s call to declare climate emergency
2019/5 New study dismisses green growth policies as a route out of ecological emergency
2019/5 Notes from a Remarkable Political Moment for Climate Change
2019/5 Notes from a Remarkable Political Moment for Climate Change
2019/5 The Climate Emergency Continuum: from Bad to Cataclysmic
2019/5 The heat is on over the climate crisis. Only radical measures will work
2019/5 When Your Planet Calls 911
2019/6 ‘High likelihood of human civilisation coming to end’ by 2050, report finds
2019/6 Adding to Planetary Alarm Bells, Top US Finance Official Warns Climate Crisis a Recipe for Global Economic Collapse
2019/6 Climate crisis: CO2 levels rise to highest point since evolution of humans
2019/6 Extreme Flooding Across Midwest 'Exactly In Line' With Scientific Warnings of Climate Crisis: Experts
2019/6 Facing the Climate Emergency: Grieving The Future You Thought You Had
2019/6 It’s Time to Rebel Against the Existential Threat of Climate Change
2019/6 New Report Suggests ‘High Likelihood of Human Civilization Coming to an End’ in 2050
2019/6 The climate crisis is our third world war. It needs a bold response
2019/6 The UN's Devastating Climate Change Report Was Too Optimistic
2019/6 Time to flick climate emergency switch
2019/6 Will climate change kill everyone
2019/7 'People are dying': how the climate crisis has sparked an exodus to the US
2019/7 Chernobyl Blew Up My Childhood. Will Climate Change Do The Same For My Kids?
2019/7 Climate emergency: New hope, or just empty words?
2019/7 Compendium of Research Reports on Climate Chaos and Impacts
2019/7 Do we really have 12 years to save the planet
2019/7 Enough of the climate nightmare. It’s time to paint the dream
2019/7 Extremism Rebellion
2019/7 Most Important Message Ever
2019/7 One climate crisis disaster happening every week, UN warns
2019/7 The Case for Declaring a National Climate Emergency
2019/8 Billionaire bunkers How the 1% are preparing for the apocalypse
2019/8 Climate crisis reducing land’s ability to sustain humanity, says IPCC
2019/8 Social collapse is inevitable. But there are at least two very different possible scenarios for humanity
2019/8 The end times are here, and I am at Target
2019/8 The Politics of Climate Change: Is This Time Different?
2019/8 The terrible truth of climate change
2019/8 We Have 12 Years? No, We Have Right Now. Here's What You Can Do.
2019/9 Adaptation isn’t enough. We’ve got to throw everything at the climate crisis
2019/9 As society unravels, the future is up for grabs
2019/9 Author Naomi Klein on the opportunity of multiple lifetimes: fighting the climate emergency
2019/9 Climate change is already here. You have one last chance to stop it
2019/9 Climate scientists should admit failure and move on
2019/9 Do We Really Have Only 12 Years to Avoid Climate Disaster
2019/9 Franzen’s Privileged Climate Resignation Is Deadly And Useless
2019/9 I now look back on my 20 years of climate activism as a colossal failure
2019/9 Two Degrees Of Separation From Climate Change Catastrophe
2019/9 What if We Stopped Pretending the Climate Apocalypse Can Be Stopped?
2019/9 Why I welcome a climate emergency
2019/10 As the climate collapses, we can either stand together – or perish alone
2019/10 Bank of England boss says global finance is funding 4C temperature rise
2019/10 Irreversible Runaway Abrupt Climate Change Unfolding Now. Not long off in the future.
2019/10 The big polluters’ masterstroke was to blame the climate crisis on you and me
2019/10 Three Bad Things Regarding a Climate Change Timeline and Its Effects on Humanity
2019/10 Tne new normal: leadership in the climate crisis
2019/11 Climate change: do more now or risk catastrophe, warns energy agency
2019/11 Climate crisis – here's what the experts recommend we do
2019/11 Earth Needs Fewer People to Beat the Climate Crisis, Scientists Say
2019/11 Earth System Alert
2019/11 Editorial: Our suicidal course towards catastrophic climate change
2019/11 How Scientists Got Climate Change So Wrong
2019/11 How the Climate Crisis Is Killing Us, in 9 Alarming Charts
2019/11 Is/Isn't: Climate Crisis
2019/11 More Than 11,000 Scientists Just Officially Declared a Global Climate Emergency
2019/11 Scientists declare climate emergency, establish global indicators for effective action
2019/11 This Guy Studies the 'Global Systems Death Spiral' That Might End Humanity
2019/11 UN calls for push to cut greenhouse gas levels to avoid climate chaos
2019/11 World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency
2019/12 Climate crisis is 'challenge of civilisation', says pope
2019/12 How Lucky Do You Feel?
