Headings - Topical Sources
S - IAMs Integrated Assessment Models
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
S - IAM Critiques
200X Mastrandrea_climate impacts in integrated assessment models PPT
1997 Schneider_Integrated assessment modeling of global climate change Transparent rational tool for policy making or opaque
2005 Yeh_Uncertainties in Technology Experience Curves for IAMs
2008 Nordhaus_A Question of Balance - Weighing Options on Global Warming Policies (DICE model)
2008 Stanton_Inside the Integrated Assessment Models
2009 Ackerman_Fat Tails Exponents and Extreme Uncertainty
2009 Ackerman_Limitations of integrated assessment models PPT
2009 Kaufman_Bias of integrated assessment models that ignore climate catastrophes
2010 Ackerman_CRED - New Model of Climate and Development
2010 Ackerman_Fat tails, exponents, extreme uncertainty: Simulating catastrophe in DICE $$
2010 Anthoff_Climate Policy Under Fat Tailed Risk
2010 Kaplow_The Social Evaluation of Intergenerational Policies and its Application to IAMs
2010 Mastrandrea_Representation of Climate Impacts in Integrated Assessment Models
2010 Weitzman_What is the damages function for global warming
2011 Ackerman_Climate Damages in the FUND Model
2011 Kaufman_The bias of integrated assessment models that ignore climate catastrophes
2011 Link_Estimation of the economic impact of shutdown of thermohaline circulation (THS) applying FUND
2011 van Vuuren_How well do integrated assessment models simulate climate change
2012 Ackerman_Climate damages in the FUND model: A disaggregated analysis
2012 Ackerman_Epstein-Zin utility in DICE: Is risk aversion irrelevant to climate policy
2012 Botzen_How sensitive is Nordhaus to Weitzman - Climate policy in DICE
2012 Gerst_Discovering plausible energy and economic futures under global climate change
2012 Kopp The Influence of the Specification of Climate Change Damages on the Social Cost of Carbon
2012 Reilly_Valuing climate impacts in integrated assessment models - the MIT IGSM
2013 Anthoff_The uncertainty about the social cost of carbon: A decomposition analysis using fund
2013 Cooke_Uncertainty analysis comes to integrated assessment models for climate change $$
2013 Dayaratna_Loaded DICE: An EPA Model Not Ready for the Big Game
2013 Kopp_Empirically calibrating damage functions and considering stochasticity when IAMs are used
2013 Otto_Climate system properties determining the social cost of carbon
2013 Paltsev_Integrated Economic and Climate Projections for Impact Assessment
2013 Pindyck_Climate Change Policy - What Do Climate Change Models Tell Us
2013 Stern_The Structure of Economic Modelling of the Potential Impacts of Climate Change
2013 Wing_Confronting the challenge of integrated assessment of climate adaptation: a conceptual framework
2014 Ackerman_Limitations of integrated assessment models of climate change $$
2014 Glotter_A simple carbon cycle representation for economic analysis
2014 Revesz_Global warming: Improve economic models of climate change
2014 Wilkerson_Comparison of integrated assessment models: Carbon price impacts on U.S. energy $$
2015 Anderson_On the duality of climate scientists
2015 Anthoff_FUND model
2015 Clarke_Higher Resolution IA Models
2015 Gillingham_Damage Functions for Existing IAMs and Areas of Research
2015 Hope_Modeling the Risks of Climate Change
2015 Kriegler_Diagnostic indicators for integrated assessment models of climate policy
2015 Kriegler_Introduction to the AMPERE model intercomparison studies on the economics of climate stabilization
2015 Lahsen_Strategies for changing the intellectual climate $$
2015 Metcalf_IAMs and SCC - review and assessment
2015 Metcalf_The Role of Integrated Assessment Models in Climate Policy: A User's Guide and Assessment
2015 Moore_Temperature impacts on economic growth warrant stringent mitigation policy $$
2015 Nordhaus_Climate change damage functions
2015 Paltsev_Integrated economic and climate projections for impact assessment $$
2015 Repetto_Analyzing Climate Uncertainty and Risk with an Integrated Assessment Model
2015 Tavoni_Post-2020 climate agreements in the major economies assessed in light of global models $$
2015 van Sluisveld_Exploring the implications of lifestyle change in 2 °C mitigation scenarios using the IMAGE integrated assessment model $$
2016 Colt_Economic Effects of an Ocean Acidification Catastrophe PPTe
2016 Diaz_A Potential Disintegration of WAIS Implications for economic analysis of mitigation strategies PPT
2016 Mendelsohn_The Ecosystem Impacts of Severe Warming PPT
2017 Giraud_Coping with the Collapse Macrodynamics of Global Warming $$
2017 Nordhaus_Integrated Assessment Models of Climate Change
2017 Shue_Climate dreaming: negative emissions, risk transfer, and irreversibility
2018 Gillingham_Modeling Uncertainty in Integrated Assessment of Climate Change - A Multi-Model Comparison
2019 Anderson_Debating the bedrock of climate-change mitigation scenarios
2020 Grubb_Modeling Myths On the need for dynamic realism in DICE and other equilibrium models of global climate mitigation
2021 Grassi_Critical adjustment of land mitigation pathways for assessing countries’ climate progress $$
2021 Peng_Climate policy models need to get real about people - heres how
2021 Sognnaes_A multi-model analysis of long-term emissions and warming implications of current mitigation efforts
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