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I - FishandFisheriesSector
I - MarineSpeciesDistributions
I - OceansandClimate
I - Salmon
I - Trout
S - Fisheries Futures
S - Fisheries Sector
S - Impacts - Fisheries
S - Ocean Acidification Impacts
S - Ocean Impacts
S - Species Impacts
N - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Impacts
N - Fish and Fisheries
N - Ocean Acidification
E - Fisheries Sector
Physical Impacts and Risks TOC
I - BenefitsofClimateChange
I - BoundingFutureImpacts
I - EconomicsofClimateImpacts
I - FingerprintofClimateChange (Deep Dive)
I - ImpactsofDelayingAction
I - IndirectImpactsofClimateChange
I - LongTailClimateRisks - Synonym
I - SocioEconomicImpacts
I - UnacceptableClimateChange
I - VisualizingtheFuture
S - Biodiversity Impacts
S - Drought Impacts
S - Extreme Event Impacts
S - Fire Impacts
S - Flood Impacts
S - Forecasted Extreme Events
S - Hurricanes/Cyclones
S - Ice Impacts
S - Impacts by Region
S - Impacts by Timing
S - Impacts By Degree
S - Impacts of SLR
S - Managing Extreme Event Risk
S - Modeling Extreme Events
S - Ocean Impacts
S - Precipitation Impacts
S - Probabilistic Decision-Making
S - SocioEconomic Impacts
S - Species Impacts
S - Storm Surge
S - Temperature Impacts
N - Agriculture Impacts
N - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Impacts
N - Climate Change and Hurricane Harvey
N - Climate Change and Hurricanes
N - Drought Impacts
N - Economic Impacts
N - Extreme Events
N - Fire Impacts
N - Flooding Impacts
N - Forestry Impacts
N - Glacier Impacts
N - Health Impacts
N - Ocean Acidification
N - Sports Impacts
N - Temperature Impacts
N - US Extremes
N - Water Impacts
T - Climate Impact Networks
T - Climate Impact Tracking
T - Impact Assessment
T - SLR Sea Level Rise Visualizations
T - Visualizing Future Impacts
T - Visualizing the Temperature Record
V - Arctic and Antarctic
V - Climate Futures
V - Extreme Events
V - Oceans and Climate
V - SLR Sea Level Rise
V - Temperature Change
Q - Climate Impacts
E - Climate Change and Harvey
E - Climate Change and Hurricanes
E - Climate Impacts/Risks by Sector
E - Drought Impacts
E - Fingerprint - Fire Regimes
E - Fire Impacts
E - Food Security Impacts
E - Impacts by Degree
E - Impacts by Time Period
E - Impacts by Type
E - Long Tail Risk Impacts
E - Security and Climate
E - Temperature Impacts
N - Ocean Impacts
N - Ocean Acidification
N - Ocean Circulation
N - Ocean Ecosystems
N - Ocean Temperature
2006/11 Salt-Water Fish Extinction Seen By 2048
2007/4 Global warming will make Earth spin faster
Hydrogen Sulfide Gas
2011/4 Warmer oceans release CO2 faster than thought
2012/9 Majority of Coral Reefs Will Be Damaged By 2030 Due to Rising Greenhouse Gases
2013/8 Climate change pushing marine life towards the poles, says study
2013/8 Disappearance of Coral Reefs, Drastically Altered Marine Food Web on the Horizon
2014/2 If Ocean Heat Pump Switches On, Expect to Feel It
2014/7 Driven by Ocean Heat, World Sets Mark for Hottest June
2014/10 Experts Are "Stunned" By How Quickly Oceans Are Warming
2015/6 Nereus Report: Predicting Future Oceans — Climate Change, Oceans & Fisheries
2015/7 New study warns of dangerous climate change risks to the Earth’s oceans
2015/10 Marine food chains at risk of collapse, extensive study of world's oceans finds
2016/4 Climate Change Is Driving Ocean Oxygen Levels Down, And That's a Big Problem For Marine Ecosystems
2016/4 Sydney's corals now bleaching in 'pretty shocking' sign of warming waters
2016/7 Climate models are accurately predicting ocean and global warming
2016/7 Sections of Great Barrier Reef suffering from 'complete ecosystem collapse'
2016/9 Oceans Are Absorbing Almost All of the Globe’s Excess Heat
2016/9 Soaring ocean temperature is 'greatest hidden challenge of our generation'
2016/9 The Climate Could Be More Sensitive to CO2 Than We Think
2016/10 Great Barrier Reef Obituary Goes Viral, To The Horror Of Scientists
2016/10 Great Barrier Reef pronounced dead by scientists
2016/11 Great Barrier Reef scientists confirm largest die-off of corals recorded
