Headings - Topical Sources
S - SCC Uncertainties
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
Social Cost of Carbon 101
2005 Ceronsky_Checking the price tag on catastrophe - the social cost of carbon under non-linear climate response -- Working Paper
2006 Guo_Discounting and the social cost of carbon: a closer look at uncertainty
2009 Newbold_Climate change policy benefits and uncertainty
2010 Newbold_Uncertainty and the Benefits of Climate Change Policies
2010 Rose_Federal Decision-Making on the Uncertain Impacts of Climate Change
2011 Ceronsky_Checking the price tag on catastrophe The social cost of carbon under non-linear climate response (updated version)
2011 Link_Estimation of the economic impact of shutdown of thermohaline circulation (THS) applying FUND
2011 Pycroft_A Tale of Tails: Uncertainty and Social Cost of CO2
2012 Dietz_Treatment of risk and uncertainty in US SCC for Regulatory Impact analysis
2013 Anthoff_The uncertainty about the social cost of carbon A decomposition analysis using FUND $$
2013 Henderson_Uncertainty Can Go Both Ways
2013 Moyer_Climate Impacts on Economic Growth as Drivers of SCC Uncertainty
2013 Otto_Climate system properties determining the social cost of carbon
2014 Howard_Omitted Damages Whats Missing From the Social Cost of Carbon
2014 Moyer_Climate impacts on economic growth as drivers of uncertainty for the SCC
2015 Moyer_Climate Impacts on Economic Growth as Drivers of Uncertainty in the Social Cost of Carbon
2020 Lemoine_The Climate Risk Premium: How Uncertainty Affects the Social Cost of Carbon
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