Headings - Extracted Materials
E - Dangerous Change
Extracted Graphics | Extracted Ideas
Accelerating Climate Change
E - Abrupt Climate Change
E - Climate Change Tipping Points
E - Limits to Growth
E - Planetary Boundaries
2011 But the IPCC's 2009 analysis paints a quick different (riskier) picture
2011 Scientific perception of risk across the board
Based on IPCC analysis in 2001, 2oC seemed like the "guardrail" threshold between acceptable and dangerous
The impact implications of uncertainty around climate sensitivity
Examples of external definitions of climate change
Internal "danger" can be defined in terms of insecurity or lack of safety
People have little experience with climate change, which complicates perceiving "danger." Need to ask what "matters" and go from there
Radical new research is needed to assess what constitutes dangerous "internal" change
The components of external and internal definitions of climate change
The distinction between "danger" as an objective measure and danger as experienced is well understood
The risk of "dangerous anthropogenic climate change"
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