Security and Climate Change Core Library
2007 Lynas_Six Degrees Our Future on a Hotter Planet
2008 Campbell Climatic Cataclysm The Foreign Policy and National Security Implications of Climate Change $$
2011 Moran_Climate Change and National Security A Country-Level Analysis
2015 Boas_Climate Migration and Security: Securitisation as a Strategy in Climate Change Politics
2015 Marzec_Militarizing the Environment: Climate Change and the Security State
2003 Schwartz_An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and its Implications for National Security
2007 Barnett_Climate change, human security and violent conflict
2007 Busby_Climate Change and National Security: An Agenda for Action
2007 CNA_National Security and the Threat of Climate Change #4
2008 Buhaug Implications of Climate Change for Armed Conflict
2008 Burke_Uncharted Waters - US Navy and Navigating Climate Change
2008 CNAS Clout and Climate Change War Game Participant Briefing Book
2008 Fingar_National Intelligence Assessment on National Security Implications of CC to 2030
2009 Burke_Warming increases the risk of civil war in Africa
2009 CNA_Powering America's Defense: Energy and Risks to National Security
2009 NIC_India Impact of Climate Change to 2030
2009 Youngblut_Climate Change Effects - Issues for International and US National Security
2010 Carmen Broadening Horizons: Climate Change and the US Armed Forces
2010 Parthemore Promoting the Dialogue: Climate Change and US Ground Forces
2010 Rogers Lost in Translation Closing Gap Between Climate Change and National Security
2011 Mabey_Degrees of Risk -- Defining a Risk Management Framework for Climate Security
2011 NRC National Security Implications of Climate change for U.S. Naval Forces
2011 St. John_Applying Science to Assess Climate Risk
2012 American Security Project_Military Basing and Climate Change
2012 Backus_Risk Assessment of Climate Systems for National Security
2012 Briggs_Climate security, risk assessment and military planning
2012 GGI_Climate change and security - adapting the discussion to the evidence
2012 Huebert_Climate Change and International Security: The Arctic as a Bellweather
2012 McElroy_Climate Extremes: Recent Trends with Implications for National Security
2013 Holland The Global Security Defense Index on Climate Change
2013 Werrell_The Arab Spring and Climate Change
2014 Busby_Identifying hot spots of security vulnerability associated with climate change in Africa
2014 CNA_National Security and the Accelerating Risks of Climate Change
2014 DOD_Quadrennial Defense Review
2014 Gemenne_Climate and security: evidence, emerging risks, and a new agenda $$
2014 Hsiang_Quantifying the Influence of Climate on Human Conflict
2014 IPCC_AR5_Defence_Briefing_WEB_EN__
2014 Olson_SLR and Extreme Events Implications for Emergency Management and National Security Professionals
2014 PNNL_The Intersection of National Security and Climate Change - Informing Decision Makers
2014 Wischnath_On climate variability and civil war in Asia
2015 DOD_National Security Implications of Climate Related Risks
2015 Werrell_The U.S. Asia-Pacific Rebalance National Security and Climate Change
2016 ELI_ Dangerous Intersection Climate Change and National Security
2016 NIC_Implications for US National Security of Anticipated Climate Change
2017 Thomas_Fish Food Security and Future Conflict Epicenters
2017 Werrell_Epicenters of climate and security: The new geostrategic landscape
2018 Coats_Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community
2018 DoD_Climate-Related Risk to DoD Infrastructure Initial Vulnerability Assessment Survey Report
2019 Spratt_Existential climate-related security risk A scenario approach
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