InfluenceMap Publications
General Structure Thoughts
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Corporate Lobbying, InfluenceMap
2015 Influence Map_The COP21 Guide to Corporate Climate Lobbying
2016 InfluenceMap_A tipping point in corporate attitudes in climate policy
2016 InfluenceMap_Apple scores an A for support of ambitious climate policy
2016 InfluenceMap_Climate risk disclosure since the Paris Agreement
2016 InfluenceMap_Greenhouse gas emissions regulations The automakers disclose to investors
2016 InfluenceMap_How much big oil spends on obstructive climate lobbying
2017 InfluenceMap_Corporate Capture of the UN International Maritime Organization
2017 InfluenceMap_Corporate Carbon Policy Footprint
2017 InfluenceMap_Japan's Energy Choices to 2020
2018 Influence Map_Decision time for the IMO on climate
2018 Influence Map_The A-List of Climate Policy Engagement
2018 Influence Map_Trade associations and climate - shareholders make themselves heard
2018 InfluenceMap_How the US Auto Industry is Dismantling the Worlds Most Successful Climate Policy
2018 InfluenceMap_Who Owns the Worlds Fossil Fuels
2019 InfluenceMap_Asset Managers and Climate Change
2019 InfluenceMap_Big Oils Real Agenda on Climate Change
2019 InfluenceMap_The EUs Long Term Climate Ambition Whos on Board and Whos Not
2020 InfluenceMap_Necessary Intervention or Excessive Risk Corporate bond risk
2021 InfluenceMap_The A-List of Climate Policy Engagement 2021
2022 InfluenceMap_Big Oil’s Real Agenda on Climate Change
2022 InfuenceMap_The International Gas Unions Climate Strategy
2019/3 Big Oil’s Real Agenda on Climate Change
InfluenceMap Scoring Table (Corporations and Influencers)
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