Headings - Topical Sources
S - Additionality of Offsets
Reports | Journal Papers | PPTs
Evaluating Offset Additionality
Headings (Carbon Offsets Sample)
200X Lyman_Better get it right the first time How CARBs offset invalidation provisions promote additionality in the California carbon market
200X Sugiyama_Reconciling the Design of CDM with Inborn Paradox of Additionality
200X Trexler U.S. Market Additionality Update
1998 Chomitz_Baselines for GHG Reductions Problems Precedents Solutions
1999 Meyers_Additionality of Emissions Reductions From CDM Projects
1999 Trexler and Associates_Benchmarking the Additionality of Land Use Change and Forestry Mitigation Projects
2000 Trexler and Associates_The Impact of Alternative Additionality Screens on the Magnitude of CER Generation Under the CDM
2001 Bode_Avoiding perverse effects of baseline and investment additionality determination in renewable energy projects
2002 Liepa_Greenhouse Gas Offsets: An Introduction to Core Elements
2003 Broekhoff_How Additionality Could Drive the Market
2003 Dutschke_Development Aid and the CDM - How to interpret Financial Additionality
2003 Greiner_Defining Investment Additionality for CDM Project Practical Approaches
2003 Trexler and Associates_An Introduction to the Additionality and Financial Additionality Debates
2003 Trexler_Additionality Finding the Problem and a Solution PPT
2003 Trexler_Market Perspectives on the CDM Are we on the Right Track
2005 Fischer_Project-based mechanisms for emissions reductions Balancing trade-offs with baselines
2005 IETA_IETA Position Paper on Additionality
2005 Kartha_Market penetration metrics tools for additionality assessment $$
2006 Trexler RECs and Offsets in Carbon Markets PPT
2006 Trexler_A Statistically Driven Approach to Offset-Based GHG Additionality Determinations - What Can We Learn?
2006 Trexler_Assessing the Feasibility of the Sector List Approach to Additionality Policy
2006 Trexler_Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading, Environment Integrity and Project-Based Additionality - A Three-Legged Stool
2007 EcoSec_How to ensure we sell real reductions PPT
2008 Beane_Forest Carbon Offsets: A Scorecard for Evaluating Project Quality
2008 Bloomgarden_Another Look at Additionality
2008 Broekhoff_Alternative Approaches to Additionality
2008 Diamant_Overview of Different Approaches for Demonstrating Additionality
2008 Gillenwater_Redefining RECs Part 1 Untangling attributes and offsets
2008 Gillenwater_Redefining RECs Part 2 Untangling certificates and emission markets
2008 Hession_Additionality in the CDM PPT
2008 LeFranc_Applying a Performance Standard Approach to Determine Additionality
2008 Telnes_Additionality Foundations Practicality
2008 Trexler_Additionality Scoring System_AWMA PPT
2008 Trexler_What is an Offset
2009 COI_Maintaining Carbon Market Integrity: Why RECs are not Offsets
2009 Trexler Additionality the Key Challenge PPT
2009 Trexler_Additionality The Key Challenge in Designing Project Based Mitigation Programs
2009 Yong_Technical Paper - Investment Additionality in the CDM
2010 Alexeew_An analysis of the relationship between the additionality of CDM projects and their contribution to sustainable development $$
2010 Raymond_Beyond additionality
2010 Trexler_Additionality in Flowchart Form
2010 Trexler_The What Why and How of Offsets_Purdue
2010 Trexler_Understanding and Assessing Additionality
2011 Gillenwater What is Additionality A Longstanding Problem
2011 Gillenwater What is Additionality Part 2 - A framework for a more precise definition
2011 Gillenwater_What is Additionality? Part 3 - Implications for stacking and unbundling
2011 Mason_additionality problem with offsets
2011 McFarland_Carbon Reduction Projects and the Concept of Additionality
2011 Okubo_NAMA Crediting How to assess offsets from and additional of policy-based mitigation actions
2011 Ruthner_Study of the Environmental Integrity of the CDM
2011 Schiermeier_Clean energy credits tarnished
2011 Stadelmann_New and additional to what - Assessing options for baselines to assess climate finance pledges
2012 Gillenwater_What is wrong with real carbon offsets $$
2012 Pacific Carbon Trust_ Project Baseline and Additionality Discussion Document v. 2.0
2012 Schneider_Standardized Baselines in the CDM - Are We on the Right Track?
2012 van Kooten_Rent Seeking and Smoke and Mirrors Game in the Creation of Carbon Credits: An Example from British Columbia
2013 Gillenwater_Additionality of wind energy investments in the US voluntary green power market $$
2013 He_Addressing carbon Offsetters’ Paradox: Lessons from Chinese wind CDM
2013 Horowitz_Economics of additionality for environmental services from agriculture
2013 Lansing_Not all baselines are created equal - stakeholder perspectives of additionality
2013 Mason_The additionality problem with offsets: Optimal contracts for carbon sequestration in forests
2013 Trexler_Diagramming Additionality Issues
2013 van Bethem_Scale and transfers in international emissions offset programs
2013 Wagner_Dealing with fixed emissions ceilings in an uncertain future: Offsetting under environmental integrity
2014 Barnes_Additionality, common practice and incentive schemes for the uptake of innovations
2014 Claassen_Additionality in U.S. Agricultural Conservation and Regulatory Offset Programs
2014 HCA_Additionality Guide Fourth Edition
2015 Kollmuss_Has Joint Implementation Reduced GHG Emissions Lessons Learned
2015 Trexler_The Carbon Offset 8-Fold Path (draft)
2016 Barata_Carbon Credits and Additionality
2016 Cames_How additional is the Clean Development Mechanism
2016 Carmichael_The financial additionality and viability of CDM projects allowing for uncertainty $$
2016 CRS_Additionality and Renewable Energy Certificates
2016 Kuriyama_Quantitative Assessment of Certified Emission Reductions from Non-Additional CDM Projects
2016 Murray_Incentivizing the Reduction of Pollution at Dairies How to Address Additionality When Multiple Credit Payments are Combined
2016 Powers_The Role of RECs and Additionality
2016 Thamo_Challenges in developing effective policy for soil carbon sequestration perspectives on additionality leakage and permanence $$
2017 Anderson_Forest offsets partner climate change mitigation with conservation $$
2017 Chiroleu-Assouline_Designing REDD+ contracts to resolve additionality issues
2017 Liu_Baseline manipulation in voluntary carbon offset programs
2017 Marland_Understanding and Analysis: The California Air Resources Board Forest Offset Protocol
2017 Ruseva_Additionality and permanence standards in Californias Forest Offset Protocol
2018 Bottazzi_Payment for environmental Self Service Exploring the links between farmers motivation and additionality $$
2018 Campbell_Barriers to achieving additionality in carbon offsets a regulatory risk perspective $$
2018 Schneider_Environmental integrity of international carbon market mechanisms under the Paris Agreement
2019 Michaelowa_Additionality revisited Guarding the integrity of market mechanisms under the Paris Agreement
2020 Hermville_Reconciling Pretensions and reality The Situation-Ambition Approach for Dynamic Baselines
2021 Ahonen_Safeguarding integrity of market-based cooperation under Article 6 - additionality determination and baseline setting
2021 Michaelowa_Setting crediting baselines under article 6 of the Paris Agreement
2004 Asuka_Additionality reconsidered lax criteria may not benefit developing countries $$
2004 Trexler_Developing Project-Level Emissions Reductions Policy at the State Level
2004 UNIDO_Methodology for baseline and additionality analysis for multiple project categories
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