Headings - Topical Sources
S - Financing Green Growth
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
S - Financing Clean Tech
Website - UNDP assessment of climate finance flows in 15 countries
2003 OECD_Green Investment Schemes: Options and Issues
2008 Livermore_Unlocking the Green Economy - How Carbon Pricing Can Open the Floodgates of Private Investment
2009 Climate Bonds Initiative_Financing a rapid, global transition to a LCE
2009 Hamilton_Unlocking Finance for Clean Energy (002)
2009 UNEP Bilateral Finance Institutions and Climate Change (004)
2009 World Bank Innovative Finance for Development Solutions (059)
2010 AFD Partnering with banks to finance green growth (006)
2010 Climate Strategies_Financing Energy Efficiency Buildings Retrofits (061)
2010 Parhelion Can Capital Markets Bridge the Climate Change Financing Gap (011)
2010 UNEP_Green Economy: Driving a Green Economy Through Public Finance
2010 World Bank_Beyond the Sum of Its Parts: Combining Financial Instruments to Support Low-Carbon Development (073)
2011 Accenture_Barclays_Financing Low Carbon Economy (145)
2011 Clements-Hunt_Finance Supporting the Transition to a Global Green Economy
2011 PIRC_The Green Investment Gap
2011 WEF Green Investing 2011 Reducing the Cost of Financing (037)
2011 WEF_Scaling up Low Carbon Infrastructure Investments in Developing Countries (038)
2012/6 Who's funding the green energy revolution?
2012 Caisse des Depots_Assessing the financial efficiency of the Green Climate Fund (093)
2012 Caisse des Depots_Financing the transition to a green economy - their word is their green bond
2012 Carraro_Investments and public finance in a green, low carbon, economy
2012 CEA_A New Economic Analysis of Infrastructure Investment
2012 CPI_Concept Note for Finance Stream at 3GF2012 (099)
2012 CPI_Effective Green Financing: What have we learned so far (089)
2012 CPI_Ouarzazate I - Financing model and risk allocation framework
2012 DNV KEMA_Private Investment, Market Mechanisms and Climate Change Adaptation (105)
2012 Ecofys_Mapping of green finance delivered by IDFC members (106)
2012 ESCAP Green Growth Resources and Resilience
2012 Eurodad Cashing in on Climate Change (108)
2012 GGI_The World Needs Carbon Taxes, Despite Troubled Economic Times
2012 GIZ_It’s not just the money: institutional strengthening of national climate funds (112)
2012 Gujba_Financing low carbon energy access in Africa
2012 ODI_Mitigation Finance (119)
2012 UNEP_Creating the New Normal - Allowing the Financial Sector to Work
2012 UNEP_Financing renewable energy in developing countries - sub-Saharan Africa (045)
2013 ICF_Independent Evaluation of the Climate Investment Funds
2013 OECD_The Role of Banks Equity Markets Institutional Investors
2013 USAID Fast out of the Gate: How Developing Asian Countries Can prepare to access international green growth financing (144)
2013 Whitley_At cross purposes: Subsidies and climate compatible investment
2014 Kennan_State Green Banks for Clean Energy
2014 Thielking_Energize New York
2015 Bartels_Gearing up for green bonds
2015 Brown_What Counts Tools to Help Define and Understand Progress Towards the $100 Billion Climate Finance Commitment
2015 CIF_Annual Report Delivering at Scale Empowering Transformation
2015 Falwell_Options for Mobilizing Clean Energy Finance
2015 Mansell_Addressing Climate Finance in a 2015 Climate Agreement
2015 Novethic_Are European banks and insurers contributing
2015 Trabacchi_Emerging solutions to drive private investment in climate resilience
2015 Warnecke_Connecting the Dots Results based financing in climate policy
2016 Bloomberg_Finance Guide for Policymakers RE GreenInfra
2016 NRDC_Green and Resilience Banks: How the Green Investment Bank Model can play a role in scaling up climate finance
2016 Shimizu_Steering global investment to be consistent with the vision of the Paris Agreement
2016 Torvanger_Instruments to incentivize private climate finance for developing countries
2017 Adenle_Mitigating Climate Change in Africa: Barriers to Financing Low-Carbon Development $$
2017 Skinner_The Adam Smith Plan to Save Markets and the Climate PPT
2018 Boissinot_Climate change Policy making case study of capital markets mobilization for public good $$
2018 Melane-Lavado_Foreign direct investment as a way to guide the innovative process towards sustainability $$
2020 GFMA_Climate Finance Markets and the Real Economy
2022 Koomey_Solving Climate Change Chapter 10: Mobilize Money
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