Categories of Team Urgency Moves
Team Urgency Aviation Moves
Team Urgency Chess Moves
All actors should make emissions reductions a core goal of all travel or aviation related policies 16, 436
All actors should make emissions reductions a core goal of all travel or aviation related policies 16, 436
Congress could adopt any economy wide carbon trading or tax measure, including aviation 16, 431
Congress could create a new climate-based aviation tax 16, 432
Congress could increase fuel taxes for domestic aviation 16, 432
Congress could increase taxes on international flights leaving U.S. 16, 432
Congress could increase taxes on passenger tickets 16, 432
Congress could require airlines to use a growing biofuels mix 16, 434
Congress should apportion aviation tax revenues to support international development to help mitigate impacts on developing countries 16, 443
Congress should consider a "frequent flyer levy" to address equity concerns with avaiation emissions measures 16, 443
Congress should expand the scope of the CAA to include aviation emissions if future EPA regulation of aviation is struck down by the courts 16, 434
Congress should repeal the EU ETS Probition Act 16, 441
Congress should review aviation taxes and charges to assess adequacy in light of aviation's climate impact 16, 432
Congress should review aviation taxes and charges to assess adequacy in light of aviation's climate impact 16, 432
DOT’s Essential Air Service program could take into account communities that will be isolated by rising price of aviation as climate policies are implemented while ensuring that it minimizes emissions. 16, 443
EPA should adopt a CO2 emissions standard for aircraft that includes a benchmark intensity system with tradable permits. 16, 433
EPA should adopt and implement the International Civil Aviation Organization CO2 standard as domestic law. 16, 425
EPA should consider a “frequent flyer levy” in the United States when measures it proposes to reduce aviation emissions raise significant equity concerns. 16, 443
EPA should consider adopting the International Civil Aviation Organization’s Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation into domestic law. 16, 440
FAA could redesign its Voluntary Airport Low Emissions Program to ensure that mitigation and adaptation to climate change are core program priorities. 16, 435
FAA could review all the taxes and charges placed on the aviation industry with the objective of considering whether they are adequate in light of aviation’s climate impact. 16, 432
FAA could review all the taxes and charges placed on the aviation industry with the objective of considering whether they are adequate in light of aviation’s climate impact. 16, 432
FAA should consider a “frequent flyer levy” in the United States when measures it proposes to reduce aviation emissions raise significant equity concerns. 16, 443
FAA should consider a “frequent flyer levy” in the United States when measures it proposes to reduce aviation emissions raise significant equity concerns. 16, 443
FAA should reconsider its guidelines on state aviation taxes and redesign them to allow states to adopt appropriate taxes to reduce aviation emissions. 16, 443
FAA should reconsider its guidelines on state aviation taxes and redesign them to allow states to adopt appropriate taxes to reduce aviation emissions. 16, 443
Federal govt. should lead in UNFCCC to set aviation sector goal in light of Paris temperature goals 16, 441
Federal govt. should make emissions reductions core to all travel and aviation policies 16, 435
Federal govt. should negotiate air service agreements to allow taxation of fuel in international aviation 16, 440
Federal govt. should negotiate air service agreements to allow taxation of fuel in international aviation 16, 440
Federal govt. should prioritize demand reduction and operations to reduce flight emissions over actions that could increase non-CO2 GHGs 16, 442
Federal govt. should work with EU on joint aviation emissions reduction measures 16, 441
Individuals could purchase very high quality offsets when they decide to fly 16, 437
Individuals could purchase very high quality offsets when they decide to fly 16, 437
Individuals could purchase very high quality offsets when they decide to fly 16, 437
Individuals could purchase very high quality offsets when they decide to fly 16, 437
State govts. should make emissions reductions a goal of all travel and aviation policies 16, 436
States should raise fuel tax to the extent possible under FAA rules 16, 432
States should raise fuel tax to the extent possible under FAA rules 16, 432
States should review all aviation taxes and charges to assess adequacy in light of aviation's climate impacts 16, 432
States should review all aviation taxes and charges to assess adequacy in light of aviation's climate impacts 16, 432
The airline industry should undertake voluntary aviation emissions reduction measures 16, 435
The airline industry should undertake voluntary aviation emissions reduction measures 16, 435
The president should align the policy goals of various agencies and departments to work to reduce aviation emissions to the maximum possible extent. 16, 441
The president should align the policy goals of various agencies and departments to work to reduce aviation emissions to the maximum possible extent. 16, 441
The private sector should enable or encourage less flying 16, 437
The private sector should enable or encourage less flying 16, 437
The U.S. Dept of State should interpret air service agreements to state explicitly that the US interprets “on the basis of reciprocity” to mean that either Party to the air service agreement can start taxing international aviation fuel at any time. 16, 441
U.S. agencies and departments should push for a much more stringent International Civil Aviation Organization CO2 standard in any future revision of the standard. 16, 438
U.S. airports should consider full LC sustainabiity of any offsets included in the Airports Council International Airport Carbon Accreditation program before participating 16, 435
U.S. airports should participate in the FAA Voluntary Airport Low Emissions Program and in Europe's voluntary Airport Carbon Accreditation progra 16, 434
When new air service agreements are negotiated or existing ones renegotiated, the U.S. Dept of State should ensure that taxation of fuel used in international aviation is allowed, or required. 16, 441
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