Headings - Topical Sources
S - Business Greenwashing
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
2013 Duavergne_Eco-Business: A Big-Brand Takeover of Sustainability
2015 Bowen_After Greenwashing Symbolic Corporate Environmentalism and Society
2016 Berrone_Green Lies: How Greenwashing can destroy a company (and how to go green without the wash)
2018 Gridharadas_ Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World
200X Corporate Environmentalism Radical Change or Greenwwash
1997 Greer_Greenwash The Reality Behind Corporate Environmentalism
2004 Sider_BP and Corporate Greenwash
2005 Ramus_When Are Corporate Environmental Policies a Form of Greenwashing
2006 Lyon_Greenwash - Corporate environmental disclosure under threat of audit
2008 Cote_Carbon Trading and CDM - Development or Green Washing
2008 Macdonald_Green, Inc. An Environmental Insider Reveals How a Good Cause Has Gone Bad
2009 Horiuchi_Understanding and Preventing Greenwash A Business Guide
2009 TerraChoice_The Seven Sins of Greenwashing
2010 Terrachoice_The Sins of Greenwashing Home and Family Edition
2011 Brei_Corporate social responsibility as cultural meaning management a critique of ethical bottled water
2011 Delmas_The drivers of greenwashing
2011 Marquis_Globalization of corporate environmental disclosure - accountability or greenwashing
2012 Marquis_When Do Firms Greenwash - Corporate Visibility - Civil Society Scrutiny - and Environmental Disclosure
2012 Stephenson_Greenwashing gas - Might a ‘transition fuel ’label legitimize
2013 Corporate Citizenship_Rankings standards and awards - real value for responsible and sustainable business
2013 Grappi_Consumer response to corporate irresponsible behavior
2013 Heerdt_Green Banks The Fairy Tale of Sustainability
2013 Hileman_Greenwash or Fraud The Next Thing in Sustainability Reporting
2013 Marquis_Scrutiny, Norms, and Selective Disclosure - A Global Study of Greenwashing
2014 McMaster_Fiji Water and CSR Corporate Makeover or Greenwashing $$
2014 Pearse_The Greenwash Effect: Corporate Deception, Celebrity Environmentalists, and What Big Business IsnÂ’t Telling You about Their Green Products and Brands
2014 Wilkinson_Payment for ecosystem services and the green economy Greenwashing or something new
2015 CEO_The Corporate Cookbook How Climate Criminals Have Captured COP21
2015 Harris_Militarism in environmental disguise – the greenwashing of an overseas military base $$
2015 Johansen_Eco-Hustle! Global Warming, Greenwashing, and Sustainability
2015 Marland_Green Fluff? The Role of Corporate Sustainability Initiatives in Effective Climate Policy: Comment on Science Based Carbon Targets for the Corporate World: The Ultimate Sustainability Commitment, or a Costly Distraction? $$
2015 Moore_Green Screen or Smokescreen
2015 Van Holde_Review - Eco-Business A Big-Brand Takeover of Sustainability
2015 Vries_Sustainability or Profitability? How Communicated Motives for Environmental Policy Affect Public Perceptions of Corporate Greenwashing $$
2016 FWW_Hard to Digest Greenwashing manure into renewable energy
2016 Miller_Greenwashed sports and environmental activism Formula 1 and FIFA
2016 Mulvey_The Climate Accountability Scorecard: Ranking Major Fossil Companies on Climate Deception, Disclosure, and Action
2016 Wright_An Inconvenient Truth How Organizations Translate Climate Change into Business as Usual $$
2017 Leonidou_Gray Shades of Green Causes and Consequences of Green Skepticism $$
2017 Martin-d Castro_Exploring the nature, antecedents and consequences of symbolic corporate environmental certification $$
2018 Mhlanga_Walking the Talk Assessing companies progress from SDG rhetoric to action
2019 Kopnina_Green-washing or best case practices? Using circular economy and Cradle to Cradle case studies in business education,
2020 Kalesnik_Green Data or Greenwiashing - Do Corporate Carbon Emissions Data Enable Investors to Mitigate Climate Change?
2021 Pfadt-Trilling_Greenwashed Energy Transitions Are US cities accounting for LC emissions
2021 Young In_Carbonwashing A New Type of Carbon Data-Related ESG Greenwashing
2021 Young_Carbonwashing - A New Type of Carbon Data-Related ESG Greenwashing
2022 EDHEC-Risk_The Agency of Greenwashing
2022 Peltier_Retail Energy’s Greenwashing: How Fictional Renewable Energy Certificates Became “100% Renewable” Energy
2023 Giannetti_Glossy Green Banks - The Disconnect Between Environmental Disclosures and Lending Activities
2023 Global Witness_Complaint requesting an investigation into apparent greenwashing by Shell plc
2023 Willis_The Greenwashing Hydra
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