2016/12 Scientists confirm that warm ocean water is melting the biggest glacier in East Antarctica
2017/1 The underestimated danger of a breakdown of the Gulf Stream System « RealClimate
2017/1 World's Reefs Caught Up in the Longest Global Coral Bleaching Event Ever Recorded
2017/2 Drastic cooling in North Atlantic beyond worst fears, scientists warn
2017/3 Climate Change Has ‘Permanently’ Changed the Great Barrier Reef
2017/5 Miles of Ice Collapsing Into the Sea
2017/6 New study confirms the oceans are warming rapidly
2017/7 ‘Chasing Coral’ on Netflix Goes Underwater to Highlight Climate Change
2017/8 Climate Change Could Cause Fish to Shrink in Size
2017/8 Hot Spots in a Freezing Ocean Offer Lessons in Climate Change
2017/9 Climate change challenges the survival of fish across the world
2017/9 It takes just 4 years to detect human warming of the oceans
2017/9 Taking the Pulse of the Planet
2017/10 By 2100, Climate Change Could Alter Key Microbial Interactions in the Ocean
2017/10 More acidic oceans 'will affect all sea life'
2017/10 The Most Powerful Evidence Climate Scientists Have of Global Warming
2017/10 Worrying new research finds that the ocean is cutting through a key Antarctic ice shelf
2017/11 As Oceans Warm, the World’s Kelp Forests Begin to Disappear
2017/11 Oceans Are the New Front Line in the Fight Against Climate Change
2017/12 Diatoms' capacity to store carbon in the deep ocean is underestimated
2018/1 Hidden 'dead zones' in the ocean have quadrupled since the '50s, and that's really bad
2018/3 Marine heatwave set off 'carbon bomb' in world's largest seagrass meadow
2018/4 Europe must sea food in a new way thanks to warming waters
2018/4 The oceans’ circulation hasn’t been this sluggish in 1,000 years. That’s bad news.
2018/5 Scientists Say Ocean Circulation Is Slowing. Here’s Why You Should Care.
2018/6 A huge stretch of the Arctic Ocean is rapidly turning into the Atlantic. That’s not a good sign
2018/6 Climate Change May Be Creating A Seafood Trade War, Too
2018/8 Scientists Warn Millions Of Sea Creatures Are "In Real Peril" As Pacific Ocean Temps Rise To New Records
2018/9 Key internet connections and locations at risk from rising seas
2018/10 An ocean heat wave just drove temperatures off Maine to near-trecord highs
2018/10 Earth's oceans have absorbed 60 percent more heat than previously thought
2018/11 Climate change: Oceans 'soaking up more heat than estimated'
2018/11 New findings on ocea warming: 5 questions answered
2018/11 Our oceans are 60% hotter than scientists originally thought, according to a new report
2019/1 2018 was the ocean's hottest year
2019/1 Ocean Warming Is Accelerating Faster Than Thought, New Research Finds
2019/1 The debate is over: The oceans are in hot, hot water
2019/1 Warming of Oceans Is Equivalent to 1.5 Atomic Bombs Every Second Over Past 150 Years
2019/2 Climate change to change color of oceans over next 80 years
2019/3 Heatwaves sweeping oceans ‘like wildfires’, scientists reveal
2019/3 Ocean Heat Waves Are Threatening Marine Life
2019/3 Phytoplankton decline coincides with warming temperatures over the last 150 years
2019/4 As oceans warm, microbes could pump more CO2 back into air, study warns
2019/4 As Oceans Warm, Microbes Could Pump More CO2 Back Into Air, Study Warns
2019/4 Climate change drives collapse of baby corals in Great Barrier Reef
2019/4 Climate change’s deadliest effects are unfolding under the sea
2019/4 Global Warming Is Hitting Ocean Species Hardest, Including Fish Relied on for Food
2019/4 How global warming is causing ocean oxygen levels to fall
2019/4 The ocean’s tallest waves are getting taller
2019/5 CLIMATE: Warming waters spark marine migration, fish wars
2019/5 Single-use plastics a serious climate change hazard, study warns
2019/6 Oceanographers investigate the ocean's carbon-absorbing processes over time
2019/7 Oceans Need Geoengineering Not the Atmosphere
2019/8 Climate change: Marine heatwaves kill coral instantly
