2030 Climate Change
S - Climate Change in 2030
N - Climate Change in 2030
V - The World in 2030
E - 2020 - 2030 Low Carbon Pathways
E - Emissions Scenarios 2030
E - Renewables in 2030
E - The World in 2030
2030 Future Technology
2030 Palette
California 2030 Low Carbon Grid Study LCGS
Global Trends 2030
REmap 2030 - A Renewable Energy Roadmap
Adapt 2030
1900-2100 (2008) Change in daily heavy precipitation events, with uncertainty
1900-2100 (2008) Increase in % of warm nights for North America, with uncertainty
1900-2100 (2010) Changes in permafrost coverage to 2100
1900-2100 (2012) Estimated ocean acidification under alternative emissions scenarios
1980-2040 (2009) Decreasing habitat for coldwater fish
1980-2100 (2014) North Hemisphere near-surface permafrost area to 2100
1980-2100 (2014) Northern Hemisphere snow cover change to 2100
1980-2100 (2014) Number of days over 95o (F) RCP 8.5 Median and 1 in 20 chance
1980-2100 (2015) Change in after number of days over 95 degrees (F) Median and 1 in 20 chance estimates
2000-2060 (2016) Change in coastal population exposure by country
2030 (2017) Climate change could raise extreme poverty significantly
2030 (2020) Vulnerability of global infrastructure assets
2030-2050 - Change in surface water supply
2030-2050 (2020) # of countries with GDP at risk from reduced effective working hours
2030-2050 (2020) Average land and sea surface temperature anomaly under RCP 4.5 and 8.5
2030-2050 (2020) GDP at risk from impact on effective working hours
2030-2050 (2020) Increase in 50-year precipitation events
2030-2050 (2020) Lethal heat wave probabilities in India
2030-2050 (2020) Lethal heat wave probability
2030-2050 (2020) Probability of drought across Africa
2030-2050 (2020) Probability of drought in Meditteranean
2030-2050 (2020) Probability of lost working hours in India
2030-2050 (2020) Regional increase in average annual temperature
2030-2050 (2020) Regional temperature changes against global RCP 8.5 scenario
2030-2050 (2020) Risk of >15% global yield failure increases 2x and 5x
2030-2050 Change in global drought likelihood
2010-2100 (2015) Probability that today’s 30-year floods will occur in a given year regionally
2010-2100 Regional Warming under 3 scenarios
2018-2050 (2020) Countries with lowest GDP per capita face biggest climate risk increaseunder RCP 8.5
2018-2050 (2020) How countries group by vulnerability to climate risks
2020-2050 (2020) Increase in long tail risk of hurricane damages in Florida
2020-2090 (2010) Good example of IPCC projections of change between 2020 and 2090
2020-2100 (2014) Changes in NYC 100-year flood zones
2030 - 2050 (2020) Anticipated temperature change across Africa
1.5 degrees by 2030
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