2019/12 Record hit for most ice to melt in Antarctica in one day, data suggests: "We Are in a Climate Emergency"
2020/1 Climate emergency declarations in 1,317 jurisdictions and local governments cover 810 million citizens
2020/2 JP Morgan economists warn climate crisis is threat to human race
2020/2 Opinion: Climate change is a public health crisis
2020/3 Climate change is a catastrophe. But is it an ‘existential threat’?
2020/3 From border security to climate change, national emergency declarations raise hard questions about presidential power
2020/3 Time left for climate action has shrunk two-thirds in 10 years
2020/6 ‘Collapse of Civilisation is the Most Likely Outcome’: Top Climate Scientists
2020/6 NEPA, emergencies and executive power
2020/8 The evolution of Extinction Rebellion
2020/9 As wildfires rage, climate experts warn: The future we were worried about is here
2020/10 The great unravelling: 'I never thought I’d live to see the horror of planetary collapse'
2020/12 Lessons From 2020 On How To Tackle the Climate Emergency In 2021
2021/1 Breaking through our climate inertia
2021/1 Climate change is a ‘global emergency’, people say in biggest ever climate poll
2021/1 I’ve Said Goodbye to ‘Normal.’ You Should, Too.
2021/1 I’ve Said Goodbye to ‘Normal.’ You Should, Too.
2021/1 Science leaves no wiggle room for climate ‘balance’
2021/1 Scientists Warn Humanity in Denial of Looming 'Collapse of Civilization as We Know It'
2021/1 The Climate Crisis is Worse than you can Image Here’s What Happens if You Try
2021/1 The planet is dying faster than we thought
2021/1 Top scientists warn of 'ghastly future of mass extinction' and climate disruption
2021/1 Worried about Earth's future? Well, the outlook is worse than even scientists can grasp
2021/2 The Case for Declaring a National Climate Emergency
2021/3 Preparing for the Improbable: Review of Malm_Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency
2021/3 We’re Hurtling Toward Global Suicide
2021/4 Concept of net zero is a dangerous trap
2021/4 Now Is Our Last Best Chance to Confront the Climate Crisis
2021/5 Johan Rockström: ‘We need bankers as well as activists… we have 10 years to cut emissions by half’
2021/5 We’re Not Ready for the Next Big Climate Disasters
2021/5 What roles for markets and for the state when climate risk is existential?
2021/5 Why the 2060s Are So Important to Climate Change
2021/6 G-7 Stock Markets Imply Catastrophic Global Warming of 3°C
2021/6 Global warming may have already passed irreversible tipping point
2021/6 Head of Independent Sage to launch international climate change group
2021/7 Climate Cassandra Guy McPherson makes a case that scientists, IPCC, and media underplay the crisis
2021/7 Climate crisis has urgency of horror film: Prabhu on Europe, China floods
2021/7 How many years until we must act on climate? Zero, say these climate thinkers
2021/7 We can’t beat the climate catastrophe
2021/7 Yep, it’s bleak, says expert who tested 1970s end-of-the-world prediction
2021/8 Greenhouse gas emissions must peak within 4 years, says leaked UN report
2021/8 Industrials have just 3000 days to correct the course of climate change
2021/8 It’s now or never: Scientists warn time of reckoning has come for the planet
2021/8 Taming the Greedocracy
2021/8 The 2021 IPCC report — and how you can help us get to net zero
2021/8 The Repercussions of a Changing Climate, in 5 Devastating Charts
2021/8 Which Countries Will Best Survive a Collapse?
2021/9 How easily the climate crisis can become global chaos
2021/9 Keep the climate crisis on the front burner
2021/10 The climate disaster is here – this is what the future looks like
2021/10 The Climate Change Narrative is the most dangerous piece of fiction ever created
2021/11 Top climate scientists are sceptical that nations will rein in global warming
2021/11 We Don’t Talk About Collapse To Revel In It, We Talk About Collapse to Prevent It
2021/11 What Would It Look Like If We Treated Climate Change as an Actual Emergency?
2021/12 Did We Blow Our Last, Best Chance to Tackle Climate Change?
2021/12 The fight’s no longer to prevent climate change but to make sure society survives it
2024/6 1.5 degrees Celsius is here and now
2024/8 A world call to action on the multiple crises now enfolding humanity
2020/1 Doomsday clock lurches to 100 seconds to midnight – closest to catastrophe yet
2020/1 The urgency emergency: why businesses must act now to avert climate catastrophe
2020/2 G20 sounds alarm over climate emergency despite US objections
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