Aviation Offsets and Deforestation
Aviation Sector Decision-Making
Carbon Offsets
I - AviationSectorOffsets
I - AviationSectorResponses
I - AvoidedDeforestation
I - TropicalDeforestation
S - Forestry Offsets
S - Offsets as Aviation Mitigation Strategy
S - REDD and REDD+
N - Aviation Offsets
1994 Trexler_Keeping it Green- Tropical Forestry Opportunities to Mitigate Climate Change
2007 Gossling_Voluntary Carbon Offsetting Schemes for Aviation
2008 SEI_Carbon Offsetting and Air Travel part 1
2009 Carbon Trust_Fasten your seat belt Airlines and cap and trade
2011 IMF_Market Based Instruments for International Aviation and Shipping as a Source of Climate Finance
2013 Fads, Funding, and Forgetting in Three Decades of Conservation, Conservation Biology
2013 Lee_Bridging the aviation CO2 emissions gap: why emissions trading is needed
2014 Cames_ACOS An Aviation Carbon Offset Scheme PPT
2015 Busch_The Future of Forests: Emissions From Tropical Deforestation With and Without a Carbon Price, 2016-2050
2016 Avila_REDD+ in ICAO Ready for Takeoff
2016 Bailis_Supply and sustainability of carbon offsets and alternative fuels for international aviation
2016 CI_Linking Flight and Forests: The Essential Role of Forests
2016 ICAO_Working Paper Global Market-Based Measure Scheme
2016 ICS_Aviation industry plan to offset emissions is serious distraction from need to reduce emissions
2016 Zelljadt_Offsetting in the aviation sector Evaluating voluntary offset programs of major airlines
2017 Becken_What role for offsetting aviation greenhouse gas emissions in a deep-cut carbon world?
2017 Schneider_Using the Clean Development Mechanism for nationally determined contributions and international aviation
2017 Stanford Woods Institute_Forests Contribute to Californias Climate Change Goals
2014/3 ICAO groups start work on developing a global market-based measure for international aviation emissions on GreenAir Online
2016/6 Can offsets and biofuels make future international aviation growth carbon neutral?
2016/9 ICAO's Carbon-Offsetting Scheme Not Adequate, Groups Say
2016/10 Airline Pollution Deal Hinges on Complex World of Carbon Offsets
2016/10 Climate Deal Seen as a Win for Airlines, Less So for Earth
2016/10 ICAO Approves Carbon-Offsetting Scheme for Global Aviation
2016/10 Will Aviation Climate Deal Help Save Forests?
2016/11 How Aviation’s Carbon Market Could Undercut the Paris Agreement
2017/9 Carbon offsetting can play an important role in achieving airlines' climate goals, says study, but finds low level of understanding on GreenAir Online
2017/12 A win-win solution for the aviation industry and REDD+
2017/12 Here's a great way to visualize the huge potential of forest conservation and restoration as ‘natural climate solutions’
2018/3 ICAO and forest offsets Substantial opportunities and exceptional benefits (commentary)
2018/3 Robust eligibility restrictions for offset credits are needed for CORSIA to truly compensate for the growth in aviation’s carbon emissions
2015 2020 MAC curve for forest loss, multiple studies5
2015 Forecasted Deforestation Emissions to 2050
2015 Forecasted forest loss business as usual
2015 MACC curves, this study, multiple time periods
2016 Per passenger forecasted cost
Air travel vs. driving
Cumulative emissions reductions
2015 Drivers of forest loss in the tropics 20000-2010
2015 Impact of Carbon Prices on Forecasted Forestry Emissions
2015 The commodities putting forests at risk
The cost of the deal
2015 Protection of forests & aviation sector
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