2019/8 Example of 'Unknown Unknowns, ' Study Detailing 'Almost Instant Mortality of Corals' Suggests Crisis Worse Than Previously Understood
2019/8 Leaked UN Draft Report Warns Rising, Warming Oceans 'Poised to Unleash Misery' Worldwide
2019/8 Oxygen depletion in ancient oceans caused major mass extinction
2019/8 Stony corals: Limits of adaptation: New study on coral growth in times of climate change
2019/8 Warming Oceans Could ‘Unleash Misery’
2019/9 Journal 'Nature' retracts ocean-warming study
2019/9 Six takeaways from The Post’s analysis of the globe’s fastest-warming areas
2019/9 The World's Oceans Are Losing Power to Stall Climate Change
2019/9 Turning the Tide: Ocean-Based Solutions Could Close Emission Gap by 21%
2019/9 U.N. confirms the ocean is screwed
2019/10 Climate Change Threatens Oceans, Ice Sheets, Sea Level
2019/10 Sea 'Boiling' with Methane Discovered in Siberia: 'No One Has Ever Recorded Anything like This Before'
2019/12 Climate Change: World's oceans are losing oxygen at a dangerous, unprecedented rate as temperatures rise
2020/1 Ocean temperatures hit record high as rate of heating accelerates
2020/1 Ocean Warming Is Speeding Up, with Devastating Consequences, Study Shows
2020/1 Oceans are warming at the same rate as if five Hiroshima bombs were dropped in every second
2020/2 Earth is heating at a rate equivalent to five atomic bombs per second. Or two Hurricane Sandys.
2020/2 Great Barrier Reef on brink of third major coral bleaching in five years, scientists warn
2020/3 Abnormally warm Gulf of Mexico could intensify thunderstorm and hurricane seasons
2020/4 Climate Change: Our Future Depends on What Happens to the Ocean
2020/4 Climate Crisis Weekly: Are our oceans doomed or can they heal?
2020/4 North Atlantic's capacity to absorb CO2 overestimated, study suggests
2020/4 Will Climate Change Threaten Earth's Other ‘Lung’?
2020/5 Climate change in deep oceans could be seven times faster by middle of century, report says
2020/9 New Study Shows a Vicious Circle of Climate Change Building on Thickening Layers of Warm Ocean Water
2020/9 Very Bad News Scientist behind new Study Warn Warming Oceans Contributing to Climate Breakdown
2020/11 Hurricanes weaken more slowly over land as planet warms: study
2021/3 An expert debunks the controversial Netflix doc
2021/3 Bottom trawling releases as much carbon as air travel, landmark study finds
2021/4 Apparent Atlantic warming cycle likely an artifact of climate forcing
2021/4 Barrier Reef doomed as up to 99% of coral at risk, report finds
2021/4 Dangerous 'Heat Bombs' Have Been Entering The Arctic Ocean, Expedition Reveals
2021/7 The extreme heatwave baked sea creatures in their shells in Western Canada
I - OceanAcidification
Headings - News and Opinion
N - Ocean Acidification
News Stories | Blogs
Climate Change and Ocean Acidification
2012/6 Global ocean acidification monitoring network to launch at Rio summit
2012/6 West Coast ocean acidification forecasts
2012/7 Pacific Ocean acid levels jeopardizing marine life
2012/10 Worrisome Measure of Decline at Great Barrier Reef
2013/8 Acidifying oceans will heat the planet more
2013/9 Ocean-acidification 'refugees' move to Hawaii
2013/9 Pacific Ocean takes perilous turn
2013/10 Ocean Acidification and Northwest Shellfish: Did the Seattle Times Get the Story Right?
2013/10 Science and Communication in an Era of Nuance
2013/11 Coastal Ocean Acidification: Answering the Seattle TImes
2014/2 State of the Oceans 2013: Acidification, Overfishing Major Threats to Ecosystem Health
2014/3 The Pacific Ocean Is Turning Sour Much Faster Than Expected, Study Shows
2014/4 Ocean Acidification Could Make Fish Lose Their Fear of Predators, Study Finds
2014/5 Examining how marine life might adapt to acidified oceans
2014/10 ‘The Other CO2 Problem’: How Acidic Oceans Will Cost Our Economy Billions
2014/10 Oceans Could Lose $1 Trillion in Value Due to Acidification
2014/10 U.S. Government Not Doing Enough To Stop Oceans From Turning Acidic
2015/2 Is pH a Red Herring for Ocean Acidification?
2015/8 There Is No Carbon Dioxide 'Technofix, ' Scientists Warn
2016/2 Geoengineering offers no solutions to climate change A study on ocean acidification
2016/2 Scientists Turned Back the Clock on Climate Change
2016/3 CO2 Ocean Acidification History
2016/5 Red Knots Are Battling Climate Change—On Both Ends of the Earth
2017/1 Ocean Acidification Slow Subtle but Deadly
2017/3 'One morning we came in and everything was dead': Climate change and Oregon oysters
2017/4 Climate change could drive coastal food webs to collapse
2017/8 Audio: Can eelgrass save our oysters from ocean acidification?
2019/4 Ocean acidification could have consequences for millions
2019/8 Acid oceans are shrinking plankton, fuelling faster climate change
2019/9 IPCC: humans are making oceans hostile to life
2019/10 Study confirms fear that intense ocean acidification portends ecological catastrophe: ‘We have been warned’
2020/1 Crab larvae off Oregon and Washington suffering shell damage from ocean acidification, new research shows
2020/1 Pacific Ocean’s rising acidity causes Dungeness crabs’ shells to dissolve
2020/1 The Pacific Ocean is so acidic that it's dissolving Dungeness crabs' shells
2020/8 Time to Get Serious about Climate Change and Oceans
I - FishandFisheriesSector
I - MarineSpeciesDistributions
I - OceansandClimate
I - Salmon
I - Trout
S - Fisheries Futures
S - Fisheries Sector
S - Impacts - Fisheries
S - Ocean Acidification Impacts
S - Ocean Impacts
S - Species Impacts
N - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Impacts
N - Fish and Fisheries
N - Ocean Acidification
E - Fisheries Sector
Physical Impacts and Risks TOC
I - BenefitsofClimateChange
I - BoundingFutureImpacts
I - EconomicsofClimateImpacts
I - FingerprintofClimateChange (Deep Dive)
I - ImpactsofDelayingAction
I - IndirectImpactsofClimateChange
I - LongTailClimateRisks - Synonym
I - SocioEconomicImpacts
I - UnacceptableClimateChange
I - VisualizingtheFuture
S - Biodiversity Impacts
S - Drought Impacts
S - Extreme Event Impacts
S - Fire Impacts
S - Flood Impacts
S - Forecasted Extreme Events
S - Hurricanes/Cyclones
S - Ice Impacts
S - Impacts by Region
S - Impacts by Timing
S - Impacts By Degree
S - Impacts of SLR
S - Managing Extreme Event Risk
S - Modeling Extreme Events
S - Ocean Impacts
S - Precipitation Impacts
S - Probabilistic Decision-Making
S - SocioEconomic Impacts
S - Species Impacts
S - Storm Surge
S - Temperature Impacts
N - Agriculture Impacts
N - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Impacts
N - Climate Change and Hurricane Harvey
N - Climate Change and Hurricanes
N - Drought Impacts
N - Economic Impacts
N - Extreme Events
N - Fire Impacts
N - Flooding Impacts
N - Forestry Impacts
N - Glacier Impacts
N - Health Impacts
N - Ocean Acidification
N - Sports Impacts
N - Temperature Impacts
N - US Extremes
N - Water Impacts
T - Climate Impact Networks
T - Climate Impact Tracking
T - Impact Assessment
T - SLR Sea Level Rise Visualizations
T - Visualizing Future Impacts
T - Visualizing the Temperature Record
V - Arctic and Antarctic
V - Climate Futures
V - Extreme Events
V - Oceans and Climate
V - SLR Sea Level Rise
V - Temperature Change
Q - Climate Impacts
E - Climate Change and Harvey
E - Climate Change and Hurricanes
E - Climate Impacts/Risks by Sector
E - Drought Impacts
E - Fingerprint - Fire Regimes
E - Fire Impacts
E - Food Security Impacts
E - Impacts by Degree
E - Impacts by Time Period
E - Impacts by Type
E - Long Tail Risk Impacts
E - Security and Climate
E - Temperature Impacts
N - Ocean Impacts
N - Ocean Acidification
N - Ocean Circulation
N - Ocean Ecosystems
N - Ocean Temperature
2006/11 Salt-Water Fish Extinction Seen By 2048
2007/4 Global warming will make Earth spin faster
Hydrogen Sulfide Gas
2011/4 Warmer oceans release CO2 faster than thought
2012/9 Majority of Coral Reefs Will Be Damaged By 2030 Due to Rising Greenhouse Gases
2013/8 Climate change pushing marine life towards the poles, says study
2013/8 Disappearance of Coral Reefs, Drastically Altered Marine Food Web on the Horizon
2014/2 If Ocean Heat Pump Switches On, Expect to Feel It
2014/7 Driven by Ocean Heat, World Sets Mark for Hottest June
2014/10 Experts Are "Stunned" By How Quickly Oceans Are Warming
2015/6 Nereus Report: Predicting Future Oceans — Climate Change, Oceans & Fisheries
2015/7 New study warns of dangerous climate change risks to the Earth’s oceans
2015/10 Marine food chains at risk of collapse, extensive study of world's oceans finds
2016/4 Climate Change Is Driving Ocean Oxygen Levels Down, And That's a Big Problem For Marine Ecosystems
2016/4 Sydney's corals now bleaching in 'pretty shocking' sign of warming waters
2016/7 Climate models are accurately predicting ocean and global warming
2016/7 Sections of Great Barrier Reef suffering from 'complete ecosystem collapse'
2016/9 Oceans Are Absorbing Almost All of the Globe’s Excess Heat
2016/9 Soaring ocean temperature is 'greatest hidden challenge of our generation'
2016/9 The Climate Could Be More Sensitive to CO2 Than We Think
2016/10 Great Barrier Reef Obituary Goes Viral, To The Horror Of Scientists
2016/10 Great Barrier Reef pronounced dead by scientists
2016/11 Great Barrier Reef scientists confirm largest die-off of corals recorded
2016/12 Scientists confirm that warm ocean water is melting the biggest glacier in East Antarctica
2017/1 The underestimated danger of a breakdown of the Gulf Stream System « RealClimate
2017/1 World's Reefs Caught Up in the Longest Global Coral Bleaching Event Ever Recorded
2017/2 Drastic cooling in North Atlantic beyond worst fears, scientists warn
2017/3 Climate Change Has ‘Permanently’ Changed the Great Barrier Reef
2017/5 Miles of Ice Collapsing Into the Sea
2017/6 New study confirms the oceans are warming rapidly
2017/7 ‘Chasing Coral’ on Netflix Goes Underwater to Highlight Climate Change
2017/8 Climate Change Could Cause Fish to Shrink in Size
2017/8 Hot Spots in a Freezing Ocean Offer Lessons in Climate Change
2017/9 Climate change challenges the survival of fish across the world
2017/9 It takes just 4 years to detect human warming of the oceans
2017/9 Taking the Pulse of the Planet
2017/10 By 2100, Climate Change Could Alter Key Microbial Interactions in the Ocean
2017/10 More acidic oceans 'will affect all sea life'
2017/10 The Most Powerful Evidence Climate Scientists Have of Global Warming
2017/10 Worrying new research finds that the ocean is cutting through a key Antarctic ice shelf
2017/11 As Oceans Warm, the World’s Kelp Forests Begin to Disappear
2017/11 Oceans Are the New Front Line in the Fight Against Climate Change
2017/12 Diatoms' capacity to store carbon in the deep ocean is underestimated
2018/1 Hidden 'dead zones' in the ocean have quadrupled since the '50s, and that's really bad
2018/3 Marine heatwave set off 'carbon bomb' in world's largest seagrass meadow
2018/4 Europe must sea food in a new way thanks to warming waters
2018/4 The oceans’ circulation hasn’t been this sluggish in 1,000 years. That’s bad news.
2018/5 Scientists Say Ocean Circulation Is Slowing. Here’s Why You Should Care.
2018/6 A huge stretch of the Arctic Ocean is rapidly turning into the Atlantic. That’s not a good sign
2018/6 Climate Change May Be Creating A Seafood Trade War, Too
2018/8 Scientists Warn Millions Of Sea Creatures Are "In Real Peril" As Pacific Ocean Temps Rise To New Records
2018/9 Key internet connections and locations at risk from rising seas
2018/10 An ocean heat wave just drove temperatures off Maine to near-trecord highs
2018/10 Earth's oceans have absorbed 60 percent more heat than previously thought
2018/11 Climate change: Oceans 'soaking up more heat than estimated'
2018/11 New findings on ocea warming: 5 questions answered
2018/11 Our oceans are 60% hotter than scientists originally thought, according to a new report
2019/1 2018 was the ocean's hottest year
2019/1 Ocean Warming Is Accelerating Faster Than Thought, New Research Finds
2019/1 The debate is over: The oceans are in hot, hot water
2019/1 Warming of Oceans Is Equivalent to 1.5 Atomic Bombs Every Second Over Past 150 Years
2019/2 Climate change to change color of oceans over next 80 years
2019/3 Heatwaves sweeping oceans ‘like wildfires’, scientists reveal
2019/3 Ocean Heat Waves Are Threatening Marine Life
2019/3 Phytoplankton decline coincides with warming temperatures over the last 150 years
2019/4 As oceans warm, microbes could pump more CO2 back into air, study warns
2019/4 As Oceans Warm, Microbes Could Pump More CO2 Back Into Air, Study Warns
2019/4 Climate change drives collapse of baby corals in Great Barrier Reef
2019/4 Climate change’s deadliest effects are unfolding under the sea
2019/4 Global Warming Is Hitting Ocean Species Hardest, Including Fish Relied on for Food
2019/4 How global warming is causing ocean oxygen levels to fall
2019/4 The ocean’s tallest waves are getting taller
2019/5 CLIMATE: Warming waters spark marine migration, fish wars
2019/5 Single-use plastics a serious climate change hazard, study warns
2019/6 Oceanographers investigate the ocean's carbon-absorbing processes over time
2019/7 Oceans Need Geoengineering Not the Atmosphere
2019/8 Climate change: Marine heatwaves kill coral instantly
2019/8 Example of 'Unknown Unknowns, ' Study Detailing 'Almost Instant Mortality of Corals' Suggests Crisis Worse Than Previously Understood
2019/8 Leaked UN Draft Report Warns Rising, Warming Oceans 'Poised to Unleash Misery' Worldwide
2019/8 Oxygen depletion in ancient oceans caused major mass extinction
2019/8 Stony corals: Limits of adaptation: New study on coral growth in times of climate change
2019/8 Warming Oceans Could ‘Unleash Misery’
2019/9 Journal 'Nature' retracts ocean-warming study
2019/9 Six takeaways from The Post’s analysis of the globe’s fastest-warming areas
2019/9 The World's Oceans Are Losing Power to Stall Climate Change
2019/9 Turning the Tide: Ocean-Based Solutions Could Close Emission Gap by 21%
2019/9 U.N. confirms the ocean is screwed
2019/10 Climate Change Threatens Oceans, Ice Sheets, Sea Level
2019/10 Sea 'Boiling' with Methane Discovered in Siberia: 'No One Has Ever Recorded Anything like This Before'
2019/12 Climate Change: World's oceans are losing oxygen at a dangerous, unprecedented rate as temperatures rise
2020/1 Ocean temperatures hit record high as rate of heating accelerates
2020/1 Ocean Warming Is Speeding Up, with Devastating Consequences, Study Shows
2020/1 Oceans are warming at the same rate as if five Hiroshima bombs were dropped in every second
2020/2 Earth is heating at a rate equivalent to five atomic bombs per second. Or two Hurricane Sandys.
2020/2 Great Barrier Reef on brink of third major coral bleaching in five years, scientists warn
2020/3 Abnormally warm Gulf of Mexico could intensify thunderstorm and hurricane seasons
2020/4 Climate Change: Our Future Depends on What Happens to the Ocean
2020/4 Climate Crisis Weekly: Are our oceans doomed or can they heal?
2020/4 North Atlantic's capacity to absorb CO2 overestimated, study suggests
2020/4 Will Climate Change Threaten Earth's Other ‘Lung’?
2020/5 Climate change in deep oceans could be seven times faster by middle of century, report says
2020/9 New Study Shows a Vicious Circle of Climate Change Building on Thickening Layers of Warm Ocean Water
2020/9 Very Bad News Scientist behind new Study Warn Warming Oceans Contributing to Climate Breakdown
2020/11 Hurricanes weaken more slowly over land as planet warms: study
2021/3 An expert debunks the controversial Netflix doc
2021/3 Bottom trawling releases as much carbon as air travel, landmark study finds
2021/4 Apparent Atlantic warming cycle likely an artifact of climate forcing
2021/4 Barrier Reef doomed as up to 99% of coral at risk, report finds
2021/4 Dangerous 'Heat Bombs' Have Been Entering The Arctic Ocean, Expedition Reveals
2021/7 The extreme heatwave baked sea creatures in their shells in Western Canada
I - OceanAcidification