Climate Story-Telling Core Library
2005 Kurzweil_The Singularity is Near
2009 Friedman_The Next 100 Years
2010 Bacigalupi_The Windup Girl
2010 Brockman_This Will Change Everything
2010 Heinberg_The Post Carbon Reader
2010 Smith The World in 2050
2011 Powell_2084 - An Oral History of the Great Warming
2012 Bacigalupi_The Drowned Cities
2012 Diamandis_Abundance - The Future is Better Than You Think
2013 Oreskes_The Collapse of Western Civilization A View from the Future
2013 Rich_Odds Against Tomorrow
2014 Bacigalupi_The Doubt Factory
2014 Wood_Anticipating 2025: A guide to the radical changes that may lie ahead, whether or not we're ready
2015 Scranton_Learning to Die in the Anthropocene: Reflections on the End of a Civilization
2000 National Intelligence Council_Global Trends 2015: A Dialogue About the Future With Nongovernmental Experts
2004 NIC Global Trends_Mapping the Global Future 2020 Project
2005 Raskin_Great Transition - The Promise and Lure of the Times Ahead
2006 Raskin_The Great Transition Today A Report from the Future
2008 NIC_Global Trends 2025
2008 Randers_Global collapse Fact or fiction?
2010 CSIRO_Our Future World - an analysis of global trends, shocks and scenarios
2012, Glenn_2012 State of the Future
2012 NIC_Global Trends 2030 Alternative Worlds
2012 The Future in 50 100 and 150 years
2014 CitiGPS_Future Opportunities Future Shocks
2014 Dauncey_A Positive Vision of a Sustainable Future PPT
2014 Dauncey_Utopia: The remedy for apocalypse PPT
2014 DGR_Three Decisive Ecological Warfare Scenarios
2014 FutureEarth_Strategic Research Agenda 2014
2014 Turner_Is Global Collapse Imminent
2015 Alperovitz_The Next System Project New Political Economic Possibilities for the 21st Century
2016 Dauncey_Journey to the Future A Better World is Possible PPT
2018 Steffen_Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